stc = GetTickCount();
// this element should always be dynamic
request.element.isStatic = 0;
// Check if any missing attributes
missingAttr = getMissingAttributes();
pageIDControlID = '';
Same Records Cache Error: Missing custom script parameters: #Replace( missingAttr, ",", ", ", "ALL")#
// Create Memory Structures if they don't exist
// default cacheName to element Name if not specified
if( NOT StructKeyExists(attributes,'CacheName') )
attributes.cacheName = attributes.elementName;
// default forceRender to 0 if not specified
if( NOT StructKeyExists(request.params,"ForceRender") )
request.params.ForceRender = 0;
// Clear memory cache for this type of element is specified
if( StructKeyExists(request.params,"ClearType") AND request.params.ClearType eq 1 )
if( StructKeyExists( application.CS_SameRecordsCache, attributes.ElementType ) )
StructDelete( application.CS_SameRecordsCache, attributes.ElementType );
// Clear memory cache for All types if specified
if( StructKeyExists(request.params,"ClearAll") AND request.params.ClearAll eq 1 )
if( StructKeyExists( application, 'CS_SameRecordsCache' ) )
StructDelete( application, 'CS_SameRecordsCache' );
Custom Element Records Cache:
[Clear Type]
Cache Duration: [#attributes.MinutesToCache# minutes]