Error: Please submit to this page via the "metadata batch insert form" page.

Error: User session could not be validated! Could not process the form!

SELECT * FROM SitePages WHERE ( CharIndex('#intTemplateID#', InheritedTemplateList) > 0 ) WHERE ( locate('#intTemplateID#',InheritedTemplateList) > 0 ) AND Uploaded = 0 AND PageType IN (0, 1) NOTE: When all pages are complete, follow these steps:
1) Login to your Subsite Admininstration (/admin.cfm), select Subsite Properties
2) Under "Caching", clear cache for all appropriate browsers
3) Browse to Site Admin (linked from top toolbar)
4) Under "Administrative Tools" run utlitity to "Rebuild Stub Files"

###intPageCount# - Updating "#rstPages.Title#" (FormID:FieldID) #intFormID#:#intFieldID# to value:"#strFieldVal#" DELETE FROM Data_ListItems WHERE StrItemValue = AND PageID= INSERT INTO Data_ListItems (ListID, Position, PageID, StrItemValue) VALUES (, 1, , ) INSERT INTO Data_FieldValue (PageID, DateAdded, DateApproved, FieldID, FormID, FieldValue, IsSubmitted, ListID) VALUES (, , , , , , 1, ) Complete