variables.ElementName = getStoryCEName(); variables.CCAPIName = getCCAPIName(variables.elementName); if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.uniqueID)) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.idField)) ) return application.npsStory.ceData.getCEData(variables.elementName, arguments.idField, TRIM(arguments.uniqueID)); else return application.npsStory.ceData.getCEData(variables.elementName); return application.npsStory.ceData.getCEData(customElementName=variables.elementName, searchFields=arguments.searchFields, searchValues=arguments.searchValues, queryType='search' ); return getStory(uniqueID=arguments.globalStoryID,idField=application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID); var idField = application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.globalStoryID; var versionField = application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyVersionID; var filterFieldList = "wip,active,published,archived"; var filterFieldNameList = "#application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.wip#,,,#application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.archived#"; var sortField = versionField; var dataArray = getStoryByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID); var newDataArray = ArrayNew(1); var sItm = 1; var vItm = 1; var currStateFieldPos = 0; var currFieldName = ""; // excludeStates variables var eItm=1; var s=1; var exState = ""; var exStateFieldPos = 0; var exStateFieldName = ""; var itemExcluded = false; // Make sure we have data to filter and sort if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"values") ) { // Get the current state field to use currStateFieldPos = ListFindNoCase(filterFieldList,arguments.state); if ( currStateFieldPos GT 0 ) { // Set the field name for the current field. This differs from the state argument. currFieldName = ListGetAt(filterFieldNameList, currStateFieldPos); // Filter the returned data by state for ( sItm=1; sItm LTE ArrayLen(dataArray); sItm=sItm+1 ) { // Filter out records that DO NOT match the 'state' value if ( StructKeyExists(dataArray[sItm].values, currFieldName) AND dataArray[sItm].values[currFieldName] EQ 1 ) { // - Build the array of records where the state = 1 arrayAppend(newDataArray, dataArray[sItm]); } } dataArray = newDataArray; } // Does the version parameter have a length if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.version)) ) { // If a version is provided, return only the record that matches that verisonID // If the version is a number get the specific record if ( IsNumeric(arguments.version) ) { newDataArray = ArrayNew(1); // Filter the returned data by version for ( vItm=1; vItm LTE ArrayLen(dataArray); vItm=vItm+1 ) { // Filter out records that DO NOT match the 'version' value if ( TRIM(dataArray[vItm].values[versionField]) EQ arguments.version ) { // - Filter out expired records arrayAppend(newDataArray, dataArray[vItm]); break; } } // Reset the dataArray so it only returns the selected record dataArray = ArrayNew(1); dataArray[1] = newDataArray[1]; } else { newDataArray = ArrayNew(1); // Sort the records by versionID ( DOES NOT use the SORTORDER parameter ) newDataArray = application.npsStory.ceData.arrayOfCEDataSort(aOfS=dataArray,key=sortField,sortOrder="asc",sortType="numeric"); if ( arguments.version EQ "max" ) { // Reset the dataArray so it only returns the selected record dataArray = ArrayNew(1); dataArray[1] = newDataArray[ArrayLen(newDataArray)]; } else if ( arguments.version EQ "min" ) { // Reset the dataArray so it only returns the selected record dataArray = ArrayNew(1); dataArray[1] = newDataArray[1]; } } } else { // Version argument is Blank so sort the dataArray Values by the sortField using the sortOrder type if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) GT 1 AND ListFindNoCase("asc,desc",arguments.sortOrder) ) { // Sort the records by storyVersionID field newDataArray = application.npsStory.ceData.arrayOfCEDataSort(aOfS=dataArray,key=sortField,sortOrder=arguments.sortOrder,sortType="numeric"); dataArray = newDataArray; } } // Before returning the Array check for Excluded States // - Remove the excluded states that were passed in from the the dataArray if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND ListLen(arguments.excludeStates) ) { newDataArray = ArrayNew(1); // Filter the returned data by state for ( eItm=1; eItm LTE ArrayLen(dataArray); eItm=eItm+1 ) { // Start each record as not excluded itemExcluded = false; // Go through the list of excluded states to check if it should be excluded for ( s=1; s LTE ListLen(arguments.excludeStates); s=s+1 ) { exState = ListGetAt(arguments.excludeStates,s); // Get the exclude state field to use exStateFieldPos = ListFindNoCase(filterFieldList,exState); if ( exStateFieldPos GT 0 ) { // Set the field name for the current field. This differs from the state argument. exStateFieldName = ListGetAt(filterFieldNameList, exStateFieldPos); // Filter out records that DO NOT match the 'state' value if ( StructKeyExists(dataArray[eItm].values, exStateFieldName) AND dataArray[eItm].values[exStateFieldName] EQ 1 ) { itemExcluded = true; break; } } } if ( NOT itemExcluded ) arrayAppend(newDataArray, dataArray[eItm]); } dataArray = newDataArray; } } return dataArray; var dataPageID = 0; var dataArray = getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=arguments.version,state=arguments.state); // Get the pageID from the first record if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"pageid") ) dataPageID = dataArray[1].pageid; return dataPageID; var csPageID = 0; var dataArray = getStoryVerisonsByGlobalStoryID(globalStoryID=arguments.globalStoryID,version=arguments.version,state=arguments.state); // Get the pageID from the first record if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1],"values") AND StructKeyExists(dataArray[1].values, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID) AND