Field ID: |
Please enter the field ID to be used via JavaScript. If blank, will use default CS field name. |
Display Type: | |
UI Theme: | |
Year Range: |
Set to default Year Range values Enter start and end year values to represent a range of years to display in the year drop-down. - Use a plus(+) or minus(-) sign and a number of years for values relative to today's year ("-5" & "+10"). - Use a "c" with a plus or minus sign for values relative to the currently selected year ("c-10" & "c+5"). - Use 4 digit values for absolute start and end years ("1990" & "2020"). - Use a combinations of these formats ("2010" & "+5"). |
JS Display Format: | |
CF Display Format: | |
Standardized Time Type: | checked> checked> checked> |
Standardized Time: |
Since CS Date fields store a date/time string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) we generally want to capture the start of the day time '00:00:00' for Start Dates and capture end of the day time '23:59:59' for End Dates. But this value can be any valid time string. |
Show icon next to Field: | checked> checked> |
Show Clear Date Link: | checked> checked> |
Optional ADF App PROPS Override Settings:
(IMPORTANT: If configured correctly these settings will override the entries above!) |
App Bean Name: |
Please enter the ADF Applications's AppName to override these configuration settings. |
App Props Variable Name: |
Please enter the App Props Variable name that contains PROPS keys and values to override. |
ADF Custom Field v#fieldVersion# |