var newBean = arguments.bean; var newProxy = application.ADF.proxyWhiteList; // if useVersions is false rebuild the proxyWhiteList structure removing version suffixes and combine method lists if ( NOT arguments.enforceVersions ) { newBean = ListFirst(newBean,"_"); newProxy = buildProxyWithoutBeanVersions(); } // Check if the bean exists in the proxy white list struct // If we have a method list and we have a match so return true if ( StructKeyExists(newProxy, newBean) AND ListFindNoCase(newProxy[newBean], arguments.method) ) { return true; } return false; var proxyStruct = application.ADF.proxyWhiteList; var retStruct = StructNew(); var key = ""; var newKey = ""; var i = 0; var newItem = ""; // Loop over proxyWhiteList Structure for ( key IN proxyStruct ){ // Create the new StructKey without the version suffix newKey = ListFirst(key,"_"); // If a pruned struct key already exists in the new proxy struct add the unique methods to the existing methods list if ( StructKeyExists(retStruct,newKey) ) { // Combine the new methods list with the current methods list for the new struct key retStruct[newKey] =[newKey],proxyStruct[key]); } else { retStruct[newKey] = proxyStruct[key]; } } return retStruct;