variables.eventStepLogging = true;
var retForm = "";
var appConfig = getAppConfig();
var eventFormID = getCalEventDetailsFormID();
//var eventDataPageID = arguments.dataPageID;
var formResultHTML = "";
var formHeader = "";
var formFooter = "";
var eventsEditFormFooterJS = "";
var uiTheme = getUItheme();
var submitStatusHTML = ' Submitting...';
var processStatusHTML = ' Processing...';
jQuery(function() {
// Make sure the form displays
jQuery('##MainTable tr').eq(1).show();
// On Submit button click Display Submitting Message
jQuery('input[name="submitbutton"]').click(function() {
// Change button to a Ajax loader image to aviod multiple clicks
// Save the window.alert in to a temp alert object
var _temp_alert = window.alert;
window.alert = function() {
// run the Reset Submit code after the alert (must be after the alert
// Change the submitting message back to Submit and Cancel buttons
function resetSubmitButtons() {
//console.log("run resetSubmit");
// Wait a sec for the alert to be gone before showing the submit buttons again
setTimeout(function() {
//console.log("GO!! Show the submit button");
}, 500);
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded
application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventsEditFormFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
retForm = formHeader;
retForm = retForm & application.ptCalendar.forms.renderAddEditForm(
formID = eventFormID
,dataPageId = arguments.dataPageID
retForm = retForm & formFooter;
return retForm;
var eventFormID = getCalEventDetailsFormID();
var formResultFooterJS = "";
var calEventID = "";
var dateTimeID = "";
//var submitStatusMSG = "Saving Event...";
//var submitStatusIMG = "/ADF/apps/pt_calendar/images/ajax-loader-arrows.gif";
if ( StructKeyExists(arguments,"FormValues") )
if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.FormValues,"uniqueID") )
dateTimeID = arguments.FormValues.uniqueID;
if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.FormValues,"calEventID") )
calEventID = arguments.FormValues.calEventID;
if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.appCallback)) )
arguments.FormValues.formID = eventFormID;
arguments.FormValues.datapageid = arguments.datapageid;
arguments.FormValues.cbIDlist = arguments.cbIDlist;
//if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"cbIDlist") )
// arguments.FormValues.cbIDlist = request.params.cbIDlist;
// Build the FormValues JS Object
var #ToScript(arguments.FormValues, "formvalues")#
// Set the the FormID as a JS variable
var #ToScript(arguments.formid, "formid")#
// Set the the DataPageID as a JS variable
var #ToScript(arguments.datapageid, "datapageid")#
// Call the ADF form callback with the form values data
getCallback('#arguments.appCallback#', formvalues);
// Call the ADF form callback with the form values data
getCallback('#arguments.callback#', formvalues);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded
application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(formResultFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
var retMsgHTML = "";
var processStatusHTML = " Processing...";
Please wait while this event is being processed!!
(This window will close when the process has completed.)
var appConfig = getAppConfig();
var reHTML = "";
var uiTheme = getUItheme();
var submitStatusHTML = ' Copying...';
var eventCopyFormFooterJS = "";
var actionApp = getAppBeanName();
var actionBean = "calEventsCopyController";
var actionMethod = "processEventCopyForm";
var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy;
var dataStruct = StructNew();
var dateTimeDataArray = ArrayNew(1);
var recurDataArray = ArrayNew(1);
var dateTimeIDList = "";
var recurrenceIDList = "";
var noSrcIDMsg = "";
var noSrcDataMsg = "";
var dtCopyDefault = 1;
var recurCopyDefault = 1;
// Load the Scripts resources
// Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet
An Event ID was NOT provided!
This Event CANNOT be copied!The Event Data could NOT be found!
