// check if any 'Action' is to be performed. if( StructKeyExists(request.params, 'fic_1574_2140') AND request.params.fic_1574_2140 neq 'none' ) PerformAction(request.params.fic_1574_2140); if( NOT structKeyExists( request.params, 'ShowBy' ) ) { if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_7540' ) ) request.params.ShowBy = request.params.fic_1574_7540; else request.params.ShowBy = 'Hierarchy'; } // Category Types to Show if( NOT structKeyExists( request.params, 'CategoryTypesToShow' ) ) { if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_7542' ) ) request.params.CategoryTypesToShow = request.params.fic_1574_7542; else request.params.CategoryTypesToShow = ''; } // Info Types to Show if( NOT structKeyExists( request.params, 'TypesToShow' ) ) { if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_1763' ) ) request.params.TypesToShow = request.params.fic_1574_1763; else request.params.TypesToShow = ''; } if( NOT structKeyExists( request.params, 'Status' ) ) { if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_2145' ) ) request.params.Status = request.params.fic_1574_2145; else request.params.Status = ''; } if( NOT structKeyExists( request.params, 'Priority' ) ) { if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_2180' ) ) request.params.Priority = request.params.fic_1574_2180; else request.params.Priority = ''; } if( NOT structKeyExists( request.params, 'Category' ) ) { if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_1577' ) ) request.params.Category = request.params.fic_1574_1577; else request.params.Category = ''; } if( NOT StructKeyExists(request.params,'Project') ) request.params.project = ''; request.ShowApplicableCategoriesOnly = 0; if( StructKeyExists( request.params, 'fic_1574_2580' ) ) { if( FindNoCase( 'Only Show Applicable Categories', request.params.fic_1574_2580) ) request.ShowApplicableCategoriesOnly = 1; } if( StructKeyExists(request.params,'fic_1574_6574') ) request.params.scrollPos = request.params['fic_1574_6574']; else request.params.scrollPos = 0; // build real type views if they don't exist if( NOT application.ADF.CEData.verifyViewTableExists('Info', 'viewInfo') OR StructKeyExists(request.params,'rebuildView') ) application.ADF.CEData.buildRealTypeView( 'Info', 'viewInfo' ); if( NOT application.ADF.CEData.verifyViewTableExists('Answers', 'viewAnswers') OR StructKeyExists(request.params,'rebuildView') ) application.ADF.CEData.buildRealTypeView( 'Answers', 'viewAnswers' ); // initialize the output level if( NOT StructKeyExists( request, 'da' ) ) request.da = StructNew(); request.da.level = 1; if( NOT StructKeyExists( request.params, 'renderParentCategories' ) ) request.params.renderParentCategories = 1; // load JQUERY application.ADF.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=true); application.ADF.scripts.loadJQueryUI(); application.ADF.scripts.loadADFLightbox(); select ID, PageID, MainCategory, Type, case SubCategory when '' then 'zzz' else SubCategory end As sCategory, Text, Notes, Image, Status, Priority from viewInfo where Project = AND Type IN () AND ( Priority = '' OR Priority IS null OR Priority IN () ) AND Status IN () order by MainCategory, Type, sCategory select viewInfo.ID, viewInfo.PageID, viewInfo.MainCategory, viewInfo.Type, case SubCategory when '' then 'zzz' else SubCategory end As sCategory, viewInfo.Text, viewInfo.Notes, viewInfo.Image, viewInfo.Status, viewInfo.Priority, viewCategories.CategoryType, viewCategoryTypes.Name from viewInfo, viewCategories, viewCategoryTypes where viewInfo.MainCategory = viewCategories.ID AND viewCategories.CategoryType = viewCategoryTypes.ID AND viewInfo.Project = AND viewCategoryTypes.ID IN () AND viewInfo.Type IN () AND ( Priority = '' OR Priority IS null OR Priority IN () ) AND Status IN () order by Name, viewCategories.Title, Type, sCategory select * from viewAnswers where InfoID IN () if( session.project neq 0 ) ProjectIDs = '#session.project#'; else ProjectIDs = 0; // Build other associative arrays request.categoriesAA = application.ADF.common.BuildCEAssociativeArray('da', 'Categories', 'ID', 'Project', projectIDs ); request.parentChildAA = application.ADF.common.BuildParentChildAssocArray('da', 'Categories','ID','ParentCategory', 'Title', 'SortOrdinal', 'Project', projectIDs); request.categoryTypesAA = application.ADF.common.BuildCEAssociativeArray('da', 'CategoryTypes', 'ID' ); request.infoTypesAA = application.ADF.common.BuildCEAssociativeArray('da', 'InfoTypes', 'ID' ); // WriteOutput( '
' ); RenderLevelLinks(); // Display the Category Headers. This will in turn call each info blocks if( request.params.ShowBy eq 'Hierarchy' ) { DisplayCategoryHeaders( selectedCategory = request.params.Category, renderParentCategories = request.params.renderParentCategories ); } else DisplayTypeHeaders();