// This script MUST remain dynamic since the generated HTML is modified with a URL parameter request.element.isStatic = 0; configStruct = application.ptCalendar.getAppConfig(); UItheme = application.ptCalendar.getUItheme(); currentDate = Now(); currentMonth = month(currentDate); currentYear = year(currentDate); maxDisplayMonths = 12; currentView = application.ptCalendar.defaultView; currentViewURL = cgi.script_name; viewParamName = application.ptCalendar.viewParamName; qParamDelimiter = "?"; viewLinkData = StructNew(); // Get the view link data structure if ( application.ptCalendar.viewPageMode EQ "Single" ) { viewLinkData = application.ptCalendar.calRenderViewService.getCalViewPageStruct(); qParamDelimiter = "&"; // update the nextPrevLink URL ... for the Small Grid Calendar keep the current calendar view if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,viewParamName) ) currentView = request.params[viewParamName]; // Make currentView safe for output in HTML and JS Links currentView = application.ptCalendar.calRenderViewService.makeViewParamValueSafe(paramValue=currentView); currentViewURL = currentViewURL & "?" & viewParamName & "=" & currentView; } else { viewLinkData = application.ptCalendar.calPageMapDAO.getCalPageMapStruct(); } detailPageURL = ""; if( StructKeyExists(viewLinkData, "detailPage") and LEN(TRIM(viewLinkData.detailPage)) ) detailPageURL = viewLinkData.detailPage; // Set Nav Dropdown display default showNavDropdown = true; // Check to see if we are in a single veiw displaying the event details... if so... do NOT show the category checkboxes viewParamName = application.ptCalendar.viewParamName; if ( application.ptCalendar.viewPageMode EQ "Single" ) { if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,viewParamName) AND request.params[viewParamName] EQ "eventdetails" ) showNavDropdown = false; } // Make sure we have dates in the request.ptCalendar if ( !StructKeyExists(request,"ptCalendar") ) application.ptCalendar.calRenderController.processSelectedDate(); // load jQuery headers application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=1); // load header for jQuery UI application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=UItheme); // Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(navDropDownFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY