application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=application.ptCalendar.getUItheme()); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadFontAwesome(); // This script MUST remain dynamic since the data and the generated HTML is modified with a URL parameters request.element.isStatic = 0; request.element.hasData = 1; // Get the Configuration and Page Map Values appConfig = application.ptCalendar.getAppConfig(); // Get the date/time CF display masks cfDateDisplayMask = application.ptCalendar.getDisplayCFdateMask(); // "M/D/YYYY" - DATE FORMAT FOR DISPLAY cfTimeDisplayMask = application.ptCalendar.getDisplayCFtimeMask(); // "h:mm tt" - TIME FORMAT FOR DISPLAY // initialize the link variables viewLinkData = StructNew(); qParamDelimiter = "?"; detailLink = cgi.script_name; dailyLink = cgi.script_name; // Get the Event Cache status from the configuration element useEventsCache = application.ptCalendar.getEventCacheStatus(); // Get the items from the Display Properties Custom Element items = attributes.elementInfo.elementData.propertyValues; /* ** ptCalendar getRenderEventsData SETTINGS *** */ // -- THESE MUST ME INCLUDED AT THE TOP OF THE ptCalendar GRID/LIST RenderHandlers (before getRenderEventData) // - ptCalendar Date Range designation viewRangeType = "Day"; // (Month/Week/Day) viewDisplayType = "List"; // (List - only option since this page contains the renderhandler code) // - ptCalendar EventsCache designation (generally this will be true. May need to set to false for debugging) // useEventsCache = false; // (true/false) - Use this as an override for the Global setting that is managed via the Configuration element /* ** getRenderEventsData SETTINGS *** */ // ptCalendar date and data processing the calendar renderhandler return as CF query object // -- THIS MUST BE INCLUDED AT THE TOP OF THE ptCalendar GRID/LIST RenderHandlers (after the getRenderEventData Settings) eventData = application.ptCalendar.calRenderController.getRenderEventData( displayPropsArray=items ,viewRangeType=viewRangeType ,useEventsCache=useEventsCache ); // Check if we have data to sort if ( ArrayLen(eventData) ) { // Sort the retArray eventData = aOfS=eventData ,orderByKeyList="eventDate,AllDay DESC,StartTime" ); } // Get the view link data structure if ( application.ptCalendar.viewPageMode EQ "Single" ) { viewLinkData = application.ptCalendar.calRenderViewService.getCalViewPageStruct(); qParamDelimiter = "&"; } else viewLinkData = application.ptCalendar.calPageMapDAO.getCalPageMapStruct(); if( structKeyExists(viewLinkData, "detailPage") and len(trim(viewLinkData.detailPage)) ) detailLink = viewLinkData.detailPage; if( structKeyExists(viewLinkData, "dailyPage") and len(trim(viewLinkData.dailyPage)) ) dailyLink = viewLinkData.dailyPage; // set the nextPrevLink to the current view link nextPrevLink = dailyLink; // Build the Day Header Nav Links dayPrevTxt = "#dateFormat(request.ptCalendar.yesterday, "mmmm d")#"; dayPrevLink = ""; if ( application.ptCalendar.calRenderService.isValidPrevDayYear(navDates=request.ptCalendar) ) dayPrevLink = "#nextPrevLink##qParamDelimiter#clicked=1&day=#day(request.ptCalendar.yesterday)#&month=#month(request.ptCalendar.yesterday)#&year=#year(request.ptCalendar.yesterday)#"; dayNextTxt = "#dateFormat(request.ptCalendar.tomorrow, "mmmm d")#"; dayNextLink = ""; if ( application.ptCalendar.calRenderService.isValidNextDayYear(navDates=request.ptCalendar) ) dayNextLink = "#nextPrevLink##qParamDelimiter#clicked=1&day=#day(request.ptCalendar.tomorrow)#&month=#month(request.ptCalendar.tomorrow)#&year=#year(request.ptCalendar.tomorrow)#"; // Removed gt and lt html characters from the next prev link text //dayPrevTxt = "<< #dayPrevTxt#"; //dayNextTxt = "#dayNextTxt# >>"; dayLabelTxt = "Events for #request.ptCalendar.formattedDate#"; //WriteDUmp(var=request.ptCalendar,label="request.ptCalendar"); #application.ptCalendar.calRenderController.createCalendar( rangeType=viewRangeType ,displayType=viewDisplayType ,calendarData=eventData ,eventField="eventDate" ,curYear=request.ptCalendar.thisYear ,curMonth=request.ptCalendar.thisMonth ,curDay=request.ptCalendar.thisDay )# --->

No events for today

- #categoryArray[cat]
[ALL DAY] #timeFormat(eventData[itm].startTime, cfTimeDisplayMask)# - #timeFormat(eventData[itm].endTime, cfTimeDisplayMask)#
#iconImgStr# #eventData[itm].title#  [R*]  [R]
  • Location: #eventData[itm].location#
  • Name: #eventData[itm].contactName#
    Phone: #eventData[itm].contactPhone#