var retMessage = "true";
var errorFlag = false;
var blogData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getBlog(arguments.blogID);
var subsiteID = 0;
var results = "";
var landingPageName = "";
try {
// Check if the subsite URL text is a valid subsite
subsiteID = getBlogSubsiteID(blogID = arguments.blogID);
if( subsiteID LTE 0)
retMessage = "Unable to create blog subsite [#blogData.subsiteURL#]";
errorFlag = true; // Set the Error Flag
// FEATURE - Blog Landing Page
// Check the config wants to build the Blog Landing Page
if ( NOT errorFlag AND blogData.autoLandingPage )
// Handle the "Landing Page" features
results = handleFeatureBuild(blogID=arguments.blogID, featureType="landingPage");
if ( results.errorFlag )
retMessage = "Error creating Blog Landing Page. " & results.retMessage;
retMessage = "true";
errorFlag = results.errorFlag;
// FEATURE - Tags Listing Page
// Check the config to build the Tags Listing Page
if ( NOT errorFlag
AND application.ptBlog2.appConfig.tagsIntegrated
AND blogData.autoTagsPage ) {
// Handle the "Tags Listing" features
results = handleFeatureBuild(blogID=arguments.blogID, featureType="tagsListing");
if ( results.errorFlag )
retMessage = "Error creating Tags Listing Page. " & results.retMessage;
retMessage = "true";
errorFlag = results.errorFlag;
application.ptBlog2.utils.logAppend("Unable to find blog with ID #arguments.blogID#","blogErrors.log");
retMessage = "Unable to identify blog data.";
errorFlag = true; // Set the Error Flag
catch(Any e) {
application.ptBlog2.utils.dodump(e, "cfcatch", false);
retMessage = e.message;
errorFlag = true;
// Return the blog message
return retMessage;
var results = StructNew();
var retStruct = StructNew();
retStruct.retMessage = "true";
retStruct.errorFlag = false;
// Switch-Case to determine the feature
switch (arguments.featureType){
case "landingPage":
// Landing Page Feature
results = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.createBlogIndexPage(arguments.blogID);
case "tagsListing":
// Tags Listing Page Feature
results = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.createTagsListingPage(arguments.blogID);
// Check if any errors
if ( (StructKeyExists(results, "csPageID") AND (results.csPageID GT 0))
AND (StructKeyExists(results, "errorFlag") AND (NOT results.errorFlag)) ) {
// Set the feature type data
results = handleFeatureUpdate(blogID=arguments.blogID,
// Check the Status
if ( NOT results.contentUpdated ) {
retStruct.retMessage = results.errorMsg;
retStruct.errorFlag = true; // Set the Error Flag
else {
//retStruct.retMessage = "Error creating the Tags Listing Page. Please check that a page with the same name does not exist within the blog subsite.";
retStruct.retMessage = results.errorMsg;
retStruct.errorFlag = true; // Set the Error Flag
return retStruct;
var featureData = StructNew();
var cuurFeatureData = StructNew();
var runCCAPI = false; // Set flag to run CCAPI
var results = StructNew();
results.contentUpdated = false;
results.msg = "";
// Get the feature data for the blog and feature type
cuurFeatureData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getFeatureData(blogID=arguments.blogID,
// There is a feature data record
if ( ArrayLen(cuurFeatureData) ){
// Check if the new CS Page ID is NOT EQUAL to the current CS Page ID stored
if ( arguments.csPageID NEQ cuurFeatureData[1].Values.featureCSPageID ){
// Update the record with the new CS Page ID
featureData = cuurFeatureData[1].Values;
featureData.dataPageID = cuurFeatureData[1].pageID;
featureData.featureCSPageID = arguments.csPageID;
runCCAPI = true; // Set flag to run CCAPI
else {
// Just say the content was updated to move along the processing
results.contentUpdated = true;
else {
// IF we DON'T have an entry in the feature data, then create record
// Build the feature type data
featureData.blogID = arguments.blogID;
featureData.featureType = arguments.featureType;
featureData.featureCSPageID = arguments.csPageID;
runCCAPI = true; // Set flag to run CCAPI
// Set the data into the Blog2 Feature Data CE
if ( runCCAPI )
results = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.setFeatureData(featureData);
return results;
// Set the feature types into a list to loop over
var featureItemsList = "landingPage,tagsListing";
var featureData = "";
var i = 1;
var sparams = StructNew();
// Loop over the list of feature types
for ( i=1; i LTE ListLen(featureItemsList); i=i+1 ){
// Get the Landing Page feature data, if it exists
featureData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getFeatureData(blogID=arguments.blogID, featureType=ListGetAt(featureItemsList,i));
// Delete current feature pages
if ( ArrayLen(featureData) ) {
// Load the sparams
sparams = StructNew();
sparams.pageid = featureData[1].values.featureCSPageID;
// Call CSData to get the subsiteID for the pageID
sparams.subsiteid = application.ptBlog2.csdata.getSubsiteIDByPageID(sparams.pageid);
// Delete the feature CS pages
// Delete the feature CE Record
return true;
var featureCSPageID = 0;
// Get the Feature data
var featureData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getFeatureData(blogID=arguments.blogID,
if ( ArrayLen(featureData) ) {
// Take the top item from the feature data
featureCSPageID = featureData[1].values.featureCSPageID;
// Validate if the featureCSPageID page exists.
// If not exist, then clear the featureCSPageID variable
if ( NOT LEN(application.ptBlog2.csData.getCSPageURL(featureCSPageID)) )
featureCSPageID = 0;
return featureCSPageID;
// Get the Feature CS Page ID
var featureCSPageID = getFeatureCSPageID(blogID=arguments.blogID, featureType=arguments.featureType);
var featureCSPageURL = "";
if ( featureCSPageID GT 0 ) {
// Get the Page URL for the feature Page ID
featureCSPageURL = application.ptBlog2.csData.getCSPageURL(featureCSPageID);
// Check that we have a URL
if ( LEN(featureCSPageURL) )
return featureCSPageURL;
return "";
var blogNotificationData = getNotificationData(blogID=arguments.blogID);
var userDataArray =;
var i = 1;
var notificationEmails = structNew();
notificationEmails.from = blogNotificationData.from; = "";
// Check if the group notifications have been selected
if ( isArray(userDataArray) and ArrayLen(userDataArray) ){
// Loop over the user data array to build the TO email list
for ( i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(userDataArray); i=i+1 ) {
if ( LEN(userDataArray[i].emailaddress) ) = ListAppend(, userDataArray[i].emailaddress);
//else {
// = request.subsiteCache[1].webMasterEmail;
return notificationEmails;
// Get the blog information
var blogData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getBlog(blogID=arguments.blogID);
var groupData = "";
var notificationData = structNew();
var userQuery = queryNew("emailAddress");
var groupsOBJ = Server.CommonSpot.ObjectFactory.getObject("Groups");
notificationData.from = request.subsiteCache[1].webMasterEmail; = "";
if ( structKeyExists(blogData, "notificationFrom") AND len(blogData.notificationFrom) ){
notificationData.from = blogData.notificationFrom;
// Check if the group notifications have been selected
if ( StructKeyExists(blogData, "notificationGroups") AND ListLen(blogData.notificationGroups) ){
//groups component
userQuery = groupsOBJ.getMembers(groupIDList="#blogData.notificationGroups#");
// Create a comma-delimited list of email addresses to receive notifications.
if (userQuery.recordCount) = ValueList(userQuery.emailAddress);
return notificationData;
// Initialize the variables
var retSubsiteID = 0;
// Get the Blog data
var blogData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getBlog(arguments.blogID);
var postData = "";
var postSubsitePath = "";
// Check if the subsite URL text is a valid subsite
retSubsiteID = application.ptBlog2.csData.getSubsiteID(subsiteURL=blogData.subsiteURL);
// Build the base subsite Path
if ( retSubsiteID LTE 0 ) {
// Subsite doesn't exist, so build it now
retSubsiteID = application.ptBlog2.CSSubsite.buildSubsitesFromPath(blogData.subsiteURL);
// Check if we are enabling the subsite date formatting
if ( LEN(arguments.postID) AND application.ptBlog2.appConfig.enableSubsiteDate ) {
postData = application.ptBlog2.postDAO.getPost(postID=arguments.postID);
postSubsitePath = request.subsiteCache[retSubsiteID].url & dateFormat(postData.datePosted, application.ptBlog2.appConfig.dateSubsiteFormat);
// create the subsite if it doesn't exist
retSubsiteID = application.ptBlog2.CSSubsite.buildSubsitesFromPath(postSubsitePath);
return retSubsiteID;