instance = StructNew(); instance.static.uuid = "A0608BEC-0AEB-B46A-0E1E1EC5F3CE7C9C"; initUseJavaProxyCFC(); if(arguments.loadColdFusionClassPath) { //arguments.parentClassLoader = createObject("java", "java.lang.Thread").currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); //can't use above, as doesn't work in some... things arguments.parentClassLoader = getPageContext().getClass().getClassLoader(); //arguments.parentClassLoader = createObject("java", "java.lang.ClassLoader").getSystemClassLoader(); //can't use the above, it doesn't have the CF stuff in it. } setClassLoadPaths(arguments.loadPaths); setParentClassLoader(arguments.parentClassLoader); ensureNetworkClassLoaderOnServerScope(); loadClasses(); if(structKeyExists(arguments, "sourceDirectories") AND ArrayLen(arguments.sourceDirectories)) { setJavaCompiler(createObject("component", "JavaCompiler").init(arguments.compileDirectory)); setSourceDirectories(arguments.sourceDirectories); setCompileDirectory(arguments.compileDirectory); setTrustedSource(arguments.trustedSource); compileSource(); setSourceLastModified(calculateSourceLastModified()); //do the method switching for non-trusted source if(NOT arguments.trustedSource) { variables.createWithoutCheck = variables.create; StructDelete(this, "create"); StructDelete(variables, "create"); this.create = variables.createWithSourceCheck; } } return this; try { //do this in one line just for speed. return createJavaProxy(getURLClassLoader().loadClass(arguments.className)); } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException exc) { throwException("javaloader.ClassNotFoundException", "The requested class could not be found.", "The requested class '#arguments.className#' could not be found in the loaded jars/directories."); } var local = {}; var func = 0; //need this as cf8 doesn't like the structure with functions. var System = createObject("java", "java.lang.System"); var Thread = createObject("java", "java.lang.Thread"); var currentClassloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); var classLoader = ""; if (structCount(arguments) == 4) { // the last 2 arguments are the function arguments and class loader classLoader = arguments[4]; local.funcArgs = arguments[3]; } else if (structCount(arguments) == 3) { // 2nd argument could be classloader or function arguments if (isInstanceOf(arguments[2],"java.lang.ClassLoader")) { classLoader = arguments[2]; } else if (isStruct(arguments[2])) { local.funcArgs = arguments[2]; } // 3rd argument could be classloader or function arguments if (isInstanceOf(arguments[3],"java.lang.ClassLoader")) { classLoader = arguments[3]; } else if (isStruct(arguments[3])) { local.funcArgs = arguments[3]; } } else if (structCount(arguments) == 2) { // the 2nd argument could be a class loader or function arguments if (isInstanceOf(arguments[2],"java.lang.ClassLoader")) { classLoader = arguments[2]; } else if (isStruct(arguments[2])) { local.funcArgs = arguments[2]; } } if (!structKeyExists(local,"funcArgs")) { local.funcArgs = {}; } if (isSimpleValue(classLoader)) { classLoader = getURLClassLoader(); } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classloader); func = arguments[1]; local.return = func(argumentCollection = local.funcArgs); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentClassloader); //need to do this twice, as cf8 has no finally. Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentClassloader); if(structKeyExists(local, "return")) { return local.return; } var dateLastModified = calculateSourceLastModified(); /* If the source has changed in any way, recompile and load */ if(dateCompare(dateLastModified, getSourceLastModified()) eq 1) { loadClasses(); compileSource(); } //if all the comilation goes according to plan, set the date last modified setSourceLastModified(dateLastModified); return createWithoutCheck(argumentCollection=arguments); var iterator = getClassLoadPaths().iterator(); var file = 0; var classLoader = 0; var networkClassLoaderClass = 0; var networkClassLoaderProxy = 0; networkClassLoaderClass = getServerURLClassLoader().loadClass("com.compoundtheory.classloader.NetworkClassLoader"); networkClassLoaderProxy = createJavaProxy(networkClassLoaderClass); if(isObject(getParentClassLoader())) { classLoader = networkClassLoaderProxy.init(getParentClassLoader()); } else { classLoader = networkClassLoaderProxy.init(); } while(iterator.hasNext()) { file = createObject("java", "").init(; if(NOT file.exists()) { throwException("javaloader.PathNotFoundException", "The path you have specified could not be found", file.getAbsolutePath() & " does not exist"); } classLoader.addUrl(file.toURL()); } setURLClassLoader(classLoader); var dir = 0; var path = 0; var paths = 0; var file = 0; var counter = 1; var len = 0; var directories = 0; //do check to see if the compiled jar is already there var jarName = calculateJarName(getSourceDirectories()); var jar = getCompileDirectory() & "/" & jarName; //first we copy the source to our tmp dir directories = getSourceDirectories(); len = arraylen(directories); for(; counter lte len; counter = counter + 1) { dir = directories[counter]; $directoryCopy(dir, path); } //then we compile it, and grab that jar paths = ArrayNew(1); //have to write it this way so CF7 compiles ArrayAppend(paths, path); jar = getJavaCompiler().compile(paths, getURLClassLoader(), jarName); var file = hash(arrayToList(arguments.directoryArray)) & ".jar"; return file; var lastModified = createDate(1900, 1, 1); var dir = 0; var qLastModified = 0; var directories = getSourceDirectories(); var len = arraylen(directories); var counter = 0; //it's possible there are no source files. if(qLastModified.recordCount) { //get the latest date modified if(dateCompare(lastModified, qlastModified.dateLastModified) eq -1) { /* This is here, because cfdirectory only ever gives you minute accurate modified date, which is not good enough. */ lastModified = createObject("java", "java.util.Date").init(createObject("java", "").init( & "/" &; } } else { lastModified = Now(); } var Class = createObject("java", "java.lang.Class"); var Array = createObject("java", "java.lang.reflect.Array"); var jars = queryJars(); var iterator = jars.iterator(); var file = 0; var urls = Array.newInstance(Class.forName(""), ArrayLen(jars)); var counter = 0; var urlClassLoader = 0; var key = instance.static.uuid & "." & getVersion(); if(NOT StructKeyExists(server, key)) { while(iterator.hasNext()) { Array.set(urls, counter, createObject("java", "").init(; counter = counter + 1; } urlClassLoader = createObject("java", "").init(urls); //put it on the server scope server[key] = urlClassLoader; } return createObject("java", "").init(arguments.class); return createObject("component", "JavaProxy")._init(arguments.class); try { createObject("java", ""); } catch(Object exc) { //do method replacement, as it will be much faster long term variables.createJavaProxy = variables.createJavaProxyCFC; } var qJars = 0; //the path to my jar library var path = getDirectoryFromPath(getMetaData(this).path) & "lib/"; var jarList = ""; var aJars = ArrayNew(1); var libName = 0; libName = ListGetAt(name, 1, "-"); //let's not use the lib's that have the same name, but a lower datestamp if(NOT ListFind(jarList, libName)) { ArrayAppend(aJars, path & "/" & name); jarList = ListAppend(jarList, libName); }