// Set the default text for no records.
var retHTML = "";
// Get the data for the link builder data
var linkDataArray = ArrayNew(1);
var i = 1;
var currText = "";
var currURL = "";
var currEditLink = "";
var currRemoveLink = "";
var editDeleteLinks = "";
// check that we have a UUID List values
if ( ListLen(arguments.uuidList) )
linkDataArray = buildDateTimeRenderData(arguments.uuidlist);
// Check that we have linkDataArray
if ( ArrayLen(linkDataArray) )
// Loop over the linkDataArray records
for ( i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(linkDataArray); i = i + 1 )
editDeleteLinks = "
| ";
editDeleteLinks = editDeleteLinks & " |
retHTML = retHTML & "#Trim(linkDataArray[i].renderString)#" & editDeleteLinks & "
// Check if we have built data
if ( LEN(retHTML) ){
// Prepend and Append the div block for the styles
retHTML = "" & retHTML & "
// Set the default text for no records.
if ( NOT LEN(retHTML) ){
retHTML = "There are no dates/times selected for this event.
Please click 'Add New Date/Time' to add a time for the event