// Variable for the version of the field - Display in Props UI. fieldVersion = "2.0.1"; // initialize some of the attributes variables typeid = attributes.typeid; prefix = attributes.prefix; formname = attributes.formname; currentValues = attributes.currentValues; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "fldID") ) currentValues.fldID = ""; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "displayFormat") ) currentValues.displayFormat = ""; if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "uiTheme") or currentValues.uiTheme eq "") currentValues.uiTheme = application.ptCalendar.getUItheme(); // use the UI theme from the Configuration Element if( not structKeyExists(currentValues, "fldIcon") ) currentValues.fldIcon = "none";
Display Format:
H hour without leading zero 24 hr HH hour with leading zero 24 hr
h hour without leading zero 12 hr hh hour with leading zero 12 hr
m minute without leading zero mm minute with leading zero
s second without leading zero ss second with leading zero
t a/p T A/P
tt am/pm TT AM/PM
UI Theme:
Field ID:
Please enter the field ID to be used via JavaScript. If blank, will use default CS field name.
Show Icon next to Field:   

ADF Custom Field v#fieldVersion#