var inputParameters =; var currentValue = arguments.value; // the field's current value var readOnly = (arguments.displayMode EQ 'readonly') ? true : false; var displayValue = ""; var useCalendarIcon = false; var cftHeaderCSS = ''; var cftClearDateLinkCSS = ''; // Pass new date URL variable through to the Calendar Picker if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"newSelectedDate") ) currentValue = request.params.newSelectedDate; inputParameters = setDefaultParameters(argumentCollection=arguments); if ( LEN(TRIM(currentValue)) ){ // Fix bad or incorrect date/time entries currentValue =,currentValue); // Strip the standardizedTimeStr from the currentValue and do a DateForamt for Display displayValue = DateFormat(TRIM(REPLACE(currentValue,inputParameters.standardizedTimeStr,"","all")),inputParameters.cfDateMask); } // Set Default Icon Options if ( inputParameters.fldIcon EQ "calendar") useCalendarIcon = true; renderJSFunctions(argumentCollection=arguments, fieldParameters=inputParameters,useCalendarIcon=useCalendarIcon); // After JS functions are rendered then handle the HTML the Calendar Icon image rendering if (inputParameters.displayType EQ "UIdatepicker") useCalendarIcon = false; application.ADF.scripts.addHeaderCSS(cftClearDateLinkCSS,"TERTIARY"); application.ADF.scripts.addHeaderCSS(cftHeaderCSS,"TERTIARY");
disabled="disabled"> calendar
var inputParameters =; var bUseCalendarIcon = arguments.useCalendarIcon; var cftDatePickJS = ''; var yearRangeStr = inputParameters.yearRangeStart & ":" & inputParameters.yearRangeEnd; application.ADF.scripts.addFooterJS(cftDatePickJS,"TERTIARY"); var inputParameters =; // inputParameters fields that cannot be overridden by the App var inputParametersExceptionsList = "fldID,appBeanName,appPropsVarName"; // Validate if the property field has been defined if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "fldID") OR LEN(inputParameters.fldID) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.fldID = TRIM(arguments.fieldName); else inputParameters.fldID = TRIM(inputParameters.fldID); if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "uiTheme") OR LEN(inputParameters.uiTheme) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.uiTheme = "ui-lightness"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "displayType") OR LEN(inputParameters.displayType) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.displayType = "UIdatepicker"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "fldIcon") OR LEN(inputParameters.fldIcon) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.fldIcon = "none"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "fldClearDate") OR LEN(inputParameters.fldClearDate) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.fldClearDate = "no"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "fldIconImg") OR LEN(inputParameters.fldIconImg) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.fldIconImg = "/ADF/extensions/customfields/date_picker/ui_calendar.gif"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "standardizedTimeType") OR LEN(inputParameters.standardizedTimeType) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.standardizedTimeType = "start"; // Default: for start dates: 00:00:00 - Option: for end dates use: 23:59:59 if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "standardizedTimeStr") OR LEN(inputParameters.standardizedTimeStr) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.standardizedTimeStr = "00:00:00"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "jsDateMask") OR LEN(inputParameters.jsDateMask) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.jsDateMask = "m/d/yy"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "cfDateMask") OR LEN(inputParameters.cfDateMask) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.cfDateMask = "M/D/YYYY"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters,"yearRangeStart") OR LEN(inputParameters.yearRangeStart) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.yearRangeStart = "c-10"; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters,"yearRangeEnd") OR LEN(inputParameters.yearRangeEnd) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.yearRangeEnd = "c+10"; //-- App Override Variables --// if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "appBeanName") OR LEN(inputParameters.appBeanName) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.appBeanName = ""; if ( NOT StructKeyExists(inputParameters, "appPropsVarName") OR LEN(inputParameters.appPropsVarName) LTE 0 ) inputParameters.appPropsVarName = ""; // Optional ADF App Override for the Custom Field Type inputParameters If ( LEN(TRIM(inputParameters.appBeanName)) AND LEN(TRIM(inputParameters.appPropsVarName)) ) { inputParameters = application.ADF.utils.appOverrideCSParams( csParams=inputParameters, appName=inputParameters.appBeanName, appParamsVarName=inputParameters.appPropsVarName, paramsExceptionList=inputParametersExceptionsList ); } return inputParameters; private any function getValidationJS(required string formName, required string fieldName, required boolean isRequired) { if (arguments.isRequired) return 'hasValue(document.#arguments.formName#.#arguments.fieldName#, "TEXT")'; return ""; } private string function getValidationMsg() { return "Please select a value for the #arguments.label# field."; } private boolean function isMultiline() { return structKeyExists(arguments.parameters, "fldClearDate") && arguments.parameters.fldClearDate == "yes"; } /* IMPORTANT: Since loadResourceDependencies() is using ADF.scripts loadResources methods, getResourceDependencies() and loadResourceDependencies() must stay in sync by accounting for all of required resources for this Custom Field Type. */ public void function loadResourceDependencies() { var inputParameters =; inputParameters = setDefaultParameters(argumentCollection=arguments); // Load registered Resources via the ADF scripts_2_0 application.ADF.scripts.loadJQuery(noConflict=true); application.ADF.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=inputParameters.uiTheme); // Load the DateJS Plugin Headers application.ADF.scripts.loadDateJS(); // Load the DateFormat Plugin Headers application.ADF.scripts.loadDateFormat(); // Load the UI Date Picker Plugin Headers if ( inputParameters.displayType EQ "datepick" ) application.ADF.scripts.loadJQueryDatePick(); } public string function getResourceDependencies() { return "jQuery,jQueryUI,DateJS,DateFormat,JQueryDatePick,jQueryUIDefaultTheme"; }