appName = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName();
appConfig = application.ptCalendar.getAppConfig();
// Set the UI theme from the Configuration Element
uiTheme = application.ptCalendar.getUItheme();
// Get custom element name that this manager is working with.
ceName = application.ptCalendar.getCalOrganizationsCEName();
ManagePageTitleText = "Manage Calendar Organizations";
// Set the text for the button to Add New.
request.ptCalendar.addButtonTitle = "Add a New Calendar Organization";
// Set the buttonLibrary
if ( !StructKeyExists(attributes,"buttonLibrary") OR LEN(TRIM(attributes.buttonLibrary)) EQ 0 )
attributes.buttonLibrary = "jQueryUI"; // jQueryUI, Bootstrap or FontAwesome
// START - Bootstrap Button Options
if ( !StructKeyExists(attributes,"addButtonStyle") OR LEN(TRIM(attributes.addButtonStyle)) EQ 0 )
attributes.addButtonStyle = "";
if ( !StructKeyExists(attributes,"addButtonSize") OR LEN(TRIM(attributes.addButtonSize)) EQ 0 )
attributes.addButtonSize = "";
if ( !StructKeyExists(attributes,"editDeleteButtonsStyle") OR LEN(TRIM(attributes.editDeleteButtonsStyle)) EQ 0 )
attributes.editDeleteButtonsStyle = attributes.addButtonStyle;
if ( !StructKeyExists(attributes,"editDeleteButtonsSize") OR LEN(TRIM(attributes.editDeleteButtonsSize)) EQ 0 )
attributes.editDeleteButtonsSize = "";
// END - Bootstrap Button Options
// Load the jQuery scripts
// Load Icon Library Script (if not already loaded)
if ( attributes.buttonLibrary EQ "bootstrap" )
request.adfDSmodule.useBootstrap = true;
request.adfDSmodule.buttonStyle = attributes.editDeleteButtonsStyle;
request.adfDSmodule.buttonSize = attributes.editDeleteButtonsSize;
if ( attributes.buttonLibrary EQ "fontawesome" )
attributes.buttonLibrary = "bootstrap"; // Uses bootstrap for non-icon buttons
request.adfDSmodule.useFontAwesome = true;
request.adfDSmodule.buttonStyle = attributes.editDeleteButtonsStyle;
request.adfDSmodule.buttonSize = attributes.editDeleteButtonsSize;
if ( attributes.buttonLibrary EQ "jQueryUI" )
request.adfDSmodule.useJQueryUI = true;
request.adfDSmodule.buttonStyle = "";
request.adfDSmodule.buttonSize = "";
if ( StructKeyExists(attributes,"themeName") AND LEN(TRIM(attributes.themeName)) )
// load header for the Calendar Admin CSS
// Get the CE Form ID
//request.ptCalendar.formid = application.ptCalendar.getCalOrganizationsFormID();
// Load the inline CSS as a CSS Resource
application.ptCalendar.scripts.addHeaderCSS(ptCalendarMgmtHeaderCSS, "SECONDARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
// Load the inline JS as a JS Resource
application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(ptCalendarMgmtFooterJS, "SECONDARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
Note: Please use caution when modifying these Calendar Organization names. The names that are listed here may be used for the filtering of a few specific calendar app elements. For example, they can be used for filtering the Event Category Filter Checkboxes on some of the Calendar View Pages.
Please LOGIN to add new records.