if ( NOT StructKeyExists(request.params, "year") ) request.params.year = Year(now()); if ( NOT StructKeyExists(request.params, "month") ) request.params.month = MONTH(now()); monthFilterText = "Filter by Month:"; goButtonText = "Go"; allOptionText = "All"; currentYearStart = ""; currentMonthStart = ""; // Get all the potential month and year values newsPubDatesList = application.ptNews.ceData.getCEFieldValues("News Article", "publicationDate"); if ( ListLen(newsPubDatesList) ){ monthStart = MONTH(ListFirst(newsPubDatesList)); yearStart = YEAR(ListFirst(newsPubDatesList)); monthEnd = MONTH(ListLast(newsPubDatesList)); yearEnd = YEAR(ListLast(newsPubDatesList)); } else { monthStart = MONTH(now()); yearStart = YEAR(now()); monthEnd = MONTH(now()); yearEnd = YEAR(now()); } // if the user selected "all" for the year then use the first known year. if ( request.params.year EQ "all" ){ currentYearStart = yearStart; currentYearEnd = yearEnd; } else { currentYearStart = request.params.year; currentYearEnd = request.params.year; } // if the user selected "all" for the months then use January. if ( request.params.month EQ "all" ) { currentMonthStart = 1; currentMonthEnd = 12; } else { currentMonthStart = request.params.month; currentMonthEnd = request.params.month; } // Build the filters for the element render mode request.params.newsFilterStartDate = application.ptNews.date.firstOfMonth(inMonth="#currentMonthStart#", inYear="#currentYearStart#"); request.params.newsFilterEndDate = application.ptNews.date.lastOfMonth(inMonth="#currentMonthEnd#", inYear="#currentYearEnd#");

Archive Filter

