// the fields current value currentValue = attributes.currentValues[fqFieldName]; // the param structure which will hold all of the fields from the props dialog xparams = parameters[fieldQuery.inputID]; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "titleFldID") ) xparams.titleFldID = ""; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "fldID") ) xparams.fldID = fqFieldName; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "fldClass") ) xparams.fldClass = ""; if ( not structKeyExists(xparams, "fldSize") ) xparams.fldSize = "40"; // find if we need to render the simple form field renderSimpleFormField = false; if ( (StructKeyExists(request, "simpleformexists")) AND (request.simpleformexists EQ 1) ) renderSimpleFormField = true; // Load JQuery application.ptPhotoGallery.scripts.loadJQuery(); // Determine if we have a value to make the field editable if ( LEN(currentValue) OR currentValue != '' ) allowFieldEdit = false; else allowFieldEdit = true; class="#xparams.fldClass#" tabindex="#rendertabindex#" readonly="true"> #currentValue# #application.ADF.forms.wrapFieldHTML(inputHTML,fieldQuery,attributes)#