variables.parentFormName = "parentForm"; variables.subFormName = "subForms"; var retStruct = StructNew(); var updateDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var ccapiDataStruct = StructNew(); var storyDataState = ""; var storyCurrentState = ""; var createEditWIPstruct = StructNew(); var wipArray = ArrayNew(1); var savedWIPData = StructNew(); // Check see if there is a globalStoryID key in the data struct // - if the globalStoryID is empty or if it is set to 0 create a New WIP record from the provided data if ( NOT StructKeyExists(updateDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID) OR LEN(TRIM(updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID])) EQ 0 OR updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] EQ 0 ) { // THIS IS FOR CREATING A NEW WIP STORY RECORD (version 1) // Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; // Create a New WIP record from the NEW data since this data does not have a VALID globalStoryID ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] = CreateUUID(); // If no UUID was passed in create one if ( NOT StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // - Set the wipDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wipDate] =,Now()); // Reset the publishDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] = 0; // Reset the storyPageID //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // - Set Author History Field with the current user ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.authorEditHistory] =; // Create the new WIP record retStruct = createStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); } else { // Use the getStoryCurrentVersionState to check the STATE of the current version of the story is WIP or ACTIVE storyCurrentState = getStoryCurrentVersionState(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID],version="max"); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(storyCurrentState,"storyCurrentState - handleSaveWIP",1); // if the story is archived if ( storyCurrentState EQ "archived" ) { // Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; // Do not create a wip from an archived record retStruct['type'] = 'wip-from-archived-not-allowed'; retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; } // if the story is published and active else if ( storyCurrentState EQ "published" OR storyCurrentState EQ "active" ) { // If the current state is PUBLISHED or ACTIVE // - First we need to create a new WIP version // - Then UPDATE the NEW WIP with the data passed in via the arguments.elementData // Create a new WIP for Edit version createEditWIPstruct = handleCreateEditWIP(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(createEditWIPstruct,"createEditWIPstruct - handleSaveWIP",0); if ( StructKeyExists(createEditWIPstruct, "storyID") AND LEN(TRIM(createEditWIPstruct.storyID)) ) { // Get the latest Data before overwritting with the updateDataStruct wipArray = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=createEditWIPstruct.storyID,idField=application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID); // Get the data for saved WIP version (option 2) //savedWIPData = getWIPStoryData(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct.globalStoryID); if ( ArrayLen(wipArray) AND StructKeyExists(wipArray[1],"values") AND StructKeyExists(wipArray[1],"pageid") ) { ccapiDataStruct = wipArray[1].values; ccapiDataStruct.dataPageID = wipArray[1].pageID; // Do not use the UUID from the FORM Data // - Remove the UUID field from the passed in data before copying it over the New EDIT WIP //StructDelete(updateDataStruct,"UUID"); //updateDataStruct = unversionStoryData(elementData=updateDataStruct,removeFieldList="storyID"); updateDataStruct = unversionStoryData(elementData=updateDataStruct,removeFieldList=application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID); // Use the updateDataStruct to modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct StructAppend( ccapiDataStruct, updateDataStruct, true); // Make sure the STATE is set for WIP ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // - Set the wipDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wipDate] =,Now()); // Use the storyVersionID of the Newly created WIP for Edit version if ( StructKeyExists(createEditWIPstruct,"storyVersionID") AND LEN(TRIM(createEditWIPstruct['storyVersionID'])) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = createEditWIPstruct['storyVersionID']; // Reset the storyPageID //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Make sure the Author Edit History List is up-to-date //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.authorEditHistory] = listAppendNoDuplicates(list=ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.authorEditHistory],; // Now UPDATE the newly created WIP version with the data that was passed in retStruct = updateStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); } else { doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveWIP - wipArray - 'no data for the Newly created WIP for Edit version'",wipArray); } } else { doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveWIP - createEditWIPstruct - 'no storyID for the Newly created WIP for Edit version'",createEditWIPstruct); } } else if ( storyCurrentState EQ "wip" ) { // If the current state is WIP we need to UPDATE the current WIP version using the updateDataStruct that was passed in // Get the latest Data from the current WIP Version before overwritting with the updateDataStruct //wipArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct.globalStoryID,version="max",state="wip"); // Get the data for saved WIP version before overwritting with the updateDataStruct savedWIPData = getWIPStoryData(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]); if ( StructKeyExists(savedWIPData,"values") AND StructKeyExists(savedWIPData,"pageid") ) { ccapiDataStruct = savedWIPData.values; ccapiDataStruct.dataPageID = savedWIPData.pageID; // Use the updateDataStruct to modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct StructAppend( ccapiDataStruct, updateDataStruct, true); // Make sure the Version STATE is set for WIP ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // - Set the wipDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wipDate] =,Now()); // Reset the publishDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] = 0; // Reset the storyPageID //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Make sure the Author History Field is up-to-date //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.authorEditHistory] = listAppendNoDuplicates(list=ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.authorEditHistory],; // Now