// TODO - Add in custom element name that this manager is working with.
ceName = "";
// TODO - Add the text for the button to Add New.
addButtonTitle = "Add New Record";
// TODO - Set the jQuery UI Theme
uiTheme = "ui-lightness";
// Check if the "ceName" is defined in the attributes
if ( StructKeyExists(attributes,"ceName") ) {
ceName = attributes.ceName;
addButtonTitle = "Add New #ceName#";
// Check if the "ceName" is defined in the attributes
if ( StructKeyExists(attributes,"uiTheme") ) {
uiTheme = attributes.uiTheme;
// Load the jQuery scripts
// TODO: Uncomment the "request.params.formid" line if you would like the formid available to
// your datasheet modules or other scripts on your page
// Get the CE Form ID
//request.params.formid = application.ADF.cedata.getFormIDByCEName(ceName);
,linkClass="add-button ds-icons ui_button ui-state-default ui-corner-all"
Please LOGIN to add new records.