variables.eventStepLogging = false; var retForm = ""; var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var eventFormID = getCalEventDetailsFormID(); //var eventDataPageID = arguments.dataPageID; var formResultHTML = ""; var formHeader = ""; var formFooter = ""; var eventsEditFormFooterJS = ""; var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var submitStatusHTML = ' Submitting...'; var processStatusHTML = ' Processing...'; application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJquery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); // Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventsEditFormFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY retForm = formHeader; retForm = retForm & application.ptCalendar.forms.renderAddEditForm( formID = eventFormID ,dataPageId = arguments.dataPageID ,lbAction=arguments.lbAction ,callback=arguments.callback ,appcallback=arguments.appcallback ,cbIDlist=arguments.cbIDlist ,formResultCallback="application.ptCalendar.calEventsForms.renderEventEditFormResult" ); retForm = retForm & formFooter; return retForm; var eventFormID = getCalEventDetailsFormID(); var formResultFooterJS = ""; var calEventID = ""; var dateTimeID = ""; //var submitStatusMSG = "Saving Event..."; //var submitStatusIMG = "/ADF/apps/pt_calendar/images/ajax-loader-arrows.gif"; if ( StructKeyExists(arguments,"FormValues") ) { if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.FormValues,"uniqueID") ) dateTimeID = arguments.FormValues.uniqueID; if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.FormValues,"calEventID") ) calEventID = arguments.FormValues.calEventID; } if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.appCallback)) ) { arguments.FormValues.formID = eventFormID; arguments.FormValues.datapageid = arguments.datapageid; arguments.FormValues.cbIDlist = arguments.cbIDlist; //if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"cbIDlist") ) // arguments.FormValues.cbIDlist = request.params.cbIDlist; } application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); // Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(formResultFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY #renderEventEditFormProcessingMsg()# var retMsgHTML = ""; var processStatusHTML = " Processing...";

Please wait while this event is being processed!!

(This window will close when the process has completed.)

var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var reHTML = ""; var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var submitStatusHTML = ' Copying...'; var eventCopyFormFooterJS = ""; var actionApp = getAppBeanName(); var actionBean = "calEventsCopyController"; var actionMethod = "processEventCopyForm"; var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy; var dataStruct = StructNew(); var dateTimeDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var recurDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var dateTimeIDList = ""; var recurrenceIDList = ""; var noSrcIDMsg = ""; var noSrcDataMsg = ""; var dtCopyDefault = 1; var recurCopyDefault = 1; // Load the Scripts resources application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=1); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); // Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet application.ptCalendar.calService.loadCalendarAdminCSS(); An Event ID was NOT provided!
This Event CANNOT be copied!
The Event Data could NOT be found!
This Event CANNOT be copied!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventCopyFormFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
// Get the Event Details dataStruct = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(TRIM(arguments.eventID)); if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct,"values") ) { if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct.values,"EventDateTimeIDList") AND LEN(TRIM(dataStruct.values.EventDateTimeIDList)) ) { dateTimeIDList = dataStruct.values.EventDateTimeIDList; // Get the rendered Event Dates and Times dateTimeDataArray = application.ptCalendar.dateTimeBuilderController.buildDateTimeRenderData(dateTimeIDList=dateTimeIDList); } if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct.values,"EventRecurrenceID") AND LEN(TRIM(dataStruct.values.EventRecurrenceID)) ) { recurrenceIDList = dataStruct.values.EventRecurrenceID; // Get the rendered Recurrence Properties recurDataArray = application.ptCalendar.recurrenceBuilderController.buildRecurrenceRenderData(uuidList=recurrenceIDList); } }
#Server.CommonSpot.UDF.tag.input(type="hidden", name="CSRF_Token", value=application.ptCalendar.csSecurity.getCSRF_Token())#
Source Event Details:
Event Title: #dataStruct.values.Title#
Event Dates and Times:
  • #dateTimeDataArray[k].renderString#
Recurrence Properties:
  • #recurDataArray[k].renderString#
Copy Options:
var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var dataQry = QueryNew("temp"); var retHTML = ""; var useEventsCache = false; // TODO: use this when Events Cache is dyanmic and is always current // var useEventsCache = application.ptCalendar.getEventCacheStatus(); var eventEditTypeFooterJS = ""; var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var submitStatusHTML = ' Opening...'; var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy; var actionApp = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName(); var confirmBean = "calEventsConfirmController"; var confirmMethod = "processEditConfirmForm"; var editBean = "calEventsForms"; var editMethod = "renderEventEditForm"; var editTitle = "Edit Event"; //var editLBAction = "refreshparent"; //TODO: DELETE - THIS IS NOT NEEDED WHEN USING EVENT CACHE var editSeriesDefault="series"; //occurrence var showEditConfirmDialog = true; var noIDMsg = ""; var noDataMsg = ""; var currData = StructNew(); var occurrDataPageID = ""; var occurrEventID = ""; var seriesDataPageID = ""; var seriesEventID = ""; var eventType = ""; // Options: recurrencePattern, brokenRecurrence, orphanDateTime var eventData = StructNew(); var eventDataPageID = ""; var callbackAction = "updateEventCache_cbFunct"; var callbackActionID = ""; // Overwrite the CommonSpot Variable for CD_DialogName with the arguments.title //var CD_DialogName = arguments.title; var logMsg = ""; var logProcess = "Edit-Event"; if ( variables.eventStepLogging ) { doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="calEventsForms.renderEditTypeConfirmHTMLForm",logMsg="",addBreak=false); //logMsg = "dateTimeID: " & arguments.dateTimeID; //doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="",logMsg=logMsg); //logMsg = "hashID: " & arguments.hashID; //doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="",logMsg=logMsg); doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="",logMsg="arguments",logData=arguments); } // Get the Event Details // - Determine if we need to open the dialog or just open the edit form if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.hashID)) ) { // DateTimeID and a HashID // - If we have both the DateTimeID and a HashID then this is a recurrence exception // - This event has a static dataTime // - Open the confirmation dialog showEditConfirmDialog = true; // Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event // - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache' currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData( hashid=TRIM(arguments.hashID) ,dateTimeID=TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID) ,useCache=useEventsCache ); occurrEventID = currData.occurrEventID; occurrDataPageID = currData.occurrDataPageID; // Use this to open the OCCURRENCE seriesEventID = currData.seriesEventID; seriesDataPageID = currData.seriesDataPageID; // Use this to open the SEREIS eventType = currData.eventType; eventData = currData.occurrEventData; } else if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) ) { // DateTimeID (only - no hashID) // - if we only have a dateTimeID then this is a static date/time // - Open the Event Details form directly // - No Confirm Dialog needed showEditConfirmDialog = false; // Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event // - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache' currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData( hashid=TRIM(arguments.hashID) ,dateTimeID=TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID) ,useCache=useEventsCache ); occurrEventID = currData.occurrEventID; occurrDataPageID = currData.occurrDataPageID; // Use this to open the OCCURRENCE eventType = currData.eventType; eventData = currData.occurrEventData; // Only set the eventDataPageID if we are opening the form directly with no Confirmation Dialog eventDataPageID = occurrDataPageID; // Set the Callback ActionID tothe Event ID to update the Cache if ( LEN(TRIM(occurrEventID)) ) callbackActionID = occurrEventID; } else if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.hashID)) ) { // HashID (only - no dateTimeID) // - If we only have a hashID then this is part of a Recurrence Series // - Open the confirmation dialog showEditConfirmDialog = true; // Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event // - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache' currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData( hashid=TRIM(arguments.hashID) ,dateTimeID=TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID) ,useCache=useEventsCache ); seriesEventID = currData.seriesEventID; seriesDataPageID = currData.seriesDataPageID; // Use this to open the SEREIS eventType = currData.eventType; eventData = currData.seriesEventData; if ( variables.eventStepLogging ) { logMsg = "seriesEventID: " & seriesEventID; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false); logMsg = "seriesDataPageID: " & seriesDataPageID; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false); logMsg = "eventType: " & eventType; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false); } } if ( arguments.appDebug ) { application.ptCalendar.utils.dodump(currData,"currData",0); application.ptCalendar.utils.dodump(eventData,"eventData",0); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(occurrEventID,"occurrEventID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(occurrDataPageID,"occurrDataPageID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(seriesEventID,"seriesEventID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(seriesDataPageID,"seriesDataPageID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(eventType,"eventType",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(eventDataPageID,"eventDataPageID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(callbackAction,"callbackAction",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(callbackActionID,"callbackActionID",1); } if ( variables.eventStepLogging ) { logMsg = "showEditConfirmDialog: " & showEditConfirmDialog; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false); logMsg = "callbackAction: " & callbackAction; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false); logMsg = "callbackActionID: " & callbackActionID; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=true, size=60); } // Load the Scripts resources application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=1); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); // Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet application.ptCalendar.calService.loadCalendarAdminCSS(); An ID was NOT provided!
