request.params.configStruct = application.ptCalendar2.getAppConfig(); //Application.ADF.utils.dodump(request.params.configStruct,"request.params.configStruct",0); // Set the ADD_URL from the Configuration Element add_url = ''; if ( structKeyExists(request.params.configStruct,"manage_event_add_url") AND LEN(TRIM(request.params.configStruct['manage_event_add_url'])) ) add_url = request.params.configStruct['manage_event_add_url']; // Get CS ProductVersion productVersion = ListFirst(ListLast(request.cp.productversion," "),"."); // load jQuery headers application.ptCalendar2.scripts.loadJQuery(); // load light box headers application.ptCalendar2.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); //force=1 AddRecordLinkText = "Add Event"; lightboxwidth = 750; lightboxheight = 500; // initialize app working variables notifyUsers = ""; // Set the render form or link flag renderForm = 1; // Check if we need to display the form if ( (StructKeyExists(request.params, "renderForm")) AND (request.params.renderForm EQ 1) ) { renderForm = 1; } // Set the process flag processForm = 0; // Check if the form has been submitted if ( structKeyExists(request.params, "parameters") ) { processForm = 1; renderForm = 1; } // if available use the title in the request.params for the Lightbox DialogName if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"title")) CD_DialogName = request.params.title; else CD_DialogName = ""; CD_Title=CD_DialogName; CD_IncludeTableTop=1; CD_CheckLock=0; // 2011-02-16 - Added flag to check if the user is authenticated CD_CheckLogin=false; CD_CheckPageAlive=0;
// extract some fields from the simple form formFieldVals = application.ptCalendar2.forms.extractFromSimpleForm(form, "UniqueID,parentID,category"); //,Title,eventDate,starttime,location //Application.ADF.utils.doDump(formFieldVals,"formFieldVals",1); // Send and Email to the Notification Contacts for each selected Event Category if ( structKeyExists(formFieldVals,"UniqueID") AND ListLen(formFieldVals.UniqueID) GT 0 ) notifyUsers = Application.ptCalendar2.eventNotificationService.notifyUsersByEventID(formFieldVals.UniqueID); //Application.ADF.utils.dodump(notifyUsers,"notifyUsers",1);

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