// initialize some of the attributes variables typeid = attributes.typeid; prefix = attributes.prefix; formname = attributes.formname; currentValues = attributes.currentValues; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoCategory") ) currentValues.photoCategory = ""; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "catFldName") ) currentValues.catFldName = ""; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "includeImgGalleryFldName") ) currentValues.includeImgGalleryFldName = ""; // Get the data for the Photo Categories photoCatDataArray = application.ptPhotoGallery.photoDAO.getCategories();
Default Photo Category:
Photo Category Field Name:
Please enter the category field name in the Element.

Include Image Gallery Field Name:
If using the Image Gallery, enter the field name for the Include in Image Gallery field.