prefix = attributes.prefix; currentValues = attributes.currentValues; typeid = attributes.typeid; formname = attributes.formname; //writedump( var="#currentValues#", expand="no" ); // Variable for the version of the field - Display in Props UI. fieldVersion = "1.0.4"; // initialize some of the attributes variables addIconClass = false; showSize = 0; glyphiconDataFile = ""; defaultBootstrapVersion = "3.3"; // Default file path to the CSV file that contain the icon class name and codes defaultGlyphiconDataFile = "/ADF/thirdParty/jquery/bootstrap/#defaultBootstrapVersion#/data/glyphicon-data.csv"; // Default location for the Required Resouce to be registered in CommonSpot requiredResourceLocation = "/ADF/thirdParty/jquery/bootstrap/#defaultBootstrapVersion#/css/bootstrap-ADF-ext.css"; if( StructKeyExists(currentValues, "addIconClass") ) addIconClass = currentValues.addIconClass; if( StructKeyExists(currentValues, "ShowSize") ) ShowSize = currentValues.ShowSize; if( StructKeyExists(currentValues, "glyphiconDataFile") AND LEN(TRIM(currentValues.glyphiconDataFile)) ) glyphiconDataFile = currentValues.glyphiconDataFile;
Show: checked="checked">  
The SIZE option requires the "bootstrap-ADF-ext.css" file be registered as a resouce along with Bootstrap's library CSS file. Otherwise glyphicon size class definitions (eg. glyphicon-2x, etc.) will need to be added to the sites custom style sheet.
(Resource Location: #requiredResourceLocation# )
Include: checked="checked">  
Check this option to include the base "glyphicon" class to the class string that is built for the selected icon.
Icon Data File (csv):
Specify a relative path to a comma-delimited (.csv) override icon data file.
If left blank, will use the default Icon data file.
(Default: #defaultGlyphiconDataFile# )

ADF Custom Field v#fieldVersion#