// If the ptCalendar bean name has been defined get the app config if ( StructKeyExists(application,"ptCalendar") ) appConfig = application.ptCalendar.getAppConfig(); else appConfig = StructNew(); // Set the UI theme from the Configuration Element uiTheme = application.ptCalendar.getUItheme(); // Add/Edit button default labels rbAddButtonText = "Setup Recurrence"; rbEditButtonText = "Edit Recurrence"; rbController = "recurrenceBuilderController"; rbService = "recurrenceBuilderService"; rbForm = "recurrenceBuilderForms"; // the fields current value currentValue = attributes.currentValues[fqFieldName]; // the param structure which will hold all of the fields from the props dialog xparams = parameters[fieldQuery.inputID]; // Set defaults for the label and description includeLabel = true; includeDescription = false; //-- Update for CS 6.x / backwards compatible for CS 5.x -- // If it does not exist set the Field Security variable to a default value if ( NOT StructKeyExists(variables,"fieldPermission") ) variables.fieldPermission = ""; //-- Read Only Check w/ cs6 fieldPermission parameter -- readOnly = application.ptCalendar.forms.isFieldReadOnly(xparams,variables.fieldPermission); if ( NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "fieldID") ) xparams.fieldID = fqFieldName; if ( (NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "fieldClass")) OR ( LEN(TRIM(xparams.fieldClass)) LTE 0) ) xparams.fieldClass = ""; if ( (NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "btnAddText")) OR ( LEN(TRIM(xparams.btnAddText)) LTE 0) ) xparams.btnAddText = rbAddButtonText; if ( (NOT StructKeyExists(xparams, "btnEditText")) OR ( LEN(TRIM(xparams.btnEditText)) LTE 0) ) xparams.btnEditText = rbEditButtonText; // Set the NO Records Text noRecordsText = "Recurrence has not been setup for this event.
Click '#xparams.btnAddText#' to select recurrence properties."; // Get the DateTime element Name dtDataElementName = application.ptCalendar.getEventDateTimeCEName(); // Get the DateTime formid dtDataFormID = application.ptCalendar.getEventDateTimeFormID(); // Set the the Ajax Loader Image ajaxIMG = ''; // Set the newDefaultPickerDate to be prepared if nothing is passed in newDefaultPickerDate = ""; if ( LEN(TRIM(currentValue)) EQ 0 ) { // Pass new date URL variable through to the Calendar Picker if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"newSelectedDate") AND IsDate(request.params.newSelectedDate) ) newDefaultPickerDate = request.params.newSelectedDate; } // Create a script obj application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQuery(); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); application.ptCalendar.scripts.loadADFLightbox();