UPDATE the newly create WIP vesrion with the data that was passed in retStruct = updateStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); } else { doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveWIP - savedWIPData - 'no WIP version'",savedWIPData); } } else { // If we are here then there was not saved WIP or saved ACTIVE version for the current GlobalStoryID // so log it... doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - handleSaveWIP - 'FAIL - no wip - no active'",updateDataStruct); // Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; } } // Add the current IDs to the retStruct retStruct['storyID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]; retStruct['globalStoryID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]; retStruct['storyVersionID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID]; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(retStruct,"retStruct - handleSaveWIP",0); // Return the status struct return retStruct; var retStruct = StructNew(); var updateDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var ccapiDataStruct = StructNew(); var storyCurrentState = ""; var createEditWIPstruct = StructNew(); var savedActiveDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var savedWIPDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var savedDataStruct = StructNew(); var oldVersionDataStruct = StructNew(); var updateOldVersionStruct = StructNew(); var publishStoryPageID = 0; var publishPageStruct = StructNew(); var savedActiveData = StructNew(); var savedWIPData = StructNew(); var appConfigStruct = getAppConfig(); var configTypeNode = arguments.configType; var pageCreateConfigStatus = false; retStruct['status'] = 'success'; // Get configuration data if ( StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct,configTypeNode) AND StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct[configTypeNode],"createPages") AND IsBoolean(appConfigStruct[configTypeNode].createPages) ) pageCreateConfigStatus = appConfigStruct[configTypeNode].createPages; // Check see if there is a globalStoryID key in the data struct // - if the globalStoryID is empty or if it is set to 0 create a New ACTIVE record from the provided data if ( NOT StructKeyExists(updateDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID) OR LEN(TRIM(updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID])) EQ 0 OR updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] EQ 0 ) { // Create the new b/c nothing exists // - Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; // - Create a New WIP record from the NEW data since this data does not have a VALID globalStoryID ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // - Set the publishDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] =,Now()); // Clear the storyPageID (ready to be updated after the page has been created) //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; retStruct['type'] = 'publish-new'; } else { // We have a globalStoryID now check if the current saved version is in a WIP or an Active state // - If the record is ACTIVE we need to COPY it and increment the the NEW records storyVersionID // - If the record is WIP then we need to UPDATE it SET the ACTIVE=0 and the WIP=1 and increment the records storyVersionID // Use the getStoryCurrentVersionState function to check the STATE of the current version of the story storyCurrentState = getStoryCurrentVersionState(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID],version="max"); // if the story is archived and active if ( storyCurrentState EQ "archived" ) { // Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; // Do not publish an archived record retStruct['type'] = 'publish-archived-not-allowed'; retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; } // if the story is published and active // - If the record is ACTIVE we need to COPY it and increment the the NEW records storyVersionID else if ( storyCurrentState EQ "published" OR storyCurrentState EQ "active" ) { // Get the data for saved ACTIVE version savedActiveData = getActiveStoryData(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]); if ( StructKeyExists(savedActiveData,"values") AND StructKeyExists(savedActiveData,"pageid") ) { // Save the current data record as inactive oldVersionDataStruct = savedActiveData.values; oldVersionDataStruct.dataPageID = savedActiveData.pageid; oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 0; oldVersionDataStruct[] = 0; oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // Reset the publishDate //oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] = 0; // Reset the storyPageID //oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Update Old Active Version - disabling this version as the ACTIVE published version (also make sure WIP is not enabled) updateOldVersionStruct = updateStoryRecord(elementData=oldVersionDataStruct); // Create a copy of the current data as the new active version // Now create a NEW published version // - Start the process of creating the new active record ccapiDataStruct = savedActiveData.values; // Use the updateDataStruct to modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct StructAppend( ccapiDataStruct, updateDataStruct, true); // Delete the datapageid since we will me making a new element record //StructDelete(ccapiDataStruct, "dataPageID"); // Create a New UUID ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID] = CreateUUID(); // Set the NEW Version STATE to ACTIVE=1 and WIP=0 ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // Increment the version for the saved data if ( StructKeyExists(savedActiveData.values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID) AND IsNumeric(savedActiveData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID]) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = savedActiveData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] + 1; else ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; // Set the PUB Date ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] =,Now()); // Set the storyPageID from the old data if ( StructKeyExists(savedActiveData.values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID) AND IsNumeric(savedActiveData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = savedActiveData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]; retStruct['type'] = 'publish-from-active'; } else { // How did we get here? doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - savedActiveData - 'current max is active... but no data?'",savedActiveData); } } // If the record is WIP then we need to UPDATE it SET the ACTIVE=0 and the WIP=1 and increment the records