This Event Form CAN NOT be opened!
A Event Data was not found!
This Event Form CAN NOT be opened!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventCopyFormFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
#Server.CommonSpot.UDF.tag.input(type="hidden", name="CSRF_Token", value=application.ptCalendar.csSecurity.getCSRF_Token())#
Edit a Recurring Item:
"#eventData.Title#" is part of a series. Do you want to 'edit this occurrence' or 'edit the series'?
var retHTML = ""; var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var beanForwardControlList = "calEventsForms,dateTimeBuilderForms"; var methodForwardControlList = "renderEventEditForm,renderEventDeleteForm,renderDeleteSeriesConfirmHTMLForm,renderDateTimeDeleteForm"; var eventForwarderFooterJS = ""; var lbFormURL = ""; var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy; var actionApp = getAppBeanName(); var errorMsg = ""; var logMsg = ""; var logProcess = "Edit-Event"; if ( variables.eventStepLogging ) { doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="calEventsForms.renderEditTypeConfirmHTMLForm",logMsg="",addBreak=false); doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="",logMsg="arguments",logData=arguments); } // Build the "Forwarder" URL to be opened in a LB lbFormURL = actionURL; lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '?bean=#arguments.bean#'; lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&method=#arguments.method#'; lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&appName=#actionApp#'; lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&title=#arguments.lbTitle#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dataPageID)) AND IsNumeric(arguments.dataPageID) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&datapageid=#arguments.dataPageID#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.lbAction)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&lbAction=#arguments.lbAction#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.callback)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&callback=#arguments.callback#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.appcallback)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&appcallback=#arguments.appcallback#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.cbIDlist)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&cbIDlist=#JSStringFormat(arguments.cbIDlist)#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.seriesID)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&seriesID=#arguments.seriesID#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.occurrenceID)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&occurrenceID=#arguments.occurrenceID#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&dateTimeID=#arguments.dateTimeID#'; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.includeExceptions)) ) lbFormURL = lbFormURL & '&includeExceptions=#arguments.includeExceptions#'; if ( variables.eventStepLogging ) { logMsg = "lbFormURL: " & lbFormURL; doStepLogging(processName=logProcess,methodName="",logMsg=logMsg,addBreak=true,size=60); } // Load the Scripts resources application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); // Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet application.ptCalendar.calService.loadCalendarAdminCSS(); An ID was not provided!
The Form CANNOT be opened!
Security Error:
Denied the request to access an unauthorized function!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventForwarderFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(request.params,"request.params",0); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(arguments.bean,"bean",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(arguments.method,"method",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(arguments.dataPageID,"dataPageID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(arguments.lbAction,"lbAction",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(arguments.lbTitle,"lbTitle",1);
var formID = application.ptCalendar.getCalEventDetailsFormID(); var eventDataPageID = arguments.dataPageID; var errorMsg = "Unable to delete this event!"; application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=1); if ( IsNumeric(arguments.dataPageID) AND arguments.dataPageID GT 0 ) { // Call the FORMS delete function return application.ptCalendar.forms.renderDeleteForm( formID=formID ,dataPageID=arguments.dataPageID ,title=arguments.title ,callback=arguments.callback ,cbIDlist=arguments.cbIDlist ); } return errorMsg; var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var dataQry = QueryNew("temp"); var retHTML = ""; var useEventsCache = false; // TODO: use this when Events Cache is dyanmic and is always current // var useEventsCache = application.ptCalendar.getEventCacheStatus(); var eventDeleteTypeConfirmFooterJS = ""; var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var submitStatusHTML = ' Processing...'; var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy; var actionApp = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName(); var confirmBean = "calEventsConfirmController"; var confirmMethod = "processDeleteTypeConfirmForm"; var deleteBean = "calEventsForms"; var deleteMethod = "renderEventDeleteForm"; var deleteTitle = "Delete Event"; var deleteCallback = "deleteEventChildren_cbFunct"; // Callback function to delete the Event Children in the DateTime and recurrence elements var deleteCallbackIDList = ""; // parent event ID var deleteDateTimeBean = "dateTimeBuilderForms"; var deleteDateTimeMethod = "renderDateTimeDeleteForm"; var deleteDateTimeTitle = "Delete Event Date and Time"; var deleteDateTimeCallback = "updateEventDateTime_cbFunct"; // Callback function to update the Event Details element var