// Load JQuery to the script application.ADF.scripts.loadJQuery(); // the fields current value currentValue = attributes.currentValues[fqFieldName]; // the param structure which will hold all of the fields from the props dialog xparams = parameters[fieldQuery.inputID]; // check the pages that have the attached script or RH in use if( xParams.scriptType eq "Custom Script" ) pageDataAry = application.ADF.csData.pagesContainingScript(xParams.scriptURL); else pageDataAry = application.ADF.csData.pagesContainingRH(xParams.scriptURL); // Set defaults for the label and description includeLabel = true; includeDescription = true; //-- Update for CS 6.x / backwards compatible for CS 5.x -- // If it does not exist set the Field Permission variable to a default value if ( NOT StructKeyExists(variables,"fieldPermission") ) variables.fieldPermission = ""; //-- Read Only Check w/ cs6 fieldPermission parameter -- readOnly = application.ADF.forms.isFieldReadOnly(xparams,variables.fieldPermission);
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