var apiConfig = ""; var result = structNew(); var logStruct = structNew(); var logArray = arrayNew(1); var thisElementConfig = structNew(); var contentStruct = structNew(); var apiResponse = ""; var loggingEnabled = true; var logFileName = "API_Element_populateCustom.log"; var logErrorFileName = "API_Element_populateCustom_error.log"; // Init the return data structure result.status = false; result.msg = ""; = StructNew(); // Check the element is in the API Config file and defined apiConfig = variables.api.getAPIConfig(); // Set the logging flag if ( isStruct(apiConfig) AND StructKeyExists(apiConfig, "logging") AND StructKeyExists(apiConfig.logging, "enabled") AND apiConfig.logging.enabled == 1 ) loggingEnabled = true; else loggingEnabled = false; // Check if the "forceControlName", "forceSubsiteID", and "forcePageID" arguments are defined, // then setup the element config to bypass the config file. if ( arguments.forceSubsiteID neq -1 AND arguments.forcePageID neq -1 AND ( LEN(arguments.forceControlName) OR arguments.forceControlID neq -1 ) ) { thisElementConfig['subsiteID'] = arguments.forceSubsiteID; thisElementConfig['pageID'] = arguments.forcePageID; thisElementConfig['elementType'] = "custom"; // Check if we want to use the control name of control id if ( LEN(arguments.forceControlName) ) contentStruct.controlName = arguments.forceControlName; else if ( arguments.forceControlID neq -1 ) contentStruct.controlID = arguments.forceControlID; } else if ( isStruct(apiConfig) AND StructKeyExists(apiConfig, "elements") AND StructKeyExists(apiConfig.elements, arguments.elementName) ) { // set up local variable for the element thisElementConfig = apiConfig.elements[arguments.elementName]; // If there is no subsite default to 1 if( not StructKeyExists(thisElementConfig, "subsiteID") ) thisElementConfig["subsiteID"] = 1; } else { // Log the error message also if ( loggingEnabled ) { logStruct.msg = "#request.formattedTimestamp# - Element [#arguments.elementName#] is not defined in the API Configuration."; logStruct.logFile = logErrorFileName; arrayAppend(logArray, logStruct); variables.utils.bulkLogAppend(logArray); } result.msg = "Element [#arguments.elementName#] is not defined in the API Configuration. arguments.forceSubsiteIDID = #arguments.forceSubsiteID# - arguments.forcePageID = #arguments.forcePageID# - arguments.forceControlID = #arguments.forceControlID#"; return result; } // Check that we are updating a custom element if( thisElementConfig["elementType"] NEQ "custom" ) { if ( loggingEnabled ) { // Log the error message also logStruct.msg = "#request.formattedTimestamp# - Element [#arguments.elementName#] is not defined as a custom element in the API Configuration."; logStruct.logFile = logErrorFileName; arrayAppend(logArray, logStruct); variables.utils.bulkLogAppend(logArray); } result.msg = "Element [#arguments.elementName#] is not defined as a custom element in the API Configuration."; return result; } // If they forced the subsite ID, then set in the config if (arguments.forceSubsiteID neq -1) { thisElementConfig["subsiteID"] = arguments.forceSubsiteID; } else if ( StructKeyExists(, "subsiteID")) { //Otherwise check to see if subsiteID has been passed into data (signifying a local custom element) thisElementConfig["subsiteID"] =; } // If they forced the page ID, then set in the config if (arguments.forcePageID neq -1) { thisElementConfig["pageID"] = arguments.forcePageID; } else if ( StructKeyExists(, "pageID") ) { //Otherwise check to see if the data passed in for this element contains "pageID" thisElementConfig["pageID"] =; } // Construct specific data for the content creation API contentStruct.subsiteID = thisElementConfig["subsiteID"]; contentStruct.pageID = thisElementConfig["pageID"]; // 2013-06-24 - Each check needs to be done separately. if( StructKeyExists(thisElementConfig, "controlID") ) contentStruct.controlID = thisElementConfig["controlID"]; if( StructKeyExists(thisElementConfig, "controlName") ) contentStruct.controlName = thisElementConfig["controlName"]; // 2013-06-24 - Override the config control name based on the argument if ( LEN(arguments.forceControlName) ) contentStruct.controlName = arguments.forceControlName; // 2013-06-24 - Override the config control ID based on the argument if ( arguments.forceControlID neq -1 ) contentStruct.controlID = arguments.forceControlID; // If we find the option to submit change in the data if( StructKeyExists(, "submitChange") ) contentStruct.submitChange =; else contentStruct.submitChange = "1"; // If we find the comment for the submission in the data struct if( StructKeyExists(, "submitChangeComment") ) contentStruct.submitChange_comment =; else contentStruct.submitChange_comment = "Submit data for Custom element through API"; // Following structure contains the data. The structure keys are the 'field names' =; // Error handling try { // Call the API to run the CCAPI Command apiResponse = variables.api.runCCAPI(method="populateCustomElement", sparams=contentStruct); // Check that the API ran if ( apiResponse.status ) { // Pass back the API return to the results result = apiResponse; // Log the success if ( listFirst(, ":") eq "Success" ) { logStruct.msg = "#request.formattedTimestamp# - Element Updated/Created: #thisElementConfig['elementType']# [#arguments.elementName#]. ContentUpdateResponse:"; logStruct.logFile = logFileName; arrayAppend(logArray, logStruct); } else { // Log the error message also result.msg = listRest(, ":"); logStruct.msg = "#request.formattedTimestamp# - Error updating element: #thisElementConfig['elementType']# [#arguments.elementName#]. Error recorded: #result.msg#"; logStruct.logFile = logErrorFileName; arrayAppend(logArray, logStruct); } } else { // Error while running the API Command result = apiResponse; // Log the error message also logStruct.msg = "#request.formattedTimestamp# - Error [Message: #result.msg#]"; if ( StructKeyExists(, "detail") ) logStruct.msg = logStruct.msg & " [Details:]"; logStruct.logFile = logErrorFileName; arrayAppend(logArray, logStruct); } } catch ( ANY e ) { // Error caught, send back the error message result.status = false; result.msg = e.message; = e; // Log the error message also logStruct.msg = "#request.formattedTimestamp# - Error [Message: #e.message#] [Details: #e.detail#]"; logStruct.logFile = logErrorFileName; arrayAppend(logArray, logStruct); } // Write the log files if ( loggingEnabled and arrayLen(logArray) ) variables.utils.bulkLogAppend(logArray); // Check if we want to force the logout if ( arguments.forceLogout ) variables.api.ccapiLogout(); return result;