storyVersionID else if ( storyCurrentState EQ "wip" ) { // If there is one... Get the data for saved ACTIVE version savedActiveData = getActiveStoryData(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]); // Disable the current ACTIVE version if ( StructKeyExists(savedActiveData,"values") AND StructKeyExists(savedActiveData,"pageid") ) { // Update Old Active Version - disabling this version as the ACTIVE published version (also make sure WIP is not enabled) oldVersionDataStruct = savedActiveData.values; oldVersionDataStruct.dataPageID = savedActiveData.pageid; oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 0; oldVersionDataStruct[] = 0; oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // Reset the storyPageID //oldVersionDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Update Old Active Version - disabling this version as the ACTIVE published version (also make sure WIP is not enabled) updateOldVersionStruct = updateStoryRecord(elementData=oldVersionDataStruct); } // Now UPDATE the WIP and make it the NEW published version // Get the data for saved WIP version savedWIPData = getWIPStoryData(globalStoryID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]); // Chanage the current WIP to ACTIVE if ( StructKeyExists(savedWIPData,"values") AND StructKeyExists(savedWIPData,"pageid") ) { ccapiDataStruct = savedWIPData.values; ccapiDataStruct.dataPageID = savedWIPData.pageid; // Use the updateDataStruct to modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct StructAppend( ccapiDataStruct, updateDataStruct, true); // Set the NEW Version STATE to ACTIVE=1 and WIP=0 ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // use the version for the saved data (DO NOT Increment this value) if ( StructKeyExists(savedWIPData.values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID) AND IsNumeric(savedWIPData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID]) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = savedWIPData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID]; else ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; // Set the PUB Date ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] =,Now()); // Set the storyPageID from the old ACTIVE data (if available) if ( StructKeyExists(savedActiveData,"values") AND StructKeyExists(savedActiveData.values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID) AND IsNumeric(savedActiveData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = savedActiveData.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]; //else // ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; retStruct['type'] = 'publish-from-wip'; } else { // How did we get here. If the current v doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - savedWIPData - 'current wip is active... but no data'",savedWIPData); } } else { // If we are here... there was NOT a saved WIP or saved ACTIVE version for the current GlobalStoryID // so log it... // A CreateEditFromWIP was supposed to be run before we got here doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - updateDataStruct - 'FAIL - no wip - no active... CreateEditFromWIP did not run'",updateDataStruct); // Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; } } //doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - Published Page Creation Process",retStruct); //doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - Published Page Creation Process",pageCreateConfigStatus); /* START - Published Page Creation Process */ if ( pageCreateConfigStatus AND retStruct['status'] NEQ "fail" ) { try { // Published Page (or update page if needed) publishPageStruct = application.npsStory.storyPageService.handlePublishStoryPage(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); if ( StructKeyExists(publishPageStruct,"STORYPAGEID") ) { publishStoryPageID = publishPageStruct.storyPageID; // Set the story page ID ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = publishStoryPageID; ccapiDataStruct['page_url'] = publishPageStruct.storyPageName; } } catch (any e) { retStruct['errorType'] = 'page-create'; retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; // if page creatiion or update failed throw an error doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveACTIVE - publishPageStruct - 'FAIL - Error was thrown during the Published Page Process.'", e); } } /* END - Published Page Creation Process */ /* START - Save Story CE Record Process */ if ( retStruct['status'] NEQ "fail" ) { // Set the story page ID ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = publishStoryPageID; // Temp store for any of the current set retStruct data tempRetStruct = retStruct; // Create a NEW element record... // 1) if we are publishing a NEW STORY // 2) if we are publishing STORY that is CURRENTLY ACTIVE if ( retStruct.type EQ 'publish-new' OR retStruct.type EQ 'publish-from-active' ) { // Since we are creating a new record // If a dataPageID exists... delete it if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID") ) StructDelete(ccapiDataStruct, "dataPageID"); // Create the new ACTIVE record retStruct = createStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); } else { // Update the Story record with the retStruct = updateStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); } StructAppend(retStruct, tempRetStruct, true); } /* END - Save Story CE Record Process */ // Add the current IDs to the retStruct if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) ) retStruct['storyID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]; if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID) ) retStruct['globalStoryID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]; if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID) ) retStruct['storyVersionID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID]; if ( IsNumeric(publishStoryPageID) ) retStruct['storyPageID'] = publishStoryPageID; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var retStruct = StructNew(); var updateDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var apiDataStruct = StructNew(); var globalStoryID = ""; var activeStoryID = ""; var wipStoryID = ""; var storyPageID = 0; var activeData = ArrayNew(1); var activeDataStruct = StructNew(); var wipData = ArrayNew(1); var wipDataStruct = StructNew(); var deletePageStruct = StructNew(); var updateActive = StructNew(); var updateWIP = StructNew(); var appConfigStruct = getAppConfig(); var configTypeNode = arguments.configType; var pageCreateConfigStatus = false; // Get configuration data if ( StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct,configTypeNode) AND StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct[configTypeNode],"createPages") AND IsBoolean(appConfigStruct[configTypeNode].createPages) ) pageCreateConfigStatus = appConfigStruct[configTypeNode].createPages; // To archive a story we will: // - Get the GSID from the provided element data if ( StructKeyExists(updateDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID) AND updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] NEQ 0 ) { globalStoryID = updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]; } if ( LEN(TRIM(globalStoryID)) ) { // - With the GSID check to see if we have a WIP, an ACTIVE or a WIP and an ACTIVE activeStoryID = hasACTIVE(globalStoryID=globalStoryID); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(activeStoryID,"activeStoryID",1); wipStoryID = hasWIP(globalStoryID=globalStoryID); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(wipStoryID,"wipStoryID",1); // - Archive the Active record and delete the Page if ( LEN(TRIM(activeStoryID)) ) { // - Get Active Data activeData = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=activeStoryID); if ( ArrayLen(activeData) ) { if ( StructKeyExists(activeData[1],"values") ) activeDataStruct = activeData[1].values; if ( StructKeyExists(activeData[1],"pageID") ) activeDataStruct.dataPageID = activeData[1].pageID; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(activeDataStruct,"activeDataStruct",1); // If we have active data delete the page and update the record if ( NOT StructIsEmpty(activeDataStruct) ) { // Delete the page for the active record if ( pageCreateConfigStatus ) { // Get the storyPageID if ( StructKeyExists(activeDataStruct,application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID) ) storyPageID = activeDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]; if ( IsNumeric(storyPageID) AND storyPageID GT 0 ) deletePageStruct = application.npsStory.storyPageDAO.handlePageDelete(storyPageID); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(deletePageStruct,"deletePageStruct",1); retStruct['archive-delete-published-page'] = deletePageStruct; } // - Set the ACTIVE data to archived activeDataStruct = setStoryDataAsArchived(activeDataStruct); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(activeDataStruct,"activeDataStruct",1); // - Update the ACTIVE element record updateActive = updateStoryRecord(elementData=activeDataStruct); // - Add active update to the resutls retStruct["archive-active-update"] = updateActive; } } } if ( LEN(TRIM(wipStoryID)) ) { // - Get WIP Data wipData = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=wipStoryID); if ( ArrayLen(wipData) ) { if ( StructKeyExists(wipData[1],"values") ) wipDataStruct = wipData[1].values; if ( StructKeyExists(wipData[1],"pageID") ) wipDataStruct.dataPageID = wipData[1].pageID; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(wipDataStruct,"wipDataStruct",1); if ( NOT StructIsEmpty(wipDataStruct) ) { // - Set the WIP data to archived wipDataStruct = setStoryDataAsArchived(wipDataStruct); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(wipDataStruct,"wipDataStruct",1); // - Update the WIP element record updateWIP = updateStoryRecord(elementData=wipDataStruct); // - Add wip to the resutls retStruct["archive-wip-update"] = updateWIP; } } } } else { // - If we are hear ... there was not valid GlobalStoryID in the element record doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveARCHIVED - updateDataStruct - 'FAIL - no global story id - archive did not complete.'",updateDataStruct); retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; } retStruct['globalStoryID'] = globalStoryID; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var retStruct = StructNew(); var updateDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var apiDataStruct = StructNew(); var globalStoryID = ""; var activeStoryID = ""; var wipStoryID = ""; var activeData = ArrayNew(1); var activeDataStruct = StructNew(); var wipData = ArrayNew(1); var wipDataStruct = StructNew(); var deletePageStruct = StructNew(); var updateActive = StructNew(); var updateWIP = StructNew(); var publishPageStruct = StructNew(); var appConfigStruct = getAppConfig(); var configTypeNode = arguments.configType; var pageCreateConfigStatus = false; // Get configuration data if ( StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct,configTypeNode) AND StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct[configTypeNode],"createPages") AND IsBoolean(appConfigStruct[configTypeNode].createPages) ) pageCreateConfigStatus = appConfigStruct[configTypeNode].createPages; // To UNARCHIVE a story we will: // - Get the GSID from the provided element data if ( StructKeyExists(updateDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID) AND updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] NEQ 0 ) { globalStoryID = updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]; } if ( LEN(TRIM(globalStoryID)) ) { // - With the GSID check to see if we have a WIP, an ACTIVE or a WIP and an ACTIVE activeStoryID = hasACTIVE(globalStoryID=globalStoryID); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(activeStoryID,"activeStoryID",1); wipStoryID = hasWIP(globalStoryID=globalStoryID); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(wipStoryID,"wipStoryID",1); // - Update the Active record and create the Page if ( LEN(TRIM(activeStoryID)) ) { // - Get Active Data activeData = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=activeStoryID); if ( ArrayLen(activeData) ) { if ( StructKeyExists(activeData[1],"values") ) activeDataStruct = activeData[1].values; if ( StructKeyExists(activeData[1],"pageID") ) activeDataStruct.dataPageID = activeData[1].pageID; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(activeDataStruct,"activeDataStruct",1); // If we have active data create the page and update the record if ( NOT StructIsEmpty(activeDataStruct) ) { // Create the page for the active record if ( pageCreateConfigStatus ) { // Create the published page try { // Published Page (or update page if needed) publishPageStruct = application.npsStory.storyPageService.handlePublishStoryPage(elementData=activeDataStruct); if ( StructKeyExists(publishPageStruct,"STORYPAGEID") ) { // Set the story page ID activeDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = publishPageStruct.storyPageID; activeDataStruct['page_url'] = publishPageStruct.storyPageName; } } catch (any e) { publishPageStruct['errorType'] = 'page-create'; publishPageStruct['status'] = 'fail'; publishPageStruct['details'] = e; // if page creatiion or update failed throw an error doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveUNARCHIVED - publishPageStruct - 'FAIL - Error was thrown during the Publish