variables.componentName = "catalogSyncController"; variables.syncTaskPrefix = getExternalSyncScheduledTaskPrefix(); // "Course-Catalog-"; // ADF Scheduler Job Names variables.jobMonitorSync = variables.syncTaskPrefix & "Sync-Monitor"; // "Course-Catalog-Sync-Monitor"; variables.jobDeptSync = variables.syncTaskPrefix & "Department-Sync"; // "Course-Catalog-Department-Sync"; variables.jobProgramSync = variables.syncTaskPrefix & "Program-Sync"; // "Course-Catalog-Program-Sync"; variables.jobCourseSync = variables.syncTaskPrefix & "Course-Sync"; // "Course-Catalog-Course-Sync"; variables.jobProgReqSync = variables.syncTaskPrefix & "Program-Requirements-Sync"; // "Course-Catalog-Program-Requirements-Sync"; variables.jobCoursePrereqSync = variables.syncTaskPrefix & "Course-Prerequisites-Sync"; // "Course-Catalog-Course-Prerequisites-Sync"; // Default params for batch schedule processing variables.ScheduleDelay = 2; // Minutes till next schedule item variables.TasksPerBatch = 20; // How many tasks to do per iteration var dateTimeStamp = Now(); // 1) Reset the ptCourseCatalogImport application Struct application.ptCourseCatalogImport = StructNew(); // 2 ) Reset the JOB ADFScheduler application Structs application.ADFScheduler[variables.jobDeptSync] = StructNew(); application.ADFScheduler[variables.jobProgramSync] = StructNew(); application.ADFScheduler[variables.jobCourseSync] = StructNew(); application.ADFScheduler[variables.jobProgReqSync] = StructNew(); application.ADFScheduler[variables.jobCoursePrereqSync] = StructNew(); // 3) Initialize the Sync Monitor initSyncMonitor(); return true; // Reset the monitor variable space application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor = StructNew(); // Update the Course Catalog Import Job date/time stamp application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.startDateTime = now(); // Start with the first stage application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 0; // Set the status application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.status = "start"; // Build the scheduled task to monitor the import process updateMonitorSchedule(); return true; var schedStatus = ""; // Determine the stage for the sync process // 0 = Start // 1 = Departments // 2 = Programs // 3 = Courses & Schedules // 4 = Program Course Requirements // 5 = Course Prerequisites // 6 = Complete switch (application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage) { case "0": // Start the sync process with the Departments buildDepartmentSyncJob(); application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.status = "active"; application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 1; // Update the stage updateMonitorSchedule(); break; case "1": // Check the status of the Department sync schedStatus = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduler.getScheduleStatus(scheduleName=variables.jobDeptSync); // If the Department are complete, then start the Program sync if ( schedStatus.status EQ "complete" ) { buildProgramSyncJob(); application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 2; // Update the stage } updateMonitorSchedule(); break; case "2": // Check the status of the Program sync schedStatus = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduler.getScheduleStatus(scheduleName=variables.jobProgramSync); // If the Department are complete, then start the Program sync if ( schedStatus.status EQ "complete" ) { buildCourseSyncJob(); application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 3; // Update the stage } updateMonitorSchedule(); break; case "3": // Check the status of the Course sync schedStatus = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduler.getScheduleStatus(scheduleName=variables.jobCourseSync); // If the Department are complete, then start the Program sync if ( schedStatus.status EQ "complete" ) { buildProgramReqsSyncJob(); application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 4; // Update the stage } updateMonitorSchedule(); break; case "4": // Check the status of the Course sync schedStatus = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduler.getScheduleStatus(scheduleName=variables.jobProgReqSync); // If the Department are complete, then start the Program sync if ( schedStatus.status EQ "complete" ) { buildCoursePreReqsSyncJob(); application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 5; // Update the stage } updateMonitorSchedule(); break; case "5": // Check the status of the Course sync schedStatus = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduler.getScheduleStatus(scheduleName=variables.jobCoursePrereqSync); // If the Department are complete, then start the Program sync if ( schedStatus.status EQ "complete" ) { application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.stage = 6; // Update the stage } updateMonitorSchedule(); break; case "6": // Monitor is completed application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.status = "complete"; // Delete the scheduled task application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.deleteScheduledTask(taskName=variables.jobMonitorSync); break; default: // Monitor has failed, the stage is not defined application.ptCourseCatalogSyncMonitor.status = "fail"; // Delete the scheduled task application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.deleteScheduledTask(taskName=variables.jobMonitorSync); break; } return true; var scheduleURL = "http://#cgi.server_name#:#cgi.server_port##application.ADF.ajaxProxy#?bean=catalogSyncController&method=runSyncMonitor"; var logFilePrefix = dateFormat(now(), "yyyymmdd") & "." & & "."; var schedLogFileName = logFilePrefix & "scheduledStatus-" & variables.jobMonitorSync & ".html"; // Build the scheduled task to monitor the import process // - check job Monitor every 1 minute application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.setScheduledTask(url=scheduleURL, taskName=variables.jobMonitorSync, schedLogFileName=schedLogFileName, minuteDelay=1); return true; // Get the external Department data var extDeptDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getDepartmentCodes(); var i = 1; // Build the command array var cmdArray = ArrayNew(1); var tempCmd = StructNew(); var scheduleParams = StructNew(); var rowCount = 0; var startRow = 1; // Set the schedule params scheduleParams.delay = variables.ScheduleDelay; // Minutes till next schedule item scheduleParams.tasksPerBatch = variables.TasksPerBatch; // How many tasks to do per iteration // set the rowCount to the number of items returned by the query rowCount = extDeptDataQry.recordCount; if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncRowCount) AND