// initialize some of the attributes variables typeid = attributes.typeid; prefix = attributes.prefix; formname = attributes.formname; currentValues = attributes.currentValues; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoFieldID") ) currentValues.photoFieldID = ""; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoFormRender") ) currentValues.photoFormRender = "form"; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoCategoryID") ) currentValues.photoCategoryID = ""; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoFieldStore") ) currentValues.photoFieldStore = "photoID"; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoUploadNameField") ) currentValues.photoUploadNameField = "photo"; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "photoIDNameField") ) currentValues.photoIDNameField = "photoID"; // Get the element fields for the photo CE elementFldQry = application.ptPhotoGallery.ceData.getElementFieldsByFormID(formid=application.ptPhotoGallery.getPhotoFormID());
Render Options:
checked="checked"> Full Photo Form
This option will display the full photo form to enter the photo name, abstract, category select, and upload form.
checked="checked"> Upload Dialog
This option will open only the photo upload dialog and set the category to the selected default category field below.

Default Category:
Select the photo category for the photo crop size requirements.

Photo Field to Store: checked="checked">Photo ID
checked="checked">Photo URL
Select the photo field value to store as the value when the photo upload is completed.

Photo ID Field Name:
Custom element field name for the Photo ID field.
Photo Upload Field Name:
Custom element field name for the Photo Upload field.
Photo Field ID:
JavaScript field ID for the Photo field within the form.