// As the Default renderhandler for the Forum Categories process even if the element is empty request.element.hasData = 1; // leave isStatic=0 so not to cache specific users data request.element.isStatic = 0; // Get the Configuration data appConfigStruct = application.ptForum.getAppConfig(); // Set the UI theme from the Configuration Element if ( LEN(appConfigStruct['forum_ui_theme']) ) UItheme = appConfigStruct['forum_ui_theme']; else UItheme = 'redmond'; // load jQuery headers application.ptForum.scripts.loadJQuery("1.3.2"); // load headers for jQuery thick box application.ptForum.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); // load header for jQuery UI application.ptForum.scripts.loadJQueryUI("1.7.2", UItheme); // Get Page URLS topicsPageURL = Application.ptForum.forumsService.getTopicsURL(); threadsPageURL = Application.ptForum.forumsService.getThreadsURL(); messagesPageURL = Application.ptForum.forumsService.getMessagesURL(); // Get Custom Element Data (should be filtered by Category/CatID) items = attributes.elementInfo.elementData.propertyValues; // Check that we have items if ( ArrayLen(items) ) commCatID = items[1].Values.catid; else { // Else, no items so far, check the Category Data catData = application.ADF.cedata.getCEData("Forum Categories", "catID", request.params.catid); // check if we have data if ( ArrayLen(catData) ){ commCatID = catData[1].Values.catID; } else { commCatID = ""; } } // get HomeURL no matter what is passed in (if nothing is passed defaults to: index.cfm) homeURL = Application.ptForum.forumsService.getHomeURL("catid", commCatID); // Get the Category data set parentStruct = Application.ptForum.categoriesDAO.getCategoryInfoByCatID(TRIM(commCatID)); request.ptForum.category = parentStruct.values; // Setup the vars for the parent info ParentID = ""; ParentName = ""; ParentDescription = ""; ParentCreatedDateTime = ""; // Check if the parent struct is defined if ( structKeyExists(parentStruct,"values") ) { if ( structKeyExists(parentStruct.values,"CatID") ) ParentID = parentStruct.values.CatID; if ( structKeyExists(parentStruct.values,"CatName") ) ParentName = parentStruct.values.CatName; } // initialize a record counter for displayed items itemCount = 0; // Set the page security pageSecurity = Application.ptForum.SecurityService.getPageSecurity("CatID", ParentID); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(pageSecurity, "pageSecurity", false); // Get Forum Home URL ParentID = CatID cat_home_url = Application.ptForum.forumsService.getHomeURL("CatID", ParentID); // LightBox Options AddRecordLinkText = "New Topic"; AjaxPath = application.ADF.ajaxProxy; AjaxBean = "topicsForms"; renderForm = "renderAddEditForm"; formID = application.ptForum.getForumTopicsFormID(); dpid = 0; formResultHTML = ""; lightboxwidth = 500; lightboxheight = 300;

Category: #ParentName#




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