variables.version = "1.3";
variables.svnBuild = "28";
application.ptNews.version = variables.version;
application.ptNews.svnBuild = variables.svnBuild;
// Load the app config
application.ptNews.appConfig = getAppConfig(appBeanName="ptNews");
// Set the News Listing Page URL based on the Page ID in the config
var pageComponent = "";
var pageInfo = "";
// Set the News Listing Page URL based on the Page ID in the config
if ( StructKeyExists(application.ptNews.appConfig, "news_listing_pageID")
AND ( LEN(application.ptNews.appConfig.news_listing_pageID) ) ){
/* COMMENTED OUT - API THROWS CFERROR if the PAGEID arg is not valid within the site.
// Call the Command API to get the page info
pageComponent = Server.CommonSpot.api.getObject('page');
pageInfo = pageComponent.getInfo(pageID=VAL(application.ptNews.appConfig.news_listing_pageID));
// Set the page URL back into the app config
if ( StructKeyExists(pageInfo, "URL") )
application.ptNews.appConfig.news_listing_pageURL = pageInfo.URL;
application.ptNews.appConfig.news_listing_pageURL = application.ptNews.csData.getCSPageURL(VAL(application.ptNews.appConfig.news_listing_pageID));