Archive Page Process.'", e); } //application.ADF.utils.dodump(publishPageStruct,"publishPageStruct",1); retStruct['archive-active-create-page'] = publishPageStruct; } // - Set the ACTIVE data to UNARCHIVED activeDataStruct = setStoryDataAsUnarchived(activeDataStruct); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(activeDataStruct,"activeDataStruct",1); // - Update the ACTIVE element record updateActive = updateStoryRecord(elementData=activeDataStruct); // - Add active update to the resutls retStruct["archive-active-update"] = updateActive; } } } // Update the WIP version if ( LEN(TRIM(wipStoryID)) ) { // - Get WIP Data wipData = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=wipStoryID); if ( ArrayLen(wipData) ) { if ( StructKeyExists(wipData[1],"values") ) wipDataStruct = wipData[1].values; if ( StructKeyExists(wipData[1],"pageID") ) wipDataStruct.dataPageID = wipData[1].pageID; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(wipDataStruct,"wipDataStruct",1); if ( NOT StructIsEmpty(wipDataStruct) ) { // - Set the WIP data to UNARCHIVED wipDataStruct = setStoryDataAsUnarchived(wipDataStruct); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(wipDataStruct,"wipDataStruct",1); // - Update the WIP element record updateWIP = updateStoryRecord(elementData=wipDataStruct); // - Add wip to the resutls retStruct["archive-wip-update"] = updateWIP; } } } } else { // - If we are hear ... there was not valid GlobalStoryID in the element record doErrorLogging("storyService","handleSaveUNARCHIVED - updateDataStruct - 'FAIL - no global story id - archive did not complete.'",updateDataStruct); retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; } retStruct['globalStoryID'] = globalStoryID; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var dupCheckDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var ccapiDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var retStruct = StructNew(); var saveStatusStruct = StructNew(); // If a dataPageID is in the data struct remove it since this is a new record if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID") ) StructDelete(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID"); // Check to make sure that this UUID is not in use in the element records // - If so create a new UUID for this "new" record if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) ) { dupCheckDataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]); if ( ArrayLen(dupCheckDataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dupCheckDataArray[1],"values") ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID] = CreateUUID(); } // Create a new record (no dataPageID) saveStatusStruct = variables.storyDAO.storyParentCCAPI(ccapiDataStruct); // Set the data update type retStruct['type'] = 'create-story'; // Add the element update status to the status struct if ( StructKeyExists(saveStatusStruct,"CONTENTUPDATED") AND saveStatusStruct['CONTENTUPDATED'] IS true ) retStruct['status'] = 'success'; else retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var currentSavedDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var updateDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var ccapiDataStruct = StructNew(); var doUpdate = false; var retStruct = StructNew(); var updateStatusStruct = StructNew(); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(updateDataStruct,"updateStoryRecord",0); // If a dataPageID is NOT the data struct then attempt to get one if ( NOT StructKeyExists(updateDataStruct,"dataPageID") ) { if ( StructKeyExists(updateDataStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) AND LEN(TRIM(updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID])) ) { // Get the Current Data from the Element from the UUID value currentSavedDataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStory(uniqueID=updateDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(currentSavedDataArray,"currentSavedDataArray - updateStoryRecord",0); if ( ArrayLen(currentSavedDataArray) AND StructKeyExists(currentSavedDataArray[1],"pageid") AND IsNumeric(currentSavedDataArray[1].pageid) AND currentSavedDataArray[1].pageid NEQ 0 ) { // Copy the saved data to the ccapiDataStruct if ( StructKeyExists(currentSavedDataArray[1],"values") ) ccapiDataStruct = currentSavedDataArray[1].values; // Set the dataPageID of the saved data to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct.dataPageID = currentSavedDataArray[1].pageid; } } //application.ADF.utils.dodump(ccapiDataStruct,"ccapiDataStruct - updateStoryRecord",0); // Use the updateDataStruct to modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct StructAppend( ccapiDataStruct, updateDataStruct, true); // Now that the Data is READY set doUpdate to TRUE doUpdate = true; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(ccapiDataStruct,"ccapiDataStruct (after adding new data) - updateStoryRecord",0); // Check if we now have a dataPageID in the struct now // - If we do NOT have a datapageID. ( //TODO: Either fail or do a create ) if ( NOT StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID") ) { if ( arguments.onUpdateError EQ "create" ) { // Run the create code instead of an update updateStatusStruct = createStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); doUpdate = false; } else { // Update failed. No dataPageID and onUpdateError is set to 'error' retStruct['type'] = 'no-story-update'; doUpdate = false; } } } else { // If we have a valid dataPageID then we are ready to do the UPDATE! ccapiDataStruct = updateDataStruct; doUpdate = true; } // Only run the storyParentCCAPI call if the doUpdate is set to TRUE (basically... if we have a dataPageID in the struct ) if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID") AND doUpdate ) { // Update the record (has a dataPageID) updateStatusStruct = variables.storyDAO.storyParentCCAPI(ccapiDataStruct); // Set the data update type retStruct['type'] = 'update-story'; } // Add the element update status to the status struct if ( StructKeyExists(updateStatusStruct,"CONTENTUPDATED") AND updateStatusStruct['CONTENTUPDATED'] IS true ) retStruct['status'] = 'success'; else retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; //application.ADF.utils.dodump(retStruct,"retStruct - updateStoryRecord",0); // Return the status struct return retStruct; var retStruct = StructNew(); var storyData = StructNew(); var storyDataStruct = StructNew(); var archivedStoryIDlist = ""; if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.globalStoryID)) AND arguments.globalStoryID NEQ 0 ) { // Check to see if we have any archived records archivedStoryIDlist = hasArchived(globalStoryID=globalStoryID); //application.adf.utils.doDump(archivedStoryIDlist,"archivedStoryIDlist",1); // Get