var configStruct = StructNew(); var configXML = ""; var configPath = arguments.filePath; var isConfigCFM = false; var buildError = StructNew(); // Check if the config is CFM if ( ListLast(arguments.filePath,".") EQ "cfm" ) { // Set the expanded path for the config to run the file exists configPath = ExpandPath(arguments.filePath); isConfigCFM = true; } if ( StructKeyExists(configStruct,"wsVars") AND !StructKeyExists(configStruct.wsVars,"remote") ) configStruct.wsVars['remote'] = 0; // Build the Error Struct buildError.ADFmethodName = "Core Config"; buildError.details = "Core Config deserialize XML Error. [ -]."; if ( StructKeyExists(cfcatch, "message") ) buildError.details = buildError.details & " [#cfcatch.message#]"; // Add the errorStruct to the server.ADF.buildErrors Array ArrayAppend(server.ADF.buildErrors,buildError); var configStruct = {}; var configJSON = ""; var configPath = arguments.filePath; var configFileType = ListLast(arguments.filePath,"."); var isConfigCFM = false; var buildError = {}; configPath = Replace(configPath,'\','/','ALL'); // Check if the config is CFM if ( configFileType EQ "cfm" ) isConfigCFM = true; if ( isConfigCFM ) { configPath = Replace(configPath,,'/','ONE'); // Include the CFM config file (that returns a configJSON structure) include "#configPath#"; configStruct = ( IsStruct(configJSON) ) ? configJSON : {}; } else { // read the JSON config file configJSON = fileRead(configPath); configStruct = deserializeJSON(configJSON); } // Build the Error Struct buildError.ADFmethodName = "Core Config JSON"; buildError.details = "Core Config deserialize JSON Error. [ -]."; if ( StructKeyExists(cfcatch, "message") ) buildError.details = buildError.details & " [#cfcatch.message#]"; // Add the errorStruct to the server.ADF.buildErrors Array ArrayAppend(server.ADF.buildErrors,buildError); var configStruct = structNew(); var configElementQry = getConfigurationCE(arguments.appName); var ceData = server.ADF.objectFactory.getBean("ceData_3_0"); var configData = ceData.getCEData(configElementQry.formName); if ( arrayLen(configData) ) { configStruct = configData[1].values; configStruct.dataPageID = configData[1].pageID; configStruct.formID =; } var getCE = ""; var ceConfigNameSpace = LCase(arguments.appName) & " configuration"; var ceConfigNameUnderscore = LCase(arguments.appName) & "_configuration"; SELECT ID, FormName FROM FormControl WHERE ((LOWER(FormName) = ) OR (LOWER(FormName) = )) AND (FormControl.action = '' OR FormControl.action is null)