arguments.syncRowCount LT rowCount) rowCount = arguments.syncRowCount; // the startRow to the first row unless a syncStartRow is passed in if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncStartRow) AND arguments.syncStartRow GT 1 ) { startRow = arguments.syncStartRow; rowCount = startRow + rowCount - 1; // the New Row count is the startRow plus rowCount minus 1 (startRow=2,rowCount=5: 2,3,4,5,6) // Check to of rowCount is not less than the startRow or greater than the total query recordCount if ( rowCount LT startRow ) rowCount = startRow; else if ( rowCount GT extDeptDataQry.recordCount ) rowCount = extDeptDataQry.recordCount; } // Loop over the external data for ( i=startRow; i LTE rowCount; i++ ) { // Build the temp command to keep calling tempCmd = StructNew(); tempCmd.bean = "catalogSyncController"; tempCmd.method = "syncDepartment"; tempCmd.args = StructNew(); tempCmd.args.deptCode = extDeptDataQry.deptCode[i]; tempCmd.args.returnFormat = "JSON"; // Add the temp call to the command ArrayAppend(cmdArray, tempCmd); } if ( ArrayLen(cmdArray) ) { // Load into the Scheduler application.ADF.scheduler.scheduleProcess(scheduleName=variables.jobDeptSync, commands=cmdArray, scheduleParams=scheduleParams, startProcessNow=false); return true; } else return false; // Get the external Department data var extProgramDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getProgramID(); var i = 1; // Build the command array var cmdArray = ArrayNew(1); var tempCmd = StructNew(); var scheduleParams = StructNew(); var rowCount = 0; var startRow = 1; // Set the schedule params scheduleParams.delay = variables.ScheduleDelay; // Minutes till next schedule item scheduleParams.tasksPerBatch = variables.TasksPerBatch; // How many tasks to do per iteration // set the rowCount to the number of items returned by the query rowCount = extProgramDataQry.recordCount; if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncRowCount) AND arguments.syncRowCount LT rowCount) rowCount = arguments.syncRowCount; // the startRow to the first row unless a syncStartRow is passed in if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncStartRow) AND arguments.syncStartRow GT 1 ) { startRow = arguments.syncStartRow; rowCount = startRow + rowCount - 1; // the New Row count is the startRow plus rowCount minus 1 (startRow=2,rowCount=5: 2,3,4,5,6) // Check to of rowCount is not less than the startRow or greater than the total query recordCount if ( rowCount LT startRow ) rowCount = startRow; else if ( rowCount GT extProgramDataQry.recordCount ) rowCount = extProgramDataQry.recordCount; } // Loop over the external data for ( i=startRow; i LTE rowCount; i++ ) { // Build the temp command to keep calling tempCmd = StructNew(); tempCmd.bean = "catalogSyncController"; tempCmd.method = "syncProgram"; tempCmd.args = StructNew(); tempCmd.args.extProgramID = extProgramDataQry.dbProgramID[i]; tempCmd.args.returnFormat = "JSON"; // Add the temp call to the command ArrayAppend(cmdArray, tempCmd); } if ( ArrayLen(cmdArray) ) { // Load into the Scheduler application.ADF.scheduler.scheduleProcess(scheduleName=variables.jobProgramSync, commands=cmdArray, scheduleParams=scheduleParams, startProcessNow=false); return true; } else return false; // Get the external Department data var extCourseDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getCourseID(); var i = 1; // Build the command array var cmdArray = ArrayNew(1); var tempCmd = StructNew(); var scheduleParams = StructNew(); var rowCount = 0; var startRow = 1; // Set the schedule params scheduleParams.delay = variables.ScheduleDelay; // Minutes till next schedule item scheduleParams.tasksPerBatch = variables.TasksPerBatch; // How many tasks to do per iteration // set the rowCount to the number of items returned by the query rowCount = extCourseDataQry.recordCount; if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncRowCount) AND arguments.syncRowCount LT rowCount) rowCount = arguments.syncRowCount; // the startRow to the first row unless a syncStartRow is passed in if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncStartRow) AND arguments.syncStartRow GT 1 ) { startRow = arguments.syncStartRow; rowCount = startRow + rowCount - 1; // the New Row count is the startRow plus rowCount minus 1 (startRow=2,rowCount=5: 2,3,4,5,6) // Check to of rowCount is not less than the startRow or greater than the total query recordCount if ( rowCount LT startRow ) rowCount = startRow; else if ( rowCount GT extCourseDataQry.recordCount ) rowCount = extCourseDataQry.recordCount; } // Loop over the external data for ( i=startRow; i LTE rowCount; i++ ) { // Build the temp command to keep calling tempCmd = StructNew(); tempCmd.bean = "catalogSyncController"; tempCmd.method = "syncCourse"; tempCmd.args = StructNew(); tempCmd.args.extCourseID = extCourseDataQry.dbCourseID[i]; tempCmd.args.returnFormat = "JSON"; // Add the temp call to the command ArrayAppend(cmdArray, tempCmd); } if ( ArrayLen(cmdArray) ) { // Load into the Scheduler application.ADF.scheduler.scheduleProcess(scheduleName=variables.jobCourseSync, commands=cmdArray, scheduleParams=scheduleParams, startProcessNow=false); return true; } else return false; // Get the external Department data var extProgramDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getProgramID(); var i = 1; // Build the command array var cmdArray = ArrayNew(1); var tempCmd = StructNew(); var scheduleParams = StructNew(); var rowCount = 0; var startRow = 1; // Set the schedule params scheduleParams.delay = variables.ScheduleDelay; // Minutes till next schedule item scheduleParams.tasksPerBatch = variables.TasksPerBatch; // How many tasks to do per iteration // set the rowCount to the number of items returned by the query rowCount = extProgramDataQry.recordCount; if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncRowCount) AND arguments.syncRowCount LT rowCount) rowCount = arguments.syncRowCount; // the startRow to the first row unless a syncStartRow is passed in if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncStartRow) AND arguments.syncStartRow GT 1 ) { startRow = arguments.syncStartRow; rowCount = startRow + rowCount - 1; // the New Row count is the startRow plus rowCount minus 1 (startRow=2,rowCount=5: 2,3,4,5,6) // Check to of rowCount is not less than the startRow or greater than the total query recordCount if ( rowCount LT startRow ) rowCount = startRow; else if ( rowCount GT extProgramDataQry.recordCount ) rowCount = extProgramDataQry.recordCount; } // Loop over the external data for ( i=startRow; i LTE rowCount; i++ ) { // Build the temp command to keep calling tempCmd = StructNew(); tempCmd.bean = "catalogSyncController"; tempCmd.method = "syncProgramReqs"; tempCmd.args = StructNew(); tempCmd.args.extProgramID = extProgramDataQry.dbProgramID[i]; tempCmd.args.returnFormat = "JSON"; // Add the temp call to the command ArrayAppend(cmdArray, tempCmd); } if ( ArrayLen(cmdArray) ) { // Load into the Scheduler application.ADF.scheduler.scheduleProcess(scheduleName=variables.jobProgReqSync, commands=cmdArray, scheduleParams=scheduleParams, startProcessNow=false); return true; } else return false; var extCourseDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getCourseID(); var i = 1; // Build the command array var cmdArray = ArrayNew(1); var tempCmd = StructNew(); var scheduleParams = StructNew(); var rowCount = 0; var startRow = 1; // Set the schedule params scheduleParams.delay = variables.ScheduleDelay; // Minutes till next schedule item scheduleParams.tasksPerBatch = variables.TasksPerBatch; // How many tasks to do per iteration // set the rowCount to the number of items returned by the query rowCount = extCourseDataQry.recordCount; if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncRowCount) AND arguments.syncRowCount LT rowCount) rowCount = arguments.syncRowCount; // the startRow to the first row unless a syncStartRow is passed in if ( IsNumeric(arguments.syncStartRow) AND arguments.syncStartRow GT 1 ) { startRow = arguments.syncStartRow; rowCount = startRow + rowCount - 1; // the New Row count is the startRow plus rowCount minus 1 (startRow=2,rowCount=5: 2,3,4,5,6) // Check to of rowCount is not less than the startRow or greater than the total query recordCount if ( rowCount LT startRow ) rowCount = startRow; else if ( rowCount GT extCourseDataQry.recordCount ) rowCount = extCourseDataQry.recordCount; } // Loop over the external data for ( i=startRow; i LTE rowCount; i++ ) { // Build the temp command to keep calling tempCmd = StructNew(); tempCmd.bean = "catalogSyncController"; tempCmd.method = "syncCoursePreReqs"; tempCmd.args = StructNew(); tempCmd.args.extCourseID = extCourseDataQry.dbCourseID[i]; tempCmd.args.returnFormat = "JSON"; // Add the temp call to the command ArrayAppend(cmdArray, tempCmd); } if ( ArrayLen(cmdArray) ) { // Load into the Scheduler application.ADF.scheduler.scheduleProcess(scheduleName=variables.jobCoursePrereqSync, commands=cmdArray, scheduleParams=scheduleParams, startProcessNow=false); return true; } else return false; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var extDepartmentDataQry = QueryNew("null"); var deptCCAPIData = StructNew(); var ceDeptDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var runCCAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run the ccapi command var runPageAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run page processing var runSyncProcess = true; // Flag to determine if we need to run the main sync say (Default: true) var departmentID = ""; var newColData = ArrayNew(1); var csPageURL = ""; var csSubsitePath = ""; var apiUserID = getAPIUserID(); // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.ccapiComplete = false; // Flag for if the CCAPI command was called syncStatus.msg = ""; = StructNew(); // Add the needed GCE field as a column in the External Query QueryAddColumn(extDepartmentDataQry,"schoolID","VarChar",newColData); // Set the default value of the SchoolID extDepartmentDataQry["schoolID"][1] = ""; // Get and set the School UniqueID based on the School Code if ( StructKeyExists(extDepartmentDataQry,"schoolCode") AND LEN(TRIM(extDepartmentDataQry["schoolCode"][1])) ) extDepartmentDataQry["schoolID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.schoolService.getSchoolIDBySchoolCode(SchoolCode=extDepartmentDataQry["schoolCode"][1]); // IMPORTANT!!! - DO NOT IMPORT if there is NOT a valid schoolID if ( LEN(TRIM(extDepartmentDataQry["schoolID"][1])) EQ 0 ) { runSyncProcess = false; syncStatus.msg = "No valid schoolID was found for Dept Code: #arguments.deptCode#"; } if ( runSyncProcess ) { // Get the Department CE record if it exists ceDeptDataArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.departmentDAO.getDepartments(idFieldName="deptCode", uniqueID=arguments.deptCode); // Check if running an add or edit if ( ArrayLen(ceDeptDataArray) ){ // Edit // Build the CCAPI data based on the external data and CE record deptCCAPIData = buildCCAPIParams(extDataQry=extDepartmentDataQry, ceDataArray=ceDeptDataArray); departmentID = deptCCAPIData.uniqueID; // Check if the external data fields have updated from the element data record fields if ( StructKeyExists(deptCCAPIData,"tempUpdateReq") AND deptCCAPIData.tempUpdateReq ) runCCAPI = true; // Check to see if a valid cspage exists... if not set the runCCAPI flag to true to re-create the record and the page if ( runCCAPI EQ false AND StructKeyExists(deptCCAPIData,"catalogPageID") AND IsNumeric(deptCCAPIData.catalogPageID) AND deptCCAPIData.catalogPageID GT 0 ) { csPageURL = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getCSPageURL(pageID=deptCCAPIData.catalogPageID); if ( LEN(TRIM(csPageURL)) EQ 0 ) { // Since the page is gone... // 1) run the CCAPI to create the page runCCAPI = true; // 2) Check to make sure we have a valid subsite to create a page in if ( StructKeyExists(deptCCAPIData,"deptSubsiteID") AND IsNumeric(deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID) AND deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID GT 0 ) { csSubsitePath = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getSubsiteURLbySubsiteID(subsiteID=deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID); } // 3) If there is not a valid subsite create it if ( LEN(TRIM(csSubsitePath)) EQ 0 AND StructKeyExists(deptCCAPIData,"schoolID") AND LEN(TRIM(deptCCAPIData.schoolID)) ) { deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID = buildDeptSubsiteDefaultPath(deptData=deptCCAPIData); } } } } else { // Add // Convert the query to an structure deptCCAPIData =; departmentID = createUUID(); deptCCAPIData.uniqueID = departmentID; runCCAPI = true; // Set the default for template if ( StructKeyExists(application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig, "defaultDeptTemplate") AND isNumeric(application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultDeptTemplate) AND (application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultDeptTemplate > 0) ) { deptCCAPIData.deptTemplateID = application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultDeptTemplate; } // Set the defaults for subsites if ( StructKeyExists(deptCCAPIData,"schoolID") AND LEN(TRIM(deptCCAPIData.schoolID)) ) { deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID = buildDeptSubsiteDefaultPath(deptData=deptCCAPIData); } else { // if no