// Force dynamic for the TAG ID filters request.element.isStatic = 0; posts = attributes.elementInfo.elementData.propertyValues; // Get Blog data for the blogData = application.ptBlog2.blogDAO.getBlog(request.page.metadata.blogs2.blogID); // Check if the TAGS ID filter is passed over the URL // Set a flag to determine if we run the tag check if ( StructKeyExists(request.params, "tagID") AND LEN(request.params.tagID) ){ // Filter the posts based on the tag ID posts = application.ptBlog2.postService.filterPostsDataByTagID(postDataArray=posts, tagID=request.params.tagID); } displayRSSOptions = false; // Check if we want to display the RSS options if ( StructKeyExists(blogData, "rssFeed") AND (blogData.rssFeed EQ true) ) displayRSSOptions = true;

Latest Blog Posts

RSS Feed
// Get the comments for the posts commentCount = application.ptBlog2.cedata.getCountForElementField(ceName="Comments2", fieldName="postID", fieldValue=posts[itm].values.postID); // Check if comments are allowed if ( posts[itm].values.allowComments EQ 1 ) renderComments = true; else renderComments = false;


#dateFormat(posts[itm].values.datePosted, "mmmm dd, yyyy")#

Tags: #replace(tagNameList, "^", ", ", "all")#