Difference between revisions of "Release Notes v1.5"

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(15 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* Updated the AjaxProxy to support returning JSON and XML.
* Updated the AjaxProxy to support returning JSON and XML.
* Added RunCommand function to handle calling functions within the ADF object factory.
* Added RunCommand function to handle calling functions within the ADF object factory.
* Updated JQuery and JQuery UI libraries to the latest versions.
* Updated the JQuery and JQuery UI libraries to the versions.
== Core ==
== Core ==
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* Added a parameter to the ceData getAllCustomElements function to pass in a state value or a list of state values.
* Added a parameter to the ceData getAllCustomElements function to pass in a state value or a list of state values.
* Updated ceData.compareCEDataArray function. Updated to set the large array in the outer loop. Validate if both arrays have lengths.
* Updated ceData.compareCEDataArray function. Updated to set the large array in the outer loop. Validate if both arrays have lengths.
getDataFieldValueByPageID - Added AuthorID and OwnerID fields to the Query. getElementInfoVersionsByPageID - Added AuthorID and OwnerID fields to the return structure.
* getDataFieldValueByPageID - Added AuthorID and OwