appName = application.ptCalendar.getAppBeanName();
appConfig = application.ptCalendar.getAppConfig();
// Set the Event Cache status from the configuration element
useEventsCache = application.ptCalendar.getEventCacheStatus();
// Set the UI theme from the Configuration Element
uiTheme = application.ptCalendar.getUItheme();
viewPageMode = application.ptCalendar.getViewPageMode();
useVerboseOutput = application.ptCalendar.getVerboseOutputStatus();
// date/time defualt values from the Confing
dayBeginTime = application.ptCalendar.getDayBeginTime();
dayEndTime = application.ptCalendar.getDayEndTime();
// date format values from the Confing
cfDateFormatMask = application.ptCalendar.getDisplayCFdateMask();
jsDateFormatMask = application.ptCalendar.getDatePickerJSdateMask();
// Orgs and Cats Sort Field from the Confing
orgsFilterSortField = application.ptCalendar.getOrgsDisplaySortField();
catsFilterSortField = application.ptCalendar.getCatsDisplaySortField();
searchFilterName = "eventsSearch";
searchFilterType = "List"; // List/Grid/Datasheet
searchFromPageID =;
searchResultsPageID =;
OrgIDFilter = "";
OrgNameFilter = "";
// Get the values from the attributes passed in from the Custom Script Properties field
if ( StructKeyExists(attributes,"searchType") )
searchFilterType = attributes.searchType; // this attributes option is not used at this time
if ( StructKeyExists(attributes,"resultsPageID") )
searchResultsPageID = attributes.resultsPageID;
if ( StructKeyExists(attributes,"Organization") )
OrgNameFilter = attributes.Organization;
// Convert the OrgName filter in to an OrgID
if ( LEN(TRIM(OrgNameFilter)) )
OrgIDFilter = application.ptCalendar.calOrganizationsDAO.getOrgIDByName(orgName=OrgNameFilter);
// Set searchFilterName... used for Filter Field Cache and Filter Form Cookies
if ( viewPageMode EQ "Single" )
searchFilterName = searchFilterName & "-" & searchResultsPageID;
searchFilterName = searchFilterName & "-" &;
// Default Field Values
defaultApprovalStatus = "Approved"; //Approved
defaultOrganizations = OrgIDFilter;
defaultRangeType = "m"; // m - month, d - day, y - year, ww - week
defaultRangeQty = "6";
defaultMonth = "";
defaultYear = "";
// Get Default Start and End Date
defaultStartDate = DateFormat(CreateDate(Year(Now()), Month(Now()), 1),cfDateFormatMask);
defaultEndDate = DateFormat(DateAdd(defaultRangeType,defaultRangeQty,defaultStartDate),cfDateFormatMask);
// Set a Dummy UUID so the DataSheet filter doesn't fail
eventsfilterResult = StructNew();
eventsfilterData = StructNew();
eventsfilterIDlist = "";
eventsFilteredStatus = false;
// Set up eventSearch request variable if it doesn't exist
if ( !StructKeyExists(request,"ptCalendar") )
request.ptCalendar = StructNew();
if ( !StructKeyExists(request.ptCalendar,searchFilterName) )
request.ptCalendar[searchFilterName] = StructNew();
if ( !StructKeyExists(request.ptCalendar[searchFilterName],"eventIDlist") )
request.ptCalendar[searchFilterName].eventIDlist = dummyEventID; // Use a Dummy UUID so the DataSheet filter doesn't fail
// Read the filter field cache
cachedfilters = StructNew();
// Check to see if SEARCH button was clicked
if ( NOT StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterAction") ) {
// See if there are any filters stored in session
cachedfilters = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSearchController.readFilterSessionVars(filterType=searchFilterType,filterName=searchFilterName);
if ( StructKeyExists(cachedfilters,"dsFilterAction") ) {
// Add the cached filters to the request.params
else if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterAction") AND request.params.dsFilterAction EQ "reset" ) {
// Return no Results if not coming from a FROM page submit or if coming from a "RESET"
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterAction") AND request.params.dsFilterAction NEQ "reset" ) {
// Build the eventsfilterIDlist
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"eventID") ) {
// if a list if IDs has been passed in via the URL go ahead a override any other criteria
eventsfilterIDlist = request.params.eventID;
else if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterAction") AND request.params.dsFilterAction EQ "search" ) {
//useEventsCache = false; // Use this to override the appCofig setting when debugging
// if the searchFilterForm has been submitted process the submission and return a list of eventIDs
// or a query with the calEventIDs as a column and use the ValueList() function
eventsfilterResult = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSearchController.processEventsSearchForm(
,useCache = useEventsCache
// Copy the filterCriteria from request.params (URL) vars to session scope
else {
defaultCriteria = StructNew();
defaultCriteria.dsFilterStartDate = defaultStartDate;
defaultCriteria.dsFilterEndDate = defaultEndDate;
defaultCriteria.dsFilterMonth = defaultMonth;
defaultCriteria.dsFilterYear = defaultYear;
defaultCriteria.dsFilterApprovedStatus = defaultApprovalStatus;
defaultCriteria.dsFilterOrganizations = defaultOrganizations;
// Build default list of event IDs to display with ONLY date criteria
eventsfilterResult = application.ptCalendar.calEventsSearchController.processEventsSearchForm(
if ( StructKeyExists(eventsfilterResult,"filterIDlist") AND LEN(TRIM(eventsfilterResult.filterIDlist)) )
eventsfilterIDlist = eventsfilterResult.filterIDlist;
if ( StructKeyExists(eventsfilterResult,"filterStatus") )
eventsFilteredStatus = eventsfilterResult.filterStatus;
if ( LEN(TRIM(eventsfilterIDlist)) )
request.ptCalendar[searchFilterName].eventIDlist = eventsfilterIDlist;
// Set the URL for the form page
formPageURL = application.ptCalendar.csData.getCSPageURL(searchFromPageID);
// Set the URL for the results page
resultsPageURL = formPageURL;
if ( searchFromPageID NEQ searchResultsPageID )
resultsPageURL = application.ptCalendar.csData.getCSPageURL(searchResultsPageID);
// Set the default URL from the search form
formActionURL = "#resultsPageURL#";
formActionParams = "";
if ( StructKeyExists(cgi,"QUERY_STRING") AND LEN(TRIM(cgi.QUERY_STRING)) )
formActionParams = cgi.QUERY_STRING;
submitStatusHTML = " Searching...";
clearStatusHTML = " Resetting...";
showToolsLinkText = "Show Search Form";
hideToolsLinkText = "Hide Search Form";
// Filter field size defaults
dateFieldSize = "10";
dateMaxSize = "12";
textFieldSize = "20";
textMaxSize = "255";
// Filter Form Defaults
selectedApprovedStatus = defaultApprovalStatus;
selectedKeywords = "";
selectedStartDateValue = defaultStartDate;
selectedEndDateValue = defaultEndDate;
selectedCategories = "";
selectedOrganizations = defaultOrganizations;
selectedLocation = "";
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterStartDate") )
selectedStartDateValue = request.params.dsFilterStartDate;
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterEndDate") )
selectedEndDateValue = request.params.dsFilterEndDate;
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterCategories") )
selectedCategories = request.params.dsFilterCategories;
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterOrganizations") )
selectedOrganizations = request.params.dsFilterOrganizations;
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterLocation") )
selectedLocation = request.params.dsFilterLocation;
if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"dsFilterKeywords") )
selectedKeywords = request.params.dsFilterKeywords;
// Get the Active Organization
orgArray = application.ptCalendar.calOrganizationsDAO.getCalOrgIDandNameArray(activeOnly=1,sortField=orgsFilterSortField);
// Get the Active Categories for the selected Org
catArray = application.ptCalendar.calEventCategoriesDAO.getFilteredCategoriesByOrgID(orgID=selectedOrganizations,filterField="active",filterValue=1,sortField=catsFilterSortField);
// Get the Locations list from the Event Details Records
locationsQry = application.ptCalendar.calEventDetailsDAO.getUniqueLocationsQuery();
// load headers for jQuery Cookie
// Load the DateJS Plugin Headers
// Load the BBQ Plugin Headers
// Load the CFJS Plugin Headers
// load header for the Calendar Admin CSS
// Output Cache Status (if verbose output is turned on)
if ( useVerboseOutput )