request.element.isStatic = 0; if ( not structKeyExists(request, "ptcalendar2") or not structKeyExists(request.ptcalendar2, "thisDay") or not structKeyExists(request.ptcalendar2, "thisMonth") or not structKeyExists(request.ptcalendar2, "thisYear") ) { // default date strings clickedDay = day(now()); clickedMonth = month(now()); clickedYear = year(now()); // determine which date to display if( request.params.clicked and len( and isNumeric( ) clickedDay =; if( request.params.clicked and len(request.params.month) and isNumeric(request.params.month) ) clickedMonth = request.params.month; if( request.params.clicked and len(request.params.year) and isNumeric(request.params.year) ) clickedYear = request.params.year; request.ptcalendar2 = application.ptCalendar2.calendarController.buildDateStructFromDateParts( theYear = clickedYear, theMonth = clickedMonth, theDay = clickedDay ); }