the data for the Max Story version storyData = getMaxVersionStoryData(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID); //application.adf.utils.doDump(storyData,"storyData",1); if ( StructKeyExists(storyData,"values") ) { storyDataStruct = storyData.values; // if we have archived versions then we need to UNARCHIVE them if ( ListLen(archivedStoryIDlist) ) { // To UNARCHIVE ... set the ARCHIVE FLAG to 0 for the ACTIVE and WIP story records retStruct = handleSaveUNARCHIVED(elementData=storyDataStruct); retStruct['type'] = 'story-unarchived'; retStruct['msg'] = "Story Restored!"; } else { // To ARCHIVE ... set the ARCHIVE FLAG to 1 for the ACTIVE and WIP story records retStruct = handleSaveARCHIVED(elementData=storyDataStruct); retStruct['type'] = 'story-archived'; retStruct['msg'] = "Story Archived!"; } } else { retStruct['type'] = 'no-story-data-to-archive'; retStruct['msg'] = "Story Archive Error! No data was found for the passed in Global Story ID."; } } else { retStruct['type'] = 'no-story-archived-no-gsid'; retStruct['msg'] = "Story Archive Error! A Global Story ID was not passed in."; } // Add the current UUIDs to the retStruct retStruct['globalStoryID'] = arguments.globalStoryID; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var currDataStruct = StructNew(); var savedDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var savedDataStruct = StructNew(); var savedDataPageID = 0; var hasChanged = false; var updateSavedDataStruct = StructNew(); var oldDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var ccapiDataStruct = StructNew(); var retStruct = StructNew(); var saveStatus = StructNew(); var maxVersionArray = ArrayNew(1); var storyDataState = ""; var doSave = false; // If needed... create a new unique globalStoryID for the story record. // - if the globalStoryID IS equal to 0... replace that value with a UUID if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.globalStoryID)) EQ 0 OR arguments.globalStoryID EQ 0 ) { // Create a completely 'new' blank story as a WIP version //ccapiDataStruct.title = ""; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // - Set the wipDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wipDate] =,Now()); //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Create the new WIP record retStruct = createStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); retStruct['type'] = 'create-new-story-wip'; doSave = false; } else { // Check for the WIP Version ( return ALL versions both WIP and Active by the provided globalStoryID ) maxVersionArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version="max"); //application.ADF.utils.dodump(maxVersionArray,"maxVersionArray - handleCreateEditWIP",0); if ( ArrayLen(maxVersionArray) AND StructKeyExists(maxVersionArray[1],"pageid") AND StructKeyExists(maxVersionArray[1],"values") ) { // Set the values of the Current version savedDataPageID = maxVersionArray[1].PageID; savedDataStruct = maxVersionArray[1].values; // Use the parseStoryDataState function to check the STATE of the current version storyDataState = parseStoryDataState(elementData=savedDataStruct); // if the story is archived /* if ( storyCurrentState EQ "archived" ) { // Copy the data passed in to the ccapiDataStruct ccapiDataStruct = savedDataStruct; // Do not create a wip from an archived record retStruct['type'] = 'wip-from-archived-not-allowed'; retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; }*/ if ( storyDataState EQ "wip" ) { // This returned version is the WIP then use this as the version to load in to the Form (dataPageID or by UUID) // Run Updates on this version. ccapiDataStruct = savedDataStruct; // setting overrides are not needed because no update or create is happening here. retStruct['type'] = "existing-wip"; retStruct['status'] = "success"; } else { // If a WIP does not exist CREATE one based on the a COPY of the current MAX record // set the new UUID for the new version of the WIP record ccapiDataStruct = savedDataStruct; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // - Set the wipDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wipDate] =,Now()); if ( IsNumeric( ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] ) ) ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] + 1; else ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; // Create the new WIP record retStruct = createStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); retStruct['type'] = "copy-to-wip"; } } else { // Create a completely 'new' blank story as a WIP version ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID] = CreateUUID(); ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; ccapiDataStruct[] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] = 0; ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // - Set the wipDate ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wipDate] =,Now()); //ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Create the new WIP record retStruct = createStoryRecord(elementData=ccapiDataStruct); retStruct['type'] = 'create-new-wip'; } } // Add the current UUIDs to the retStruct retStruct['storyID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]; retStruct['globalStoryID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID]; retStruct['storyVersionID'] = ccapiDataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID]; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var retDataStruct = StructNew(); var retDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var fldCnt = 1; var ceName = ""; var jsonFieldString = ""; var sonFieldStruct = StructNew(); var subFormUUID = ""; //Loop over the Form Data Struct to process each form and its json fields string for ( key in arguments.formDataStruct ) { // Determine Form's 'the Custom Element Name ceName = parseCustomElementName(formFieldNameID=key); // Set the Form's JSON string jsonFieldString = arguments.formDataStruct[key]; // Convert the JSON sting to an Struct jsonFieldStruct = StructNew(); if ( LEN(TRIM(jsonFieldString)) AND IsJSON(jsonFieldString) ) jsonFieldStruct = deserializejson(jsonFieldString); // Clear the sub form UUID field variable for each loop pass subFormUUID = ""; // Handle the main STORY form if ( ceName EQ "Story" ) { if ( NOT StructKeyExists(retDataStruct,ceName) ) retDataStruct[ceName] = jsonFieldStruct; } else { // Set the sub form UUID field name if ( ceName EQ "Story Section" ) { if ( StructKeyExists(jsonFieldStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.sectionFieldNames.UUID) ) subFormUUID = jsonFieldStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.sectionFieldNames.UUID]; } else