var result = false; // Verify if the logged in user id contributor if ( StructKeyExists(request,"user") AND StructKeyExists(request.user, "licensedcontributor") AND request.user.licensedcontributor EQ 1){ result = true; } var result = false; // Verify if the logged in user id contributor if ( (StructKeyExists(request.user, "grouplist")) AND (ListFind(request.user.grouplist, 5) GTE 1) ) result = true; // Check if the bean exists in the proxy white list struct // If we have a method list and we have a match to our argument if ( StructKeyExists(application.ADF.proxyWhiteList, arguments.bean) and ListFindNoCase(application.ADF.proxyWhiteList[arguments.bean], arguments.method) ){ return true; } return false;