var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var dateTimeDataformID = getEventDateTimeFormID(); var dtDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var retForm = ""; var formHeaderHTML = ""; var formFooterHTML = ""; var formHeaderCSS = ""; var formHeaderJS = ""; var submitStatusHTML = ' Submitting...'; var endTimeRequired = getEndTimeRequiredStatus(); var dateTimeDataPageID = 0; var dtID = arguments.dateTimeID; var calEventID = arguments.eventID; var cbAction = "edit"; // Has a valid dataPageID been passed in, if not leave dpID as 0 if ( IsNumeric(arguments.dataPageID) AND arguments.dataPageID GT 0 ) dateTimeDataPageID = arguments.dataPageID; // If a dataPageID was not passed in but we have a dateTimeID, get the datapageID by the records uniqueID if ( dateTimeDataPageID LTE 0 AND LEN(TRIM(dtID)) ) { // Get the CE data for the uuid dtDataArray = application.ptCalendar.dateTimeBuilderDAO.getDateTimeData(uuid=dtID); // Check that we have dtDataArray and set the dataPageID if ( ArrayLen(dtDataArray) ) dateTimeDataPageID = dtDataArray[1].pageid; } // Check if we have the UUID from arguments. if not, we are creating a new record, so make the UUID if ( dateTimeDataPageID LTE 0 AND LEN(TRIM(dtID)) EQ 0 ) { dateTimeDataPageID = 0; dtID = createUUID(); cbAction = "add"; } // Set the request.params values for the dateTimeID and the eventID request.params.dateTimeID = dtID; // populates the uniqueID field request.params.eventID = calEventID; // populates the calEventID field application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); // Load the DateJS Plugin Headers application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadDateJS(); // Load the inline CSS as a CSS Resource application.ptCalendar.scripts.addHeaderCSS(formHeaderCSS, "TERTIARY"); // Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(formHeaderJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
retForm = formHeaderHTML; retForm = retForm & application.ptCalendar.forms.renderAddEditForm( formID = dateTimeDataformID, dataPageId = dateTimeDataPageID, callback = arguments.callback, cbAction = cbAction, formResultCallback="application.ptCalendar.dateTimeBuilderForms.renderDateTimeFormResult" ); retForm = retForm & formFooterHTML; return retForm;
var formResultFooterJS = ""; var calEventID = ""; var dateTimeID = ""; var submitStatusMSG = "Saving Date/Time Entry..."; var submitStatusIMG = "/ADF/apps/pt_calendar/images/ajax-loader-arrows.gif"; if ( StructKeyExists(arguments,"FormValues") ) { if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.FormValues,"uniqueID") ) dateTimeID = arguments.FormValues.uniqueID; if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.FormValues,"calEventID") ) calEventID = arguments.FormValues.calEventID; } application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); callback: #arguments.callback#
cbAction: #arguments.cbAction#
dateTimeID: #dateTimeID#
calEventID: #calEventID#
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(formResultFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
var dateTimeDataformID = application.ptCalendar.getEventDateTimeFormID(); // Get the Date/Time data based on the UUID var dateTimeArray = application.ptCalendar.dateTimeBuilderDAO.getDateTimeData(uuid=arguments.dateTimeID); // Check that we have data if ( ArrayLen(dateTimeArray) ) dataPageID = dateTimeArray[1].pageid; else dataPageID = 0; // Call the FORMS delete function return application.ptCalendar.forms.renderDeleteForm( formID=dateTimeDataformID ,dataPageID=dataPageID ,title=arguments.title ,callback=arguments.callback ,cbIDlist=arguments.cbIDlist); // Call the FORMS delete function return application.ptCalendar.forms.renderDeleteForm( formID=arguments.formID, dataPageID=arguments.dataPageID, title=arguments.title, callback=arguments.callback, cbIDlist=arguments.cbIDlist);