// TODO: remove this before you go live request.element.isStatic = 0; //startTime = getTickCount(); // this is the current subsite (if it exists) curSubsiteAry = attributes.elementInfo.elementData.propertyValues; // this will eventually contain all of the parents (and this subsite if it exists) allSubsiteAry = curSubsiteAry; loadParents = true; if ( arrayLen(curSubsiteAry) gt 0 and curSubsiteAry[1].values.parentID eq 0 ) loadParents = false; // if this subsite isn't a parent walk up until we get a parent if ( loadParents ) { // create parents list (minus current) parentsList = listDeleteAt(request.subsite.subsiteInheritance, 1); // loop through parents til we get to a parent with the parentID = 0 for( itm = 1; itm lte listLen(parentsList); itm = itm + 1 ) { parentSubsiteAry = application.ohsuNav.navElementDAO.getBySubsiteID(listGetAt(parentsList, itm)); // if there is a parent then make sure this page is in this subsite as a child if( arrayLen(parentSubsiteAry) gt 0 ) arrayAppend(allSubsiteAry, parentSubsiteAry[1]); // if( arrayLen(parentSubsiteAry) and parentSubsiteAry[1].values.parentID eq 0 ) break; } } // sort the array to prepare for rendering allSubsiteAry = application.ohsuNav.ceData.arrayOfCEDataSort(allSubsiteAry, "subsiteID", "asc", "numeric");


