// Create the Image Textblock Component
csWidget = CreateObject('component','csw-imagetextblock');
// load necessary resources
// exit if all we're doing is detecting required resources
if( Request.RenderState.RenderMode EQ "getResources" )
if( NOT structKeyExists(attributes,'elementinfo') )
// Load the Properties from the metadata form
props = csWidget.loadProperties(Attributes.ElementInfo,Variables.Caller);
// Make sure we have Props data
if( NOT csWidget.hasProperties(props) )
// Get the element Data and Render the items
if( StructKeyExists(Attributes.ElementInfo.ElementData, 'PropertyValues') )
csWidget.getAndRenderItems( Attributes.ElementInfo.ElementData, props );
var fieldMappingArray = ArrayNew(1);
var fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'Title';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = 'The Title for the Image Text Block.';
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 1;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'Image';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = 'The image to display for the Image Text Block.';
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 1;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'ImageFocalPoint';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = "The image's focal point position for the Image Text Block.";
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 0;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'Subtitle';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = 'The Subtitle for the Image Text Block.';
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 0;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'Description';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = 'The Description for the Image Text Block.';
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 0;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'LinkURL';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = 'The server relative URL for the link associated with the link or button.';
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 0;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
fieldDetailsStruct = StructNew();
fieldDetailsStruct.FieldName = 'LinkText';
fieldDetailsStruct.Description = 'The text that will render for the Link or Button in the Image Text Block.';
fieldDetailsStruct.Required = 0;
arrayAppend(fieldMappingArray, fieldDetailsStruct);
return fieldMappingArray;