deleteDateTimeCallbackIDList = ""; // event ID to update var deleteSeriesDefault="occurrence"; var showDeleteConfirmDialog = true; var currData = StructNew(); var eventData = StructNew(); var eventType = ""; // Options: recurrencePattern, brokenRecurrence, orphanDateTime, siblingDateTime var eventDataPageID = ""; var eventDateTimeID = ""; var noIDMsg = ""; var noDataMsg = ""; // Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event // - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache' currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData( hashid=TRIM(arguments.hashID) ,dateTimeID=TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID) ,useCache=useEventsCache ); // Determine if we need to open the dialog or just open the edit form if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.hashID)) ) { // DateTimeID and a HashID // - If we have both the DateTimeID and a HashID then this is a recurrence exception // - This event has a static dataTime // - Open the confirmation dialog showDeleteConfirmDialog = true; // Use the Occurrence Event Data to display details about the event eventData = currData.occurrEventData; } else if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) ) { // DateTimeID (only - no hashID) // - if we only have a dateTimeID then this is a static date/time // Go directly to the standard Delete process showDeleteConfirmDialog = false; // - IMPORTANT!!! Delete ONLY this dataTime record .... unless it is the last dateTime record and there are NO recurrence props // - if this is the last (or only) datetime recordfor the event // - - Then, Open the Event Details FORM directly // - - No Series or Occurence Confrim Dialog needed // 1) We need to see if this event has recurrence props or sibling //TODO: DO NOT delete Event details... UNLESS this is the only dateTtime record left //If there are multiple DATETIME Records // - Update the deleteBean and deleteMethod vars to ONLY delete the dateTime record // - Pass the dataPageID of the DateTime record (NOT THE EVENT ID) // - UPDATE the Event Details record with the new DateTimeID list // DO NOT need the event data... never will be used //Use the Occurrence Event Data to display details about the event //eventData = currData.occurrEventData; if ( currData.EVENTTYPE EQ "orphanDateTime" ) { // Only set the eventDataPageID if we are opening the form directly with no Confirmation Dialog eventDataPageID = currData.occurrDataPageID; // Only set the callback ID of the Occurrence EventID if we are opening the form directly with no Confirmation Dialog // - This allow deletion of child records in bound elements deleteCallbackIDList = currData.occurrEventID; } else if ( currData.EVENTTYPE EQ "siblingDateTime" ) { eventDateTimeID = arguments.dateTimeID; // Event ID of the Event Record to update with the new DateTime data deleteDateTimeCallbackIDList = currData.occurrEventID; } } else if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.hashID)) ) { // HashID (only - no dateTimeID) // - If we only have a hashID then this is part of a Recurrence Series // - Open the confirmation dialog showDeleteConfirmDialog = true; // Use the Series Event Data to display details about the event eventData = currData.seriesEventData; } // TODO: Write this to a log file if ( arguments.appDebug ) { application.ptCalendar.utils.dodump(currData,"currData - DELETE",0); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(eventType,"eventType",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(eventData,"eventData",0); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(eventDataPageID,"eventDataPageID",1); application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(deleteCallbackIDList,"deleteCallbackIDList",1); } // Load the Scripts resources application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=1); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); // Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet application.ptCalendar.calService.loadCalendarAdminCSS(); An ID was NOT provided!
This Event CAN NOT be DELETED!
A Event Data was not found!
This Event CAN NOT be DELETED!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventDeleteTypeConfirmFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
#Server.CommonSpot.UDF.tag.input(type="hidden", name="CSRF_Token", value=application.ptCalendar.csSecurity.getCSRF_Token())#
Delete a Recurring Item:
"#eventData.Title#" is part of a recurrence series. Do you want to 'delete this occurrence' or 'delete the series'?
var appConfig = getAppConfig(); var dataQry = QueryNew("temp"); var retHTML = ""; var useEventsCache = false; var uiTheme = getUItheme(); var submitStatusHTML = ' Processing...'; var eventDeleteSeriesFooterJS = ""; var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy; var actionApp = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName(); var confirmBean = "calEventsConfirmController"; var confirmMethod = "processDeleteSeriesConfirmForm"; // processDeleteConfirmForm var noIDMsg = ""; // Load the Scripts resources application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=1); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); // Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet application.ptCalendar.calService.loadCalendarAdminCSS(); An ID was NOT provided!
This Event CAN NOT be DELETED!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventDeleteSeriesFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
#Server.CommonSpot.UDF.tag.input(type="hidden", name="CSRF_Token", value=application.ptCalendar.csSecurity.getCSRF_Token())# Delete a Series of Events:
"#eventData.Title#" is part of a recurrence series. Do you want to 'delete this occurrence' or 'delete the series'?
Are you sure you want to delete this Series of Events?