This Event CANNOT be copied!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded
application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventCopyFormFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
// Get the Event Details
dataStruct = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(TRIM(arguments.eventID));
if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct,"values") )
if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct.values,"EventDateTimeIDList") AND LEN(TRIM(dataStruct.values.EventDateTimeIDList)) )
dateTimeIDList = dataStruct.values.EventDateTimeIDList;
// Get the rendered Event Dates and Times
dateTimeDataArray = application.ptCalendar.dateTimeBuilderController.buildDateTimeRenderData(dateTimeIDList=dateTimeIDList);
if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct.values,"EventRecurrenceID") AND LEN(TRIM(dataStruct.values.EventRecurrenceID)) )
recurrenceIDList = dataStruct.values.EventRecurrenceID;
// Get the rendered Recurrence Properties
recurDataArray = application.ptCalendar.recurrenceBuilderController.buildRecurrenceRenderData(uuidList=recurrenceIDList);
var appConfig = getAppConfig();
var dataQry = QueryNew("temp");
var retHTML = "";
var useEventsCache = false;
// TODO: use this when Events Cache is dyanmic and is always current
// var useEventsCache = application.ptCalendar.getEventCacheStatus();
var eventEditTypeFooterJS = "";
var uiTheme = getUItheme();
var submitStatusHTML = ' Opening...';
var actionURL = application.ADF.lightboxProxy;
var actionApp = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName();
var confirmBean = "calEventsConfirmController";
var confirmMethod = "processEditConfirmForm";
var editBean = "calEventsForms";
var editMethod = "renderEventEditForm";
var editTitle = "Edit Event";
//var editLBAction = "refreshparent"; //TODO: DELETE - THIS IS NOT NEEDED WHEN USING EVENT CACHE
var editSeriesDefault="series"; //occurrence
var showEditConfirmDialog = true;
var noIDMsg = "";
var noDataMsg = "";
var currData = StructNew();
var occurrDataPageID = "";
var occurrEventID = "";
var seriesDataPageID = "";
var seriesEventID = "";
var eventType = ""; // Options: recurrencePattern, brokenRecurrence, orphanDateTime
var eventData = StructNew();
var eventDataPageID = "";
var callbackAction = "updateEventCache_cbFunct";
var callbackActionID = "";
// Overwrite the CommonSpot Variable for CD_DialogName with the arguments.title
//var CD_DialogName = arguments.title;
var logMsg = "";
var logProcess = "Edit-Event";
if ( variables.eventStepLogging )
//logMsg = "dateTimeID: " & arguments.dateTimeID;
//logMsg = "hashID: " & arguments.hashID;
// Get the Event Details
// - Determine if we need to open the dialog or just open the edit form
if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.hashID)) )
// DateTimeID and a HashID
// - If we have both the DateTimeID and a HashID then this is a recurrence exception
// - This event has a static dataTime
// - Open the confirmation dialog
showEditConfirmDialog = true;
// Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event
// - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache'
currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData(
occurrEventID = currData.occurrEventID;
occurrDataPageID = currData.occurrDataPageID; // Use this to open the OCCURRENCE
seriesEventID = currData.seriesEventID;
seriesDataPageID = currData.seriesDataPageID; // Use this to open the SEREIS
eventType = currData.eventType;
eventData = currData.occurrEventData;
else if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.dateTimeID)) )
// DateTimeID (only - no hashID)
// - if we only have a dateTimeID then this is a static date/time
// - Open the Event Details form directly
// - No Confirm Dialog needed
showEditConfirmDialog = false;
// Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event
// - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache'
currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData(
occurrEventID = currData.occurrEventID;
occurrDataPageID = currData.occurrDataPageID; // Use this to open the OCCURRENCE
eventType = currData.eventType;
eventData = currData.occurrEventData;
// Only set the eventDataPageID if we are opening the form directly with no Confirmation Dialog
eventDataPageID = occurrDataPageID;
// Set the Callback ActionID tothe Event ID to update the Cache
if ( LEN(TRIM(occurrEventID)) )
callbackActionID = occurrEventID;
else if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.hashID)) )
// HashID (only - no dateTimeID)
// - If we only have a hashID then this is part of a Recurrence Series
// - Open the confirmation dialog
showEditConfirmDialog = true;
// Get Current Occurrence and Series IDs for the selected event
// - TODO: When the Events Cache can be dynamically updated and is always current this can be changed to use the dymanic 'useEventsCache'
currData = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSeriesService.getOccurrenceData(
seriesEventID = currData.seriesEventID;
seriesDataPageID = currData.seriesDataPageID; // Use this to open the SEREIS
eventType = currData.eventType;
eventData = currData.seriesEventData;
if ( variables.eventStepLogging )
logMsg = "seriesEventID: " & seriesEventID;
doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false);
logMsg = "seriesDataPageID: " & seriesDataPageID;
doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false);
logMsg = "eventType: " & eventType;
doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false);
if ( arguments.appDebug )
if ( variables.eventStepLogging )
logMsg = "showEditConfirmDialog: " & showEditConfirmDialog;
doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false);
logMsg = "callbackAction: " & callbackAction;
doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=false);
logMsg = "callbackActionID: " & callbackActionID;
doStepLogging(processName=logProcess, methodName="", logMsg=logMsg, addBreak=true, size=60);
// Load the Scripts resources
// Include the Calendar Admin Style Sheet
An ID was NOT provided!
This Event Form CAN NOT be opened!A Event Data was not found!
This Event Form CAN NOT be opened!
// Load the inline JavaScript after the libraries have loaded
application.ptCalendar.scripts.addFooterJS(eventCopyFormFooterJS, "TERTIARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY