var inputParameters = Server.CommonSpot.UDF.util.duplicateBean(arguments.parameters); var currentValue = arguments.value; // the field's current value var readOnly = (arguments.displayMode EQ 'readonly') ? true : false; var initArgs = StructNew(); var selectionArgs = StructNew(); var canDoNav = 1; var pageID = 0; var pageIsStartPoint = 0; var pageIsPromoted = 0; var pageName = "doc.cfm"; var pageTitle = ""; var fqFieldName = arguments.fieldName; // if this is a new page/document [prevents objects like flash/video/audio ] if( structKeyExists(request.params, "dialogDescriptor") and request.params.dialogDescriptor eq "createPage" ) { // this is a page and we know the name (which will get passed in to check if it can be a startPoint) if( structKeyExists(request.params, "name")) pageName = ""; pageTitle = "#request.params.title#"; // note the pageID will be retrieved from the hidden field "savePageID" via JS subsiteID = request.subsite.ID; } // if this is a page that already exists [page prop on page/doc/external] else if( structKeyExists(request.params, "pageID") and request.params.pageID gt 2 ) { // retrieve this pages standard metadata pageMetadata = application.ohsuNav.csData.getStandardMetadata(request.params.pageID); pageName = pageMetadata.fileName; // use form parameters unless they don't exist if( structKeyExists(request.params, "title") and len(request.params.title) ) pageTitle = request.params.title; else pageTitle = pageMetadata.title; pageID = request.params.pageID; pageIsStartPoint = application.ohsuNav.navElementService.isStartPoint(pageID); pageIsPromoted = application.ohsuNav.navElementService.isPromotedToParent(pageID); subsiteID = pageMetadata.subsiteID; } // otherwise no nav else canDoNav = 0; subsiteLinks = application.ohsuNav.navElementService.getSubsiteLinks(subsiteID);

#request.subsite.menuName# Links (in order)

#request.subsiteCache[request.subsiteCache[subsiteID].parentID].menuName# Links(in order)

No navigation exists for this subsite or parent

private string function isMultiline() { return '1'; // Tell CommonSpot it's a tall dialog. } public string function getResourceDependencies() { return listAppend(super.getResourceDependencies(), "jQuery,jQueryUI,OHSUNavCSS"); } public string function loadResourceDependencies() { application.ohsuNav.scripts.loadResources("JQuery,JQueryUI,OHSUNavCSS"); // Use as registered respources so the definition is included in the .zip export package //loadUnregisteredResource("/ADF/apps/ohsu_nav/style/interface.css", "StyleSheet", "head", "secondary", 1, 1); }