parent School ID... do NOT add the records to the element runCCAPI = false; } } if ( runCCAPI ) { //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(deptCCAPIData, "deptCCAPIData", false); // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit = application.ptCourseCatalog.departmentDAO.departmentCCAPI(dataValues=deptCCAPIData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(, "CONTENTUPDATED") ) { syncStatus.ccapiComplete =; // Update the flag for page processing API call if ( syncStatus.ccapiComplete AND (IsNumeric(deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID) AND deptCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID GT 0) AND (IsNumeric(deptCCAPIData.deptTemplateID) AND deptCCAPIData.deptTemplateID GT 0) ) runPageAPI = true; } } } // runSyncProcess // Run the page processing pageProcess = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogPageController.handleProcessCatalogPage(contentType="department",contentID=departmentID); // Add the page processing results to the syncStatus syncStatus.pageData = pageProcess; //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(pageProcess, "pageProcess", false); // Flag to mark the sync was completed for the record syncStatus.syncComplete = true; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var extProgramDataQry = QueryNew("null"); var programCCAPIData = StructNew(); var ceProgramDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var runCCAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run the ccapi command var runPageAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run page processing var runSyncProcess = true; // Flag to determine if we need to run the main sync say (Default: true) var programUUID = ""; var newColData = ArrayNew(1); var csPageURL = ""; var apiUserID = getAPIUserID(); // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.ccapiComplete = false; // Flag for if the CCAPI command was called syncStatus.msg = ""; = StructNew(); // Add the needed GCE fields as Columns to the External Query QueryAddColumn(extProgramDataQry,"deptID","VarChar",newColData); QueryAddColumn(extProgramDataQry,"degreeID","VarChar",newColData); QueryAddColumn(extProgramDataQry,"termID","VarChar",newColData); // Go get and set the Department ID in the External Query from the provided Department Code if ( StructKeyExists(extProgramDataQry,"DeptCode") ) extProgramDataQry["deptID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.departmentService.getDepartmentIDByDeptCode(deptCode=extProgramDataQry["DeptCode"][1]); // Go get and set the Degree ID in the External Query from the provided Degree Name if ( StructKeyExists(extProgramDataQry,"DegreeName") ) extProgramDataQry["degreeID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.degreeService.getDegreeIDByDegreeName(degreeName=extProgramDataQry["DegreeName"][1]); // Go get and set the Term ID in the External Query from the provided Term Code if ( StructKeyExists(extProgramDataQry,"TermCode") ) extProgramDataQry["termID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.termService.getTermIDByTermCode(termCode=extProgramDataQry["TermCode"][1]); // IMPORTANT!!! - DO NOT IMPORT if there is NOT a valid deptID, termID and degreeID if ( LEN(TRIM(extProgramDataQry["deptID"][1])) EQ 0 ) { runSyncProcess = false; syncStatus.msg = syncStatus.msg & "No valid deptID was found for External Program ID: #arguments.extProgramID#. "; } if ( LEN(TRIM(extProgramDataQry["termID"][1])) EQ 0 ) { runSyncProcess = false; syncStatus.msg = syncStatus.msg & "No valid termID was found for External Program ID: #arguments.extProgramID#. "; } if ( LEN(TRIM(extProgramDataQry["degreeID"][1])) EQ 0 ) { runSyncProcess = false; syncStatus.msg = "No valid degreeID was found for External Program ID: #arguments.extProgramID#. "; } if ( runSyncProcess ) { // Get the Program CE record if it exists ceProgramDataArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.programDAO.getProgramByExternalProgramID(extProgramID=arguments.extProgramID); // Check if running an add or edit if ( ArrayLen(ceProgramDataArray) ){ // Edit // Build the CCAPI data based on the external data and CE record programCCAPIData = buildCCAPIParams(extDataQry=extProgramDataQry, ceDataArray=ceProgramDataArray); programUUID = programCCAPIData.uniqueID; // Check if the external data fields have updated from the element data record fields if ( StructKeyExists(programCCAPIData,"tempUpdateReq") AND programCCAPIData.tempUpdateReq ) runCCAPI = true; // Check to see if a valid cspage exists... if not set the runCCAPI flag to re-create the record and the page if ( runCCAPI EQ false AND StructKeyExists(programCCAPIData,"catalogPageID") AND IsNumeric(programCCAPIData.catalogPageID) AND programCCAPIData.catalogPageID GT 0 ) { csPageURL = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getCSPageURL(pageID=programCCAPIData.catalogPageID); if ( LEN(TRIM(csPageURL)) EQ 0 ) runCCAPI = true; } } else { // Add // Convert the query to an array programCCAPIData =; programUUID = createUUID(); programCCAPIData.uniqueID = programUUID; // Set the default for template if ( StructKeyExists(application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig, "defaultProgramTemplate") AND isNumeric(application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultProgramTemplate) AND (application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultProgramTemplate > 0) ){ programCCAPIData.progTemplateID = application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultProgramTemplate; } runCCAPI = true; } if ( runCCAPI ) { //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(programCCAPIData, "programCCAPIData", false); // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit = application.ptCourseCatalog.programDAO.programCCAPI(dataValues=programCCAPIData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(, "CONTENTUPDATED") ) { syncStatus.ccapiComplete =; // Update the flag for page processing API call if ( syncStatus.ccapiComplete AND (IsNumeric(programCCAPIData.progTemplateID) AND programCCAPIData.progTemplateID GT 0) ) runPageAPI = true; /*AND (IsNumeric(programCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID) AND programCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID GT 0) */ } } } // runSyncProcess // Run the page processing pageProcess = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogPageController.handleProcessCatalogPage(contentType="program", contentID=programUUID); // Add the page processing results to the syncStatus syncStatus.pageData = pageProcess; //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(pageProcess, "pageProcess", false); // Flag to mark the sync was completed for the record syncStatus.syncComplete = true; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var extCourseDataQry = QueryNew("null"); var courseCCAPIData = StructNew(); var ceCourseDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var runCCAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run the ccapi command var runPageAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run page processing var runSyncProcess = true; // Flag to determine if we need to run the main sync say (Default: true) var courseUUID = ""; var courseScheduleData = ""; var newColData = ArrayNew(1); var csPageURL = ""; var apiUserID = getAPIUserID(); // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.ccapiComplete = false; // Flag for if the CCAPI command was called syncStatus.msg = ""; = StructNew(); syncStatus.subdata = StructNew(); // Add the needed GCE fields as Columns to the External Query QueryAddColumn(extCourseDataQry,"deptID","VarChar",newColData); QueryAddColumn(extCourseDataQry,"termID","VarChar",newColData); // Go get and set the Department ID in the External Query from the provided Department Code if ( StructKeyExists(extCourseDataQry,"DeptCode") ) extCourseDataQry["deptID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.departmentService.getDepartmentIDByDeptCode(deptCode=extCourseDataQry["DeptCode"][1]); // Go get and set the Term ID in the External Query from the provided Term Code if ( StructKeyExists(extCourseDataQry,"TermCode") ) extCourseDataQry["termID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.termService.getTermIDByTermCode(termCode=extCourseDataQry["TermCode"][1]); // IMPORTANT!!! - DO NOT IMPORT if there is not a valid deptID and termID if ( LEN(TRIM(extCourseDataQry["deptID"][1])) EQ 0 ) { runSyncProcess = false; syncStatus.msg = syncStatus.msg & "No valid deptID was found for External Course ID: #arguments.extCourseID#. "; } if ( LEN(TRIM(extCourseDataQry["termID"][1])) EQ 0 ) { runSyncProcess = false; syncStatus.msg = syncStatus.msg & "No valid termID was found for External Course ID: #arguments.extCourseID#. "; } if ( runSyncProcess ) { // Get the Course CE record if it exists ceCourseDataArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.courseDAO.getCourseByExternalCourseID(extCourseID=arguments.extCourseID); // Check if running an add or edit if ( ArrayLen(ceCourseDataArray) ){ // Edit // Build the CCAPI data based on the external data and CE record courseCCAPIData = buildCCAPIParams(extDataQry=extCourseDataQry, ceDataArray=ceCourseDataArray); courseUUID = courseCCAPIData.uniqueID; // Check if the external data fields have updated from the element data record fields if ( StructKeyExists(courseCCAPIData,"tempUpdateReq") AND courseCCAPIData.tempUpdateReq ) runCCAPI = true; // Check to see if a valid cspage exists... if not set the runCCAPI flag to re-create the record and the page if ( runCCAPI EQ false AND StructKeyExists(courseCCAPIData,"catalogPageID") AND IsNumeric(courseCCAPIData.catalogPageID) AND courseCCAPIData.catalogPageID GT 0 ) { csPageURL = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getCSPageURL(pageID=courseCCAPIData.catalogPageID); if ( LEN(TRIM(csPageURL)) EQ 0 ) runCCAPI = true; } } else { // Add // Convert the query to an array courseCCAPIData =; courseUUID = createUUID(); courseCCAPIData.uniqueID = courseUUID; // Set the default for template if ( StructKeyExists(application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig, "defaultCourseTemplate") AND isNumeric(application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultCourseTemplate) AND (application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultCourseTemplate > 0) ){ courseCCAPIData.courseTemplateID = application.ptCourseCatalog.appConfig.defaultCourseTemplate; } runCCAPI = true; } // Sync the Schedule external data for the Course Element courseScheduleData = syncCourseToSchedules(extCourseID=arguments.extCourseID,ceCourseID=courseUUID); // Add the schedule sync process data to the result struct syncStatus.subdata = courseScheduleData; // Set the list of Schedule element UUIDs into the Course "schedIDList" field if ( isStruct(courseScheduleData) AND StructKeyExists(courseScheduleData, "syncComplete") AND courseScheduleData.syncComplete ) courseCCAPIData.schedIDList =; if ( runCCAPI ) { //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(courseCCAPIData, "courseCCAPIData", false); // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit = application.ptCourseCatalog.courseDAO.courseCCAPI(dataValues=courseCCAPIData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(, "CONTENTUPDATED") ) { syncStatus.ccapiComplete =; // Update the flag for page processing API call if ( syncStatus.ccapiComplete AND (IsNumeric(courseCCAPIData.courseTemplateID) AND courseCCAPIData.courseTemplateID GT 0) ) runPageAPI = true; /*AND (IsNumeric(courseCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID) AND courseCCAPIData.deptSubsiteID GT 0) */ } } } // runSyncProcess // Run the page processing pageProcess = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogPageController.handleProcessCatalogPage(contentType="course", contentID=courseUUID); // Add the page processing results to the syncStatus syncStatus.pageData = pageProcess; //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(pageProcess, "pageProcess", false); // Flag to mark the sync was completed for the record syncStatus.syncComplete = true; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var extScheduleDataQry = QueryNew("null"); var scheduleCCAPIData = StructNew(); var ceScheduleDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var runCCAPI = false; // Flag to determine if we need to run the ccapi command var scheduleUUID = ""; var newColData = ArrayNew(1); // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.ccapiComplete = false; // Flag for if the CCAPI command was called syncStatus.msg = ""; = StructNew(); if ( LEN(arguments.extScheduleID) ) { // Get the external database record for the External Schedule ID extScheduleDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getScheduleByID(extScheduleID=arguments.extScheduleID); // Set the data struct for the Schedule data if ( isQuery(extScheduleDataQry) AND extScheduleDataQry.recordCount ) { // Parse the 'schedDays' from the query to match the APP schedule weekday list format extWeekdayList = extScheduleDataQry["SchedDays"][1]; // Rewrite the Query value for "SchedDays" to the App Full Day Name comma-delimited style extScheduleDataQry["SchedDays"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduleDaysService.weekdayListSerializer(weekdayList=extWeekdayList,convertFrom="initial",convertTo="name",delimiterOut=","); // Add the needed