IsNumeric(dataArray[1].values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]) ) csPageID = dataArray[1].values[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyPageID]; return csPageID; var dataArray = ArrayNew(1); var ccapiDataStruct = StructNew(); var retStruct = StructNew(); var saveStatus = StructNew(); // Check to see if there is data in the element to be updated if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData, application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.elementData[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID])) ) { dataArray = getStory(uniqueID=arguments.elementData[application.npsStory.appConfig.story.fieldNames.storyID]); } // If no record exists create one, if so update it /* if ( NOT ArrayLen(dataArray) ) { // Create the a new record dataStruct = arguments.elementData; //dataStruct[variables.elementIDfield] = createUUID(); // new UUID for this "new" data was already created // Set the update type retStruct['type'] = 'created'; } */ if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) ) { // Update the Record // Set the existing values ccapiDataStruct = dataArray[1].values; // Override with the new values for ( key in arguments.elementData ) { ccapiDataStruct[key] = arguments.elementData[key]; } // Set the Page ID from the existing record ccapiDataStruct.dataPageID = dataArray[1].PageID; // Update the record retStruct = saveElementData(elementData=ccapiDataStruct,action="update"); // Set the update type retStruct['type'] = 'updated'; // Add the current storyIDs to the retStruct retStruct['storyID'] = ccapiDataStruct.storyID; retStruct['globalStoryID'] = ccapiDataStruct.globalStoryID; retStruct['storyVersionID'] = ccapiDataStruct.storyVersionID; } // Return the status struct return retStruct; var dataArray = ArrayNew(1); var ccapiDataStruct = arguments.elementData; var retStruct = StructNew(); var saveStatusStruct = StructNew(); if ( arguments.action EQ "update" ) { if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData,"dataPageID") AND IsNumeric(arguments.elementData.dataPageID) AND arguments.elementData.dataPageID GT 0 ) { // Update the record saveStatusStruct = storyParentCCAPI(ccapiDataStruct); // Set the update type if ( NOT StructKeyExists(retStruct,"type") ) retStruct['type'] = 'update-dpid'; } else { // Check to see if there is data in the element to be updated if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData,arguments.idFieldName) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.elementData[arguments.idFieldName])) ) { //dataArray = getStory(uniqueID=arguments.elementData[arguments.idFieldName]); dataArray = application.npsStory.ceData.getCEData(variables.elementName, arguments.idFieldName, arguments.elementData[arguments.idFieldName]); } if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) ) { // Update the Record // Set the existing values ccapiDataStruct = dataArray[1].values; // Set the Page ID from the existing record ccapiDataStruct.dataPageID = dataArray[1].PageID; // Use the arguments.elementData and modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct StructAppend( ccapiDataStruct, arguments.elementData, true); // Loop over the updateDataStruct and modify specific values for the keys in the ccapiDataStruct /* for ( key IN ccapiDataStruct ) { if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData,key) ) ccapiDataStruct[key] = arguments.elementData[key]; } */ // Override with the new values /* for ( key in arguments.elementData ) { ccapiDataStruct[key] = arguments.elementData[key]; }*/ // Update the record saveStatusStruct = storyParentCCAPI(ccapiDataStruct); // Set the update type if ( NOT StructKeyExists(retStruct,"type") ) retStruct['type'] = 'update-uuid'; } } } else { // If action is "new" remove the dataPageID if it is passed in if ( StructKeyExists(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID") ) StructDelete(ccapiDataStruct,"dataPageID"); // Check to see if there is data in the element that has this ID already // If so create a new UUID for this "new" record if ( StructKeyExists(arguments.elementData,arguments.idFieldName) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.elementData[arguments.idFieldName])) ) { dataArray = application.npsStory.ceData.getCEData(variables.elementName, arguments.idFieldName, arguments.elementData[arguments.idFieldName]); if ( ArrayLen(dataArray) ) { ccapiDataStruct[arguments.idFieldName] = createUUID(); } } // Create a new record (no page ID) saveStatusStruct = storyParentCCAPI(ccapiDataStruct); // Set the update type if ( NOT StructKeyExists(retStruct,"type") ) retStruct['type'] = 'create'; } // Build the status struct if ( StructKeyExists(saveStatusStruct,"CONTENTUPDATED") AND saveStatusStruct['CONTENTUPDATED'] IS true ) retStruct['status'] = 'success'; else retStruct['status'] = 'fail'; // Return the status struct return retStruct; var retStatusStruct = StructNew(); //application.ADF.utils.doDump(arguments.dataValues,"arguments.dataValues", false); // Create the page retStatusStruct = application.ADF.csContent.populateContent(variables.CCAPIName, arguments.dataValues); /* retStatusStruct RETURNS: CONTENTUPDATED : true/false & CONTENTUPDATERESPONSE: Success:1 */ // Initialize the variables var csQry = QueryNew("temp"); SELECT AvailableControls.ID, AvailableControls.ShortDesc AS FormName FROM AvailableControls INNER JOIN FormControlMap ON AvailableControls.ID = FormControlMap.FormID WHERE FormControlMap.ClassID = 1 AND AvailableControls.ElementState = 0 ORDER BY FormName ASC var qryPageID = ""; var ceDataArray = ArrayNew(1); SELECT DISTINCT pageid FROM data_fieldvalue WHERE fieldValue = AND formid = // Check the records returned if ( qryPageID.recordCount ) { // Get the element record for the pageid and form id ArrayAppend(ceDataArray, application.npsStory.ceData.getElementInfoByPageID(pageid=qryPageID.pageid, formid=arguments.formid)); } return ceDataArray;