var retStruct = StructNew();
var notifyUsers = "";
var notifyEventContact = "";
var notifyEmailList = "";
var devEmailList = "";
// Get Event Details Data
var eventData = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(uniqueID=arguments.eventID);
// Send and Email to the Notification Contacts for each selected Event Category
if ( StructKeyExists(eventData,"values") ) {
if ( StructKeyExists(eventData.values,"uniqueID") AND LEN(TRIM(eventData.values.uniqueID)) ) {
// Send Notification Emails to users who have been assigned to Event Categories
notifyUsers = notifyUsersByEventID(eventData.values.uniqueID);
// If approved or denied ... send rejection or approval email to the Contact Email
if ( StructKeyExists(eventData.values,"eventApproved") AND LEN(TRIM(eventData.values.eventApproved)) )
notifyEventContact = sendEventApprovalEmail(eventData.values.uniqueID);
// Test Email addresses
//notifyEmailList = devEmailList;
//notifyEmailList = ListAppend(notifyEmailList,devEmailList);
if ( ListLen(notifyEmailList) GT 0 )
notifyEmailList = notifyByEmailAddressList(eventData.values.uniqueID,notifyEmailList);
// Build the return Struct
retStruct["notifyUsers"] = notifyUsers;
retStruct["notifyEventContact"] = notifyEventContact;
retStruct["notifyEmailList"] = notifyEmailList;
retStruct["EventID"] = arguments.EventID;
return retStruct;
var catUserIDList = "";
var catUserEmailList = "";
var eventCatIDList = "";
var eventCatNameList = "";
var emailSendStatus = false;
var noticationStatusStruct = StructNew();
// Get Event Details Data
var eventStruct = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(uniqueID=arguments.eventID);
// Get List of UserIDs from the provided list of Categories from the Notication Groups
if ( StructKeyExists(eventStruct,"values") AND StructKeyExists(eventStruct.values,"category") AND LEN(TRIM(eventStruct.values.category)) ) {
eventCatIDList = eventStruct.values.category;
// Get Category Users
catUserIDList = application.ptCalendar.calEventCategoriesDAO.getCategoryUserListByCatIDs(catIDlist=eventCatIDList);
// Get Category names
eventCatNameList = application.ptCalendar.calEventCategoriesDAO.getEventCategoryNames(uniqueID=eventCatIDList);
// Get List of User's' Email Addresses from list of UserIDs
if ( LEN(TRIM(catUserIDList)) )
catUserEmailList = application.ptCalendar.calCSUsersDAO.getUserEmailListByIDList(UserIDList=catUserIDList);
// Build and Send Email to Notification Users
if ( LEN(TRIM(catUserEmailList)) )
emailSendStatus = sendEventNotifcationEmail(toEmailList=catUserEmailList,eventDetailsStruct=eventStruct);
// Build the return Struct
noticationStatusStruct["EmailSendStatus"] = emailSendStatus;
noticationStatusStruct["EmailAddressList"] = catUserEmailList;
noticationStatusStruct["EventCatIDs"] = eventCatIDList;
noticationStatusStruct["EventCategories"] = eventCatNameList;
noticationStatusStruct["EventID"] = arguments.EventID;
return noticationStatusStruct;
var emailSendStatus = false;
var noticationStatusStruct = StructNew();
// Get Event Details Data
var eventStruct = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(uniqueID=arguments.eventID);
// Build and Send Email to Notification Users
if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.emailSendList)) )
emailSendStatus = sendEventNotifcationEmail(toEmailList=arguments.emailSendList,eventDetailsStruct=eventStruct);
// Build the return Struct
noticationStatusStruct["EmailSendStatus"] = emailSendStatus;
noticationStatusStruct["EmailAddressList"] = arguments.emailSendList;
noticationStatusStruct["EventID"] = arguments.EventID;
return noticationStatusStruct;
var sendNotifications = false;
var emailMessage = "";
var emailIntroMsg = "";
var emailSubject = "Event Notification";
var emailFromAddress = "";
var sentSuccess = false;
var calAppConfig = getAppConfig();
var eventStruct = arguments.eventDetailsStruct;
var currData = StructNew();
var eventID = "";
var eventTitle = "";
var eventCatList = "";
// Get App Config Settings
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'SendEventNotifiactionEmail') AND IsBoolean(calAppConfig['SendEventNotifiactionEmail']) AND calAppConfig['SendEventNotifiactionEmail'] EQ true )
sendNotifications = true;
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'Event_Notification_From_Address') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['Event_Notification_From_Address'])) )
emailFromAddress = calAppConfig['Event_Notification_From_Address'];
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'Event_Notification_Email_Subject') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['Event_Notification_Email_Subject'])) )
emailSubject = calAppConfig['Event_Notification_Email_Subject'];
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'Event_Notification_Email_Message') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['Event_Notification_Email_Message'])) )
emailIntroMsg = calAppConfig['Event_Notification_Email_Message'];
// Set the currData struct and make sure we have a valid data set
if ( StructKeyExists(eventStruct,"values") ) {
currData = eventStruct.values;
// if we have a uniqueID then we should have an actual event record
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"uniqueID") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.uniqueID)) )
eventID = currData.uniqueID;
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"title") )
eventTitle = currData.title;
// Convert CatIDs into category names
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"category") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.category)) ) {
eventCatList = application.ptCalendar.calEventCategoriesDAO.getEventCategoryNames(currData.category);
eventCatList = ListChangeDelims(eventCatList,", ",",");
if ( LEN(TRIM(emailMessage)) )
emailIntroMsg = REPLACENOCASE(emailIntroMsg,"[EventCats]","#eventCatList#","all");
// Do Not Send and Email if Config setting does not allow it
if ( sendNotifications EQ false )
sendEmail = false;
[#UCASE(] #TRIM(emailSubject)##CHR(10)#
