var inputParameters = Duplicate(arguments.parameters);
var currentValue = arguments.value; // the field's current value
var readOnly = (arguments.displayMode EQ 'readonly') ? true : false;
var opts = 0;
var maxOpts = 20;
// If needed, covert comma-delimited (",") list to pipe-delimited list ("|")
if ( ListLen(currentValue,",") GT 0 )
currentValue = ListChangeDelims(currentValue,"|",",");
renderJSFunctions(argumentCollection=arguments, fieldParameters=inputParameters);
var inputParameters = Duplicate(arguments.fieldParameters);
var currentValue = arguments.value; // the field's current value
// If needed, covert comma-delimited (",") list to pipe-delimited list ("|")
if ( ListLen(currentValue,",") GT 0 )
currentValue = ListChangeDelims(currentValue,"|",",");
private boolean function isMultiline()
return true;
private any function getValidationJS(required string formName, required string fieldName, required boolean isRequired)
if (arguments.isRequired)
return 'hasValue(document.#arguments.formName#.#arguments.fieldName#, "TEXT")';
return "";
private string function getValidationMsg()
return "Please enter at least one question in the #arguments.label# fields.";
public string function getResourceDependencies()
return listAppend(super.getResourceDependencies(), "jQuery,JQuerySelectboxes");
public string function loadResourceDependencies()