var cftConfig = StructNew(); // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT cftConfig.uiTheme = getUItheme(); cftConfig.displayType = "UItimepickerAddon"; cftConfig.fldIcon = "clock"; cftConfig.standardizedDateStr = getTimeDummyDate(); cftConfig.jsTimeMask = getTimePickerJStimeMask(); cftConfig.cfTimeMask = getDisplayCFtimeMask(); return cftConfig; var cftConfig = StructNew(); // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT cftConfig.uiTheme = getUItheme(); cftConfig.displayType = "UIdatepicker"; cftConfig.fldIcon = "calendar"; //cftConfig.fldIconImg = "/ADF/extensions/customfields/date_picker/ui_calendar.gif"; cftConfig.fldClearDate = 'no'; cftConfig.jsDateMask = getDatePickerJSdateMask(); cftConfig.cfDateMask = getDisplayCFdateMask(); //cftConfig.standardizedTimeType = "start"; // end //cftConfig.standardizedTimeStr = getDayBeginTime(); // getDayEndTime(); return cftConfig; var cftConfig = DatePicker(); // Get props struct from the generalized props function // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT cftConfig.standardizedTimeType = "start"; cftConfig.standardizedTimeStr = getDayBeginTime(); return cftConfig; var cftConfig = DatePicker(); // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT cftConfig.standardizedTimeType = "end"; cftConfig.standardizedTimeStr = getDayEndTime(); return cftConfig; var cftConfig = StructNew(); // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT cftConfig.uiTheme = getUItheme(); cftConfig.chooserCFCName = "courseGC"; cftConfig.renderDeptFilter = true; cftConfig.renderCatalogYearFilter = true; cftConfig.defaultCatalogYearID = getDefaultCatalogYearID(); return cftConfig; var cftConfig = StructNew(); // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT cftConfig.uiTheme = getUItheme(); cftConfig.filterList = "webadmin"; return cftConfig; var cftConfig = StructNew(); // Build the Struct with Keys that are the same as the PROPS in the CFT //cftConfig.uiTheme = getUItheme(); cftConfig.filterList = "base,web"; return cftConfig;