var sentSuccess = false;
var calAppConfig = getAppConfig();
var sendEmail = false;
var currData = StructNew();
var emailSubject = "";
var emailFromAddress = ""; // Set as default but value will come fromt he config element
var emailToAddress = "";
// retrieve the data for the event
var eventUniqueID = "";
var eventTitle = "";
var eventApprovalStatus = "";
var eventData = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(uniqueID=arguments.eventID);
var sendApproved = false;
var approvedLabel = "Approved";
var approvedIntroMsg = "Your event has been #approvedLabel#.";
var sendDenied = false;
var deniedLabel = "Denied";
var deniedIntroMsg = "Your event has been #deniedLabel#.";
// Get App Config Settings
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'Event_Notification_From_Address') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['Event_Notification_From_Address'])) )
emailFromAddress = calAppConfig['Event_Notification_From_Address'];
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'SendEventApprovedEmail') AND IsBoolean(calAppConfig['SendEventApprovedEmail']) AND calAppConfig['SendEventApprovedEmail'] EQ true )
sendApproved = true;
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'EventApprovedLabel') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['EventApprovedLabel'])) )
approvedLabel = calAppConfig['EventApprovedLabel'];
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'Event_Approved_Email_Message') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['Event_Approved_Email_Message'])) )
approvedIntroMsg = calAppConfig['Event_Approved_Email_Message'];
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'SendEventDeniedEmail') AND IsBoolean(calAppConfig['SendEventDeniedEmail']) AND calAppConfig['SendEventDeniedEmail'] EQ true )
sendDenied = true;
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'EventDeniedLabel') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['EventDeniedLabel'])) )
deniedLabel = calAppConfig['EventDeniedLabel'];
if ( structKeyExists(calAppConfig,'Event_Denied_Email_Message') AND LEN(TRIM(calAppConfig['Event_Denied_Email_Message'])) )
deniedIntroMsg = calAppConfig['Event_Denied_Email_Message'];
// Set the currData struct and make sure we have a valid data set
if ( StructKeyExists(eventData,"values") ) {
currData = eventData.values;
// if we have a uniqueID then we should have an actual event record
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"uniqueID") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.uniqueID)) ) {
eventUniqueID = currData.uniqueID;
sendEmail = true;
else {
sendEmail = false;
// Check to see if we have an Event Requestor Email... the CS email Custom Field should have verified the format
if ( sendEmail AND StructKeyExists(currData,"eventRequestorEmail") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.eventRequestorEmail)) )
emailToAddress = currData.eventRequestorEmail;
sendEmail = false;
// Set the event Title
if ( sendEmail AND StructKeyExists(currData,"title") )
eventTitle = currData.title;
// Set the eventApprovalStatus
if ( sendEmail AND StructKeyExists(currData,"eventApproved") ) {
if ( currData.eventApproved EQ 1 )
eventApprovalStatus = "approved";
else if ( currData.eventApproved EQ 0 )
eventApprovalStatus = "denied";
sendEmail = false;
else {
sendEmail = false;
// Do Not Send and Email if Config setting does not allow it
if ( eventApprovalStatus EQ "approved" AND sendApproved EQ false )
sendEmail = false;
else if ( eventApprovalStatus EQ "denied" AND sendDenied EQ false )
sendEmail = false;
Event Title: #eventTitle#
Rejection Reason:
var calAppConfig = getAppConfig();
var currData = StructNew();
var retHTML = "";
var r = 1;
var k = 1;
var eventTitle = "";
var calOrgList = "";
var eventCatList = "";
var recPropsArray = ArrayNew(1);
var dateTimeArray = ArrayNew(1);
var eventDateTimeHTML="";
var eventRecurrenceHTML = "";
// Get Event Details Data
var eventData = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getEventDetailsDataByUniqueID(uniqueID=arguments.uniqueID);
// Set the currData struct and make sure we have a valid data set
if ( structKeyExists(eventData,"values") ) {
currData = eventData.values;
// Set the event Title
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"title") )
eventTitle = currData.title;
// Convert Org IDs into Organization Names
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"organization") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.organization)) ) {
calOrgList = application.ptCalendar.calOrganizationsDAO.getCalOrganizationsNames(currData.organization);
calOrgList = ListChangeDelims(calOrgList,", ",",");
// Convert CatIDs into category names
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"category") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.category)) ) {
eventCatList = application.ptCalendar.calEventCategoriesDAO.getEventCategoryNames(currData.category);
eventCatList = ListChangeDelims(eventCatList,", ",",");
// Get Event Date Time HTML
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"EventDateTimeIDList") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.EventDateTimeIDList)) )
dateTimeArray = application.ptCalendar.dateTimeBuilderController.buildDateTimeRenderData(dateTimeIDList=currData.EventDateTimeIDList);
// Get Event Recurrence HTML
if ( StructKeyExists(currData,"EventRecurrenceID") AND LEN(TRIM(currData.EventRecurrenceID)) )
recPropsArray = application.ptCalendar.recurrenceBuilderController.buildRecurrenceRenderData(uuidList=currData.EventRecurrenceID);
Event Details:
Event Title: #eventTitle#
Event Description: #currData.description#
Event Dates and Times:
Recurrence Properties:
Organization: #calOrgList#
Categories: #eventCatList#
Location: #currData.location#
Web Site: #currData.url#
Contact Name: #currData.contactName#
Contact Phone: #currData.contactPhone#
Contact Email: #currData.contactEmail##CHR(10)#
Sponsors: #currData.sponsors##CHR(10)#
No event details available or an error occurred!