if ( ceName EQ "Story Pull Quote" ) { if ( StructKeyExists(jsonFieldStruct, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.pullQuoteFieldNames.UUID) ) subFormUUID = jsonFieldStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.pullQuoteFieldNames.UUID]; } // Set the sub form data into the return form if ( LEN(TRIM(subFormUUID)) ) { if ( NOT StructKeyExists(retDataStruct,ceName) ) retDataStruct[ceName] = StructNew(); if ( NOT StructKeyExists(retDataStruct[ceName],subFormUUID) ) retDataStruct[ceName][subFormUUID] = jsonFieldStruct; } } } return retDataStruct; var retStr = arguments.formFieldNameID; var startRemoveStr = ListFirst(retStr,"_") & "_"; var endRemoveStr = ""; var i=1; var removeCnt = 2; // Remove the prefix "f_" retStr = ReplaceNoCase(retStr,startRemoveStr,"","one"); // Remove the field suffix "_1000_2000" for ( i=1;i LTE removeCnt;i=i+1 ) { endRemoveStr = "_" & ListLast(retStr,"_"); retStr = ReplaceNoCase(retStr,endRemoveStr,"","one"); } // Remove Underscores retStr = ReplaceNoCase(retStr,"_"," ","all");; // Return the Trimmed string as the Element Name return retStr; var dataStruct = arguments.elementData; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 1; dataStruct[] = 0; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // Return the status struct return dataStruct; var dataStruct = arguments.elementData; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] = 0; dataStruct[] = 1; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.publishDate] =,Now()); dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // Return the status struct return dataStruct; var retStruct = StructNew(); var dataStruct = arguments.elementData; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 1; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] =,Now()); dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] = 0; // Return the status struct return dataStruct; var retStruct = StructNew(); var dataStruct = arguments.elementData; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] = 0; dataStruct[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archiveDate] = 0; // Return the status struct return dataStruct; var retStatus = ""; var csPageURL = ""; // Check the to see if the is data has a valid CS page URL from the storyPageID if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID) AND arguments.elementData[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID] GT 0 ) csPageURL = application.npsStory.csData.getCSPageURL(arguments.elementData[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]); // a 'archived' status takes presidence if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived) AND arguments.elementData[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived] EQ 1 ) retStatus = "archived"; // 'published' is active with a valid CS Page URL this status takes presidence (after archived) else if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData, AND arguments.elementData[] EQ 1 AND LEN(TRIM(csPageURL)) ) retStatus = "published"; // 'active' has no valid CS Page URL else if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData, AND arguments.elementData[] EQ 1 ) retStatus = "active"; // 'wip' is work in progress else if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip) AND arguments.elementData[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip] EQ 1 ) retStatus = "wip"; else retStatus = ""; return retStatus; var retStatus = ""; var versionStr = "max"; var dataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=versionStr); // if a data array is returned ... parse the current version state from the data if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"values") ) retStatus = parseStoryDataState(elementData=dataArray[1].values); return retStatus; var retUUID = ""; var dataStruct = getWIPStoryData(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID); // if a data is returned ... get the data from the first record if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct,"values") AND StructKeyExists(dataStruct.values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) ) retUUID = dataStruct.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]; return retUUID; var retUUID = ""; var dataStruct = getActiveStoryData(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID); // if a data is returned ... get the data from the first record if ( StructKeyExists(dataStruct,"values") AND StructKeyExists(dataStruct.values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) ) retUUID = dataStruct.values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]; return retUUID; var retUUIDlist = ""; var dataArray = getArchivedStoryData(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID); var i=1; // build a list of records that have be flipped to ARCHIVED for ( i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(dataArray); i=i+1 ){ if ( StructKeyExists(dataArray[i],"values") AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[i].values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) AND LEN(TRIM(dataArray[i].values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID])) ) retUUIDlist = ListAppend(retUUIDlist,dataArray[i].values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]); } return retUUIDlist; var retData = StructNew(); var versionStr = "MAX"; var stateStr = "WIP"; var dataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=versionStr,state=stateStr); // if a data is returned ... get the data from the first record if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"values") ) retData = dataArray[1]; return retData; var retData = StructNew(); var versionStr = "MAX"; var stateStr = "ACTIVE"; var dataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=versionStr,state=stateStr); // if a data is returned ... get the data from the first record if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"values") ) retData = dataArray[1]; return retData; var retUUID = StructNew(); var storyData = variables.storyDAO.getActiveStoryData(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID); // if a data is returned ... get the story ID if ( StructKeyExists(storyData,"values") AND StructKeyExists(storyData.values,"storyid") ) retUUID = storyData.values.storyid; return retUUID; var versionStr = "ALL"; var stateStr = "ARCHIVED"; var dataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=versionStr,state=stateStr); return dataArray; var retData = StructNew(); var versionStr = "MAX"; var dataArray = variables.storyDAO.getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=versionStr); // if a data is returned ... get the data from the first record if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"values") ) retData = dataArray[1]; return retData; return application.npsStory.ceData.arrayOfCEDataSort(aOfS=arguments.storyDataArray,key=application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID,sortOrder=arguments.sortorder,sortType="numeric"); var versionStr = "MAX"; var stateStr = "ACTIVE"; return variables.storyDAO.getStoryCSPageID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=versionStr,state=stateStr); var rtnStruct = structNew(); var storyFormIDList = formIDList(); var reqFldStruct = StructNew(); var i = 1; for ( i=1; i LTE ListLen(storyFormIDList); i=i+1 ) { reqFldStruct = requiredFieldsStruct(ListGetAt(storyFormIDList,i)); StructAppend(rtnStruct,reqFldStruct,1); } return rtnStruct; var fieldQuery = queryNew("temp"); var rtnStruct = structNew(); var itm = 1; var thisFieldKey = ""; var thisField = ""; var thisFieldID = 0; var fieldData = StructNew(); // Get the Element Query by the formID if( arguments.formID GT 0 ) { // get the field query for this element fieldQuery = application.npsStory.ceData.getElementFieldsByFormID(arguments.formID); // loop through the query and build the default structure for( itm=1; itm lte fieldQuery.recordCount; itm=itm+1 ) { thisFieldID = fieldQuery.fieldID[itm]; thisFieldKey = LCASE("FIC_" & arguments.formID & "_" & thisFieldID); fieldData = application.npsStory.ceData.getFieldDefaultValueFromID(thisFieldID); // replace the FIC_ from the beginning thisField = ReplaceNoCase(fieldQuery.fieldName[itm], "FIC_", "", "all"); // add this field in if ( StructKeyExists(fieldData,"REQUIRED") AND fieldData.REQUIRED EQ "yes" ) { rtnStruct[thisFieldKey] = StructNew(); if ( StructKeyExists(fieldData,"type") ) rtnStruct[thisFieldKey]["type"] = fieldData.type; if ( StructKeyExists(fieldData,"label") ) rtnStruct[thisFieldKey]["label"] = fieldData.label; if ( LEN(TRIM(thisField)) ) rtnStruct[thisFieldKey]["name"] = thisField; } } } return rtnStruct; var formID = 0; var rtnStruct = structNew(); if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.ceName)) ) formID = application.npsStory.ceData.getFormIDByCEName(arguments.ceName); if ( IsNumeric(formID) AND formID GT 0 ) rtnStruct = requiredFieldsStruct(formID=formID); return rtnStruct; var rtnStruct = structNew(); var subsiteQry = application.npsStory.csData.getSubsiteQueryByID(arguments.subsiteID); if ( StructKeyExists(subsiteQry,"name") ) rtnStruct.subsiteName = subsiteQry["name"][1]; if ( StructKeyExists(subsiteQry,"subsiteID") ) rtnStruct.subsiteID = subsiteQry["subsiteID"][1]; if ( StructKeyExists(subsiteQry,"subsiteURL") ) rtnStruct.subsiteURL = subsiteQry["subsiteURL"][1]; if ( StructKeyExists(subsiteQry,"subsiteDir") ) rtnStruct.subsiteDir = subsiteQry["subsiteDir"][1]; return rtnStruct; var rtnStr = ""; var subsiteStruct = getSubsiteStructBySubsiteID(arguments.subsiteID); if ( StructKeyExists(subsiteStruct,"subsiteURL") ) rtnStr = subsiteStruct["subsiteURL"]; return rtnStr; var rtnStruct = arguments.elementData; var i = 1; var rKey = ""; for ( i=1; i LTE ListLen(arguments.removeFieldList); i=i+1 ) { rKey = ListGetAt(arguments.removeFieldList,i); // if the key exists remove it fromt element data structure if ( StructKeyExists(rtnStruct,rKey) ) StructDelete(rtnStruct,rKey); } return rtnStruct; var findStr = "<[^>]*>"; return REREPLACE(arguments.str,findStr,arguments.replaceStr,'all'); return server.commonspot.udf.html.unescape(arguments.str); var bad_chars="/,\,*,&,%,$,¿,Æ,Ç,Ð,Ñ,Ý,Þ,ß,æ,ç,ð,ñ,÷,ø,ý,þ,ÿ"; var good_chars="-,-,-,-,-,-,-,AE,C,D,N,Y,I,B,ae,c,o,n,-,o,y,1,y"; var scrubbed=""; var b = "0"; // A's for (b = 192; b LTE 197; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"A"); } // a's for (b = 224; b LTE 229; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"a"); } // E's for (b = 200; b LTE 203; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"E"); } // e's for (b = 232; b LTE 235; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"e"); } // I's for (b = 204; b LTE 207; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"I"); } // i's for (b = 236; b LTE 239; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"i"); } // 0's for (b = 210; b LTE 216; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"O"); } // o's for (b = 242; b LTE 246; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"o"); } // U's for (b = 217; b LTE 220; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"U"); } // u's for (b = 249; b LTE 252; b++) { bad_chars=listAppend(bad_chars,CHR(b)); good_chars=listAppend(good_chars,"u"); } if ( arguments.fileName eq "" ) return ""; else return replace(replace(ReplaceList(trim(arguments.fileName), bad_chars, good_chars)," ","_","all"),"'","","all"); var isDifferent = false; var isEqual = compareStructData(structDataA=arguments.structDataA,structDataB=arguments.structDataB,excludeKeyList=arguments.excludeKeyList); if ( NOT isEqual ) isDifferent = true; return isDifferent; var isEqual = false; var i=1; var currentKey = ""; // Remove the Primary Keys before doing compare for ( i=1;i LTE ListLen(arguments.excludeKeyList);i=i+1 ) { currentKey = ListGetAt(arguments.excludeKeyList,i); if ( LEN(TRIM(currentKey)) ) { if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.structDataA,currentKey) ) StructDelete(arguments.structDataA,currentKey); if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.structDataB,currentKey) ) StructDelete(arguments.structDataB,currentKey); } } // Check the entire object because it is faster. if ( arguments.structDataA.EQUALS(arguments.structDataB) ) isEqual = true; return isEqual; var isDefferent = false; var listDifferences = listDiff(list1=arguments.list1,list2=arguments.list2,delimiters=arguments.delimiters); if ( ListLen(listDifferences) ) isDefferent = true; return isDefferent; var listReturn = ""; var position = 1; var value = ""; //checking list1 for(position = 1; position LTE ListLen(arguments.list1,arguments.delimiters); position = position + 1) { value = ListGetAt(arguments.list1, position , arguments.delimiters ); if (ListFindNoCase(arguments.list2, value , arguments.delimiters ) EQ 0) listReturn = ListAppend(listReturn, value , arguments.delimiters ); } //checking list2 for(position = 1; position LTE ListLen(arguments.list2,arguments.delimiters); position = position + 1) { value = ListGetAt(arguments.list2, position , arguments.delimiters ); if (ListFindNoCase(arguments.list1, value , arguments.delimiters ) EQ 0) listReturn = ListAppend(listReturn, value , arguments.delimiters ); } return listReturn; var retStr = arguments.list; if ( NOT listFindNoCase(arguments.list,arguments.value,arguments.delimiters) ) retStr = listAppend(arguments.list,arguments.value,arguments.delimiters); return retStr;