application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=application.ptCalendar.getUItheme()); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadFontAwesome(); // This script MUST remain dynamic since the data and the generated HTML is modified with a URL parameters request.element.isStatic = 0; request.element.hasData = 1; appName = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName(); // Get the Configuration and Page Map Values appConfig = application.ptCalendar.getAppConfig(); eventCatIconClass = "calEventDetailsCatIcon"; cfDateDisplayMask = application.ptCalendar.getDisplayCFdateMask(); // "M/D/YYYY" - DATE FORMAT FOR DISPLAY cfDateLongDisplayMask = application.ptCalendar.getDisplayCFdateLongMask(); // "dddd mmmm d, yyyy" - DATE FORMAT FOR DISPLAY cfTimeDisplayMask = application.ptCalendar.getDisplayCFtimeMask(); // "h:mm tt" - TIME FORMAT FOR DISPLAY cfDateSortMask = application.ptCalendar.getSortingCFdateMask(); // initialize the link variables viewLinkData = StructNew(); qParamDelimiter = "?"; detailLink = cgi.script_name; // Set the Event Cache status from the configuration element useEventsCache = application.ptCalendar.getEventCacheStatus(); isPastEvent = false; currentDateTime = Now(); thisEventDate = ""; dtHashID = ""; dateTimeID = ""; eventQry = QueryNew("temp"); eventData = StructNew(); if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"oid") AND LEN(TRIM(request.params.oid)) ) dtHashID = request.params.oid; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dtid") AND LEN(TRIM(request.params.dtid)) ) dateTimeID = request.params.dtid; if ( LEN(TRIM(dtHashID)) OR LEN(TRIM(dateTimeID)) ) { eventQry = application.ptCalendar.calEventsDAO.getEvents( dateTimeID = dateTimeID ,hashID = dtHashID ,useCache = useEventsCache ); // Convert the Event Query data to and Array of Structs if ( eventQry.RecordCount ) { eventData =,rowNum=1); } } // Set the max word count for description text for the iCal ics file creation descriptMaxWordCnt = application.ptCalendar.getiCalDescriptionMaxWordCount(); if ( StructKeyExists(eventData,"eventDate") AND LEN(TRIM(eventData.eventDate)) ) thisEventDate = dateFormat(eventData.eventDate); //application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(thisEventDate,"thisEventDate",1); // Determine if this event as occurred int he past if ( AND DateCompare(currentDateTime,thisEventDate,"d") EQ 1 ) isPastEvent = true; //application.ptCalendar.utils.doDump(isPastEvent,"isPastEvent",1); /* VIEW LINKS ARE NOT NEEDED FOR EVENT DETAIL VIEW */ // Get the view link data structure //if ( application.ptCalendar.viewPageMode EQ "Single" ) { // viewLinkData = application.ptCalendar.calRenderViewService.getCalViewPageStruct(); // qParamDelimiter = "&"; //} //else { // viewLinkData = application.ptCalendar.calPageMapDAO.getCalPageMapStruct(); //} //if( structKeyExists(viewLinkData, "detailPage") and len(trim(viewLinkData.detailPage)) ) //detailLink = viewLinkData.detailPage; No Event Data Available!
- #categoryArray[cat]
#dateFormat(eventData.eventDate, cfDateLongDisplayMask)#  [R*]  [R] [ALL DAY] #timeFormat(eventData.startTime, cfTimeDisplayMask)# - #timeFormat(eventData.endTime, cfTimeDisplayMask)#
Name: #eventData.contactName#
Phone: #eventData.contactPhone#


Date: #dateStr# (This event is in the past)
Time: #timeStr#
  • Description: #eventData.description#
  • Location: #eventData.location#
  • Contact Information: #contactStr#
  • Linked Events Page: #linkedPageTitle#
  • Web: #eventData.url#
  • Categories: #catTextStr#
#application.ptCalendar.calEventsiCalService.renderiCalEventButtons( eventDate=eventData.eventDate ,startTime=eventData.startTime ,endTime=eventData.endTime ,allday=eventData.allDay ,organizerEmail=iCalOrgEmail ,title=iCalTitle ,summary=iCalTitle ,description=iCalDescription ,location=iCalLocation ,website=iCalURL )#