// If the ptDateTime bean name has been defined get the app config
if ( StructKeyExists(application,"ptDateTime") )
appConfig = application.ptDateTime.getAppConfig();
appConfig = StructNew();
// Create a script obj
// the fields current value
currentValue = attributes.currentValues[fqFieldName];
// the param structure which will hold all of the fields from the props dialog
xparams = parameters[fieldQuery.inputID];
if ( NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "fieldID") )
xparams.fieldID = fqFieldName;
if ( (NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "fieldClass")) OR ( LEN(TRIM(xparams.fieldClass)) LTE 0) )
xparams.fieldClass = "";
// find if we need to render the simple form field
renderSimpleFormField = false;
if ( (StructKeyExists(request, "simpleformexists")) AND (request.simpleformexists EQ 1) )
renderSimpleFormField = true;
// Get the action page URL
actionPage = "";
if ( StructKeyExists(appConfig,"actionPageURL") AND LEN(TRIM(appConfig.actionPageURL)) )
actionPage = appConfig.actionPageURL;
// Get the formid
linkDataFormID = application.ADF.ceData.getFormIDByCEName("Date Time Builder Data");