GCE field as a Column to the External Query QueryAddColumn(extScheduleDataQry,"buildingID","VarChar",newColData); // Go get and set the Building ID in the External Query from the provided Building Code if ( StructKeyExists(extScheduleDataQry,"BuildingCode") ) extScheduleDataQry["buildingID"][1] = application.ptCourseCatalog.buildingService.getBuildingIDByBuildingCode(buildingCode=extScheduleDataQry["BuildingCode"][1]); // Get the Schedule CE record if it exists ceScheduleDataArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduleDAO.getScheduleByExternalScheduleID(extScheduleID=arguments.extScheduleID); // Check if running an add or edit if ( ArrayLen(ceScheduleDataArray) ){ // Edit // Build the CCAPI data based on the external data and CE record scheduleCCAPIData = buildCCAPIParams(extDataQry=extScheduleDataQry, ceDataArray=ceScheduleDataArray); scheduleUUID = scheduleCCAPIData.uniqueID; // Check if the external data fields have updated from the element data record fields if ( StructKeyExists(scheduleCCAPIData,"tempUpdateReq") AND scheduleCCAPIData.tempUpdateReq ) runCCAPI = true; } else { // Add // Convert the query to an array scheduleCCAPIData =; scheduleUUID = createUUID(); scheduleCCAPIData.uniqueID = scheduleUUID; scheduleCCAPIData.parentID = arguments.ceCourseID; runCCAPI = true; } if ( runCCAPI ) { //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(scheduleCCAPIData, "scheduleCCAPIData", false); // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit = application.ptCourseCatalog.scheduleDAO.scheduleCCAPI(dataValues=scheduleCCAPIData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(, "CONTENTUPDATED") ) syncStatus.ccapiComplete =; } // Store the Schedule UUID into the "data" for the return = scheduleUUID; // Flag to mark the sync was completed for the record syncStatus.syncComplete = true; } else syncStatus.msg = "No external schedule matching the external schedule ID [External Schedule ID = #arguments.extScheduleID#]"; } else syncStatus.msg = "No external schedule ID argument defined."; return syncStatus; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var scheduleSyncStatus = ""; var extScheduleDataQry = QueryNew("null"); var sItm = 1; var extSchedID = ""; // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.msg = ""; = ""; // List for the Schedule Element UUIDs - To be stored in the Course element. syncStatus.subdata = ArrayNew(1); if ( LEN(arguments.extCourseID) ) { // Get the External Schedule records for the External Course ID extScheduleDataQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getSchedulesByCourseID(extCourseID=arguments.extCourseID); // Loop over the External Schedule data records if ( isQuery(extScheduleDataQry) AND extScheduleDataQry.recordCount ) { // Loop over the records in the recurrence properties query for ( sItm=1; sItm LTE extScheduleDataQry.RecordCount; sItm=sItm+1 ) { // set the extSchedID from the external schedule data extSchedID = extScheduleDataQry["dbScheduleID"][sItm]; // Sync the Schedule records scheduleSyncStatus = syncSchedule(extScheduleID=extSchedID,ceCourseID=arguments.ceCourseID); // Set the Schedule UUID into the list if ( isStruct(scheduleSyncStatus) AND StructKeyExists(scheduleSyncStatus,"syncComplete") AND scheduleSyncStatus.syncComplete AND isSimpleValue( ) { // Build an array of the results from each of the sync'd schedule items to this methods syncStatus return value ArrayAppend(syncStatus.subdata,scheduleSyncStatus); =,; } syncStatus.syncComplete = true; } } else syncStatus.msg = "No external schedules matching the external course ID [External Course ID = #arguments.extCourseID#]"; } else syncStatus.msg = "No external course ID argument defined."; return syncStatus; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var courseArray = ArrayNew(1); var ceProgramDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var programCCAPIData = StructNew(); var i = 1; var childCourseUUID = ""; var newChildCourseUUIDlist = ""; var oldChildCourseUUIDList = ""; var runCCAPI = false; // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.ccapiComplete = false; // Flag for if the CCAPI command was called syncStatus.msg = ""; = StructNew(); if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.extProgramID)) ) { // Based on the external program id, get the required courses // Returns an Array containing the Course CE "uniqueID" field value. courseArray = getProgramReqs(extProgramID=arguments.extProgramID); // Build the array into a list of the Course UUID's for ( i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(courseArray); i++) { if ( ArrayLen(courseArray) AND StructKeyExists(courseArray[1],"values") AND StructKeyExists(courseArray[1].values,"uniqueID") AND LEN(TRIM(courseArray[1].values.uniqueID)) ) { childCourseUUID = courseArray[i].values.uniqueID; // Add the Child Course UUID to the Course UUID list newChildCourseUUIDlist =,value=childCourseUUID); } } // Get the Program CE record based on the "dbProgramID" ceProgramDataArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.programDAO.getProgramByExternalProgramID(extProgramID=arguments.extProgramID); // Check if a program record exists if ( ArrayLen(ceProgramDataArray) ) { // if so, Update // Set the 'old' Child Course ID list from the CE Course Record if ( ArrayLen(ceProgramDataArray) AND StructKeyExists(ceProgramDataArray[1],"values") AND StructKeyExists(ceProgramDataArray[1].values,"reqCourseIDList") ) oldChildCourseUUIDList = ceProgramDataArray[1].values.reqCourseIDList; // Check if the new Course UUID list and the old UUID list are different or have the same UUIDs, if different set the runCCAPI to update the course if (,newChildCourseUUIDlist) ) { // Build the CCAPI data based on the external data and CE record programCCAPIData = ceProgramDataArray[1].values; programCCAPIData['datapageid'] = ceProgramDataArray[1].pageid; programCCAPIData['reqCourseIDList'] = newChildCourseUUIDlist; runCCAPI = true; } // Update the Course Prerequisite field with the list of Course UUID's // Call the CCAPI to update the element record if ( runCCAPI ) { //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(programCCAPIData, "programCCAPIData", false); // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit = application.ptCourseCatalog.programDAO.programCCAPI(dataValues=programCCAPIData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(, "CONTENTUPDATED") ) syncStatus.ccapiComplete =; } // Flag to mark the sync was completed for the record syncStatus.syncComplete = true; } else { syncStatus.msg = "No program element record matching the external program ID [External Program ID = #arguments.extProgramID#]"; syncStatus.syncComplete = true; } } else { syncStatus.msg = "No external program ID argument defined."; } return syncStatus; var syncStatus = StructNew(); var courseArray = ArrayNew(1); var ceCourseDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var courseCCAPIData = StructNew(); var i = 1; var childCourseUUID = ""; var newChildCourseUUIDlist = ""; var oldChildCourseUUIDList = ""; var runCCAPI = false; // Init the sync return status variables. syncStatus.syncComplete = false; // Flag for if the sync process was completed syncStatus.ccapiComplete = false; // Flag for if the CCAPI command was called syncStatus.msg = ""; = StructNew(); if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.extCourseID)) ) { // Based on the external course id, get the prerequisite courses // Returns an Array containing the Course CE "uniqueID" field value. courseArray = getCoursePreReqs(extCourseID=arguments.extCourseID); // Build the array into a list of the Course UUID's for ( i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(courseArray); i++) { if ( ArrayLen(courseArray) AND StructKeyExists(courseArray[1],"values") AND StructKeyExists(courseArray[1].values,"uniqueID") AND LEN(TRIM(courseArray[1].values.uniqueID)) ) { childCourseUUID = courseArray[i].values.uniqueID; // Add the Child Course UUID to the Course UUID list newChildCourseUUIDlist =,value=childCourseUUID); } } // Get the Course CE record based on the "dbCourseID" ceCourseDataArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.courseDAO.getCourseByExternalCourseID(extCourseID=arguments.extCourseID); // Check if a course record exists if ( ArrayLen(ceCourseDataArray) ) { // if so, Update // Set the 'old' Child Course ID list from the CE Course Record if ( ArrayLen(ceCourseDataArray) AND StructKeyExists(ceCourseDataArray[1],"values") AND StructKeyExists(ceCourseDataArray[1].values,"prereqCourseIDList") ) oldChildCourseUUIDList = ceCourseDataArray[1].values.prereqCourseIDList; // Check if the new Course UUID list and the old UUID list are different or have the same UUIDs, if different set the runCCAPI to update the course if (,newChildCourseUUIDlist) ) { // Build the CCAPI data based on the external data and CE record courseCCAPIData = ceCourseDataArray[1].values; courseCCAPIData['datapageid'] = ceCourseDataArray[1].pageid; courseCCAPIData['prereqCourseIDList'] = newChildCourseUUIDlist; runCCAPI = true; } // Update the Course Prerequisite field with the list of Course UUID's // Call the CCAPI to update the element record if ( runCCAPI ) { //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(courseCCAPIData, "courseCCAPIData", false); // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit = application.ptCourseCatalog.courseDAO.courseCCAPI(dataValues=courseCCAPIData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(, "CONTENTUPDATED") ) syncStatus.ccapiComplete =; } // Flag to mark the sync was completed for the record syncStatus.syncComplete = true; } else { syncStatus.msg = "No course element record matching the external course ID [External Course ID = #arguments.extCourseID#]"; syncStatus.syncComplete = true; } } else { syncStatus.msg = "No external course ID argument defined."; } return syncStatus; var courseUUIDArray = ArrayNew(1); var extCourseReqQry = QueryNew("null"); var extBindID = ""; var extParentCourseID = ""; var extChildCourseID = ""; var extChildCourseIDlist = ""; var ceChildArray = ArrayNew(1); var cItm = 1; // Query the "courseprereqs" external table extCourseReqQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getProgramReqs(extProgramID=arguments.extProgramID); // Loop over the External Course data records if ( isQuery(extCourseReqQry) AND extCourseReqQry.recordCount ) { // Loop over the records in the recurrence properties query for ( cItm=1; cItm LTE extCourseReqQry.RecordCount; cItm=cItm+1 ) { // set the extBindID from the external schedule data extBindID = extCourseReqQry["ID"][cItm]; // The Binding Table's unique ID // Set the external ParentCourseID extParentCourseID = arguments.extProgramID; // The value of the Parent Program ID (that was passed in) // Set the external ChildCourseID extChildCourseID = extCourseReqQry["ChildCourseID"][cItm]; // The value of the Child Course ID if ( ListFindNoCase(extChildCourseIDlist,extChildCourseID) EQ 0 ) { // Get the Child Course Record from the Course Element by the external Course ID ceChildArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.courseDAO.getCourseByExternalCourseID(extCourseID=extChildCourseID); // Add the Course CE "uniqueID" field into the array if ( ArrayLen(ceChildArray) ) { ArrayAppend(courseUUIDArray,ceChildArray[1]); // Add the external Child Course ID to a temp list to help prevent dups from being added to the return Array extChildCourseIDlist =,value=extChildCourseID); } } } } return courseUUIDArray; var courseUUIDArray = ArrayNew(1); var extCoursePreReqQry = QueryNew("null"); var extBindID = ""; var extParentCourseID = ""; var extChildCourseID = ""; var extChildCourseIDlist = ""; var ceChildArray = ArrayNew(1); var cItm = 1; // Query the "courseprereqs" external table extCoursePreReqQry = application.ptCourseCatalog.catalogSyncDAO.getCoursePreReqs(extCourseID=arguments.extCourseID); // Loop over the External Course data records if ( isQuery(extCoursePreReqQry) AND extCoursePreReqQry.recordCount ) { // Loop over the records in the recurrence properties query for ( cItm=1; cItm LTE extCoursePreReqQry.RecordCount; cItm=cItm+1 ) { // set the extBindID from the external schedule data extBindID = extCoursePreReqQry["ID"][cItm]; // The Binding Table's unique ID // Set the external ParentCourseID extParentCourseID = arguments.extCourseID; // The value of the Parent Course ID (that was passed in) // Set the external ChildCourseID extChildCourseID = extCoursePreReqQry["ChildCourseID"][cItm]; // The value of the Child Course ID if ( ListFindNoCase(extChildCourseIDlist,extChildCourseID) EQ 0 ) { // Get the Child Course Record from the Course Element by the external Course ID ceChildArray = application.ptCourseCatalog.courseDAO.getCourseByExternalCourseID(extCourseID=extChildCourseID); // Add the Course CE "uniqueID" field into the array if ( ArrayLen(ceChildArray) ) { ArrayAppend(courseUUIDArray,ceChildArray[1]); // Add the external Child Course ID to a temp list to help prevent dups from being added to the return Array extChildCourseIDlist =,value=extChildCourseID); } } } } return courseUUIDArray; var ccapiData = StructNew(); var extElementFields = ""; var i = 1; var currKey = ""; var updateReq = false; // Load the current CE data into the ccapiData struct if ( ArrayLen(arguments.ceDataArray) ) { ccapiData = arguments.ceDataArray[1].values; ccapiData['datapageid'] = arguments.ceDataArray[1].pageid; } // Get