var retStr = ''; var taxQry = ''; var taxonomyID = ""; var UpdateStatus = 1; if ( StructKeyExists(arguments,"csTaxObj") AND IsObject(arguments.csTaxObj) ) arguments.taxIDorName = arguments.csTaxObj.getID(); if ( StructKeyExists(arguments,"taxIDorName") ) { if ( IsNumeric(arguments.taxIDorName) ) taxonomyID = arguments.taxIDorName; else { // arguments.taxIDorName is a string so get the ID taxIDqry = queryExecute( "SELECT ID FROM taxonomy WHERE NAME = :taxName", { taxName="#arguments.taxIDorName#", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" }, { datasource="" } ); if ( taxIDqry.RecordCount ) taxonomyID = taxIDqry.ID[1]; } } if ( VAL(taxonomyID) EQ 0 ) throw "A valid taxonomy id, name or object was not provided!"; SELECT Name FROM term WHERE AND TaxonomyID = AND UpdateStatus =