errMsg = "";
if ( !StructKeyExists(request,"params") )
errMsg = "The required parameters were not available to process this request.";
else if ( !StructKeyExists(request.params,"subsiteURL") )
errMsg = "A 'subsiteURL' url parameter is required?";
else if ( !StructKeyExists(request.params,"fieldname") )
errMsg = "A 'fieldname' url parameter is required!";
else if ( !StructKeyExists(request.params,"inputid") )
errMsg = "A 'inputid' url parameter is required!";
else if ( !StructKeyExists(request.params,"UPLOADUUID") )
errMsg = "A 'UPLOADUUID' url parameter is required!";
if ( LEN(TRIM(errMsg)) )
if ( !application.ADF.siteDevMode )
errMsg = "The required parameters were not passed in.";
// Render the Error Message
exit; // exit instead of throw so it doesn't do a big CF error in iframe in the form
// Add the CS Page Footer since this script is not in the CS Site context
application.ADF.ui.csPageResourceHeader(pageTitle="File Upload Form");
application.ADF.scripts.addFooterJS(uploaderJS, "PRIMARY"); // PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
// Add the CS Page Footer since this script is not in the CS Site context