the fields from the external data query if ( isQuery(arguments.extDataQry) ){ extElementFields = arrayToList(arguments.extDataQry.GetColumnNames()); } // Loop over the external data and load into ccapiData for (i=1; i LTE ListLen(extElementFields); i=i+1) { currKey = ListGetAt(extElementFields,i); if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiData, "#currKey#") ) { // Check if any difference in the fields if ( TRIM(arguments.extDataQry[currKey][1]) NEQ TRIM(ccapiData[currKey]) ){ updateReq = true; //application.ptCourseCatalog.utils.doDump(currKey, "currKey", false); } // Set the field into the main data struct ccapiData[currKey] = TRIM(arguments.extDataQry[currKey][1]); } } // Set the update required into the element data as a temp variable ccapiData['tempUpdateReq'] = updateReq; // Check that the ID field exists and contains a UUID if ( (NOT StructKeyExists(ccapiData, "uniqueID")) OR (LEN(ccapiData["uniqueID"]) LTE 0) ) ccapiData["uniqueID"] = createUUID(); return ccapiData; var newSubsiteID = 0; var subsiteMask = getDefaultDeptSubsiteMask(); var maskValue = ""; var lowerCaseStatus = getForceSubsiteNameLowerCaseStatus(); var buildSchoolSubsites = getEnableBuildSchoolSubsitesStatus(); var deptSubsiteName = ""; var deptSubsitePath = ""; var contentNameFieldA = "deptName"; var contentMaskA = "{department name}"; var contentNameFieldB = "deptCode"; var contentMaskB = "{department code}"; var schoolData = StructNew(); var schoolSubsitePath = ""; var newSchoolSubsiteID = 0; if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.deptData,"schoolID") AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.deptData.schoolID)) ) { // Get the school record based on the school id schoolData = application.ptCourseCatalog.schoolDAO.getSchoolBySchoolID(schoolID=arguments.deptData.schoolID); } if ( StructCount(schoolData) GT 0 ) { if ( StructKeyExists(schoolData,"values") ) { // If the school element record has an assigned school Subsite get the School Subsite Path if ( StructKeyExists(schoolData.values,"schoolSubsiteID") AND IsNumeric(schoolData.values.schoolSubsiteID) AND schoolData.values.schoolSubsiteID GT 0 ) { // Get the subsite path for the School subsite schoolSubsitePath = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getSubsiteURLbySubsiteID(subsiteID=schoolData.values.schoolSubsiteID); } // If the School Subsite Path does not exist the SchoolSubsiteID must not be valid if ( buildSchoolSubsites AND LEN(TRIM(schoolSubsitePath)) EQ 0 ) { newSchoolSubsiteID = buildSchoolSubsiteDefaultPath(schoolData=schoolData.values,csPageID=schoolData.pageid); schoolSubsitePath = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getSubsiteURLbySubsiteID(subsiteID=newSchoolSubsiteID); } } if ( LEN(TRIM(schoolSubsitePath)) ) { // Check the mask and set the subsite name maskValue = ListLast(subsiteMask,"/"); if ( maskValue EQ contentMaskA AND StructKeyExists(arguments.deptData,contentNameFieldA) ) deptSubsiteName = arguments.deptData[contentNameFieldA]; else if ( maskValue EQ contentMaskB AND StructKeyExists(arguments.deptData,contentNameFieldB) ) deptSubsiteName = arguments.deptData[contentNameFieldB]; if ( LEN(TRIM(deptSubsiteName)) ) { // Make the department subsite name safe for CS // and possibly force lower-case deptSubsiteName = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.makeCSSafe(stringToFix=deptSubsiteName,makeLowerCase=lowerCaseStatus); // Build the subsite path and create the subsite deptSubsitePath = schoolSubsitePath & deptSubsiteName; // Get the new subsite ID when building the subsites from the provided path newSubsiteID = application.ptCourseCatalog.csSubsite.buildSubsitesFromPath(subsitePath=deptSubsitePath); return newSubsiteID; } } } return 0; var newSubsiteID = 0; var subsiteMask = getDefaultSchoolSubsiteMask(); var maskValue = ""; var lowerCaseStatus = getForceSubsiteNameLowerCaseStatus(); var baseSubsiteID = getDefaultBaseCatalogSubsiteID(); var baseSubsitePath = ""; var schoolSubsiteName = ""; var schoolSubsitePath = ""; var contentNameFieldA = "schoolName"; var contentMaskA = "{school name}"; var contentNameFieldB = "schoolCode"; var contentMaskB = "{school code}"; var validSubsitePath = ""; var newSchoolData = StructNew(); var schoolUpdateComplete = false; // Does the school record already have a school subsite ID assigned if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.schoolData,"schoolSubsiteID") AND IsNumeric(arguments.schoolData.schoolSubsiteID) AND arguments.schoolData.schoolSubsiteID GT 0 ) { // Check if this Subsite ID is still valid validSubsitePath = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getSubsiteURLbySubsiteID(arguments.schoolData.schoolSubsiteID); if ( LEN(TRIM(validSubsitePath)) ) { return arguments.schoolData.schoolSubsiteID; } } // Do we have a catalog BaseSubsiteID in the config to build a school subsite under if ( IsNumeric(baseSubsiteID) AND baseSubsiteID GT 0 ) { baseSubsitePath = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.getSubsiteURLbySubsiteID(subsiteID=baseSubsiteID); // Check the mask and set the subsite name maskValue = ListLast(subsiteMask,"/"); if ( maskValue EQ contentMaskA AND StructKeyExists(arguments.schoolData,contentNameFieldA) ) schoolSubsiteName = arguments.schoolData[contentNameFieldA]; else if ( maskValue EQ contentMaskB AND StructKeyExists(arguments.schoolData,contentNameFieldB) ) schoolSubsiteName = arguments.schoolData[contentNameFieldB]; if ( LEN(TRIM(schoolSubsiteName)) ) { // Make the school subsite name safe for CS // and possibly force lower-case schoolSubsiteName = application.ptCourseCatalog.csData.makeCSSafe(stringToFix=schoolSubsiteName,makeLowerCase=lowerCaseStatus); // Build the subsite path and create the subsite schoolSubsitePath = baseSubsitePath & schoolSubsiteName; // Get the school Subsite ID (and create the path if needed) newSubsiteID = application.ptCourseCatalog.csSubsite.buildSubsitesFromPath(subsitePath=schoolSubsitePath); // Update the School Record via the CCAPI if ( newSubsiteID GT 0 AND arguments.csPageID GT 0 ) { newSchoolData = arguments.schoolData; newSchoolData.datapageid = arguments.csPageID; newSchoolData.schoolSubsiteID = newSubsiteID; // Run the element CCAPI to add/edit schoolUpdateStatus = application.ptCourseCatalog.schoolDAO.schoolCCAPI(dataValues=newSchoolData); // Update the flag for if the element record was add/edit if ( StructKeyExists(schoolUpdateStatus,"CONTENTUPDATED") ) { schoolUpdateComplete = schoolUpdateStatus.CONTENTUPDATED; } else { doErrorLogging(variables.componentName,"buildSchoolSubsiteDefaultPath",schoolUpdateStatus,"School SubsiteID Update Failed!"); } } return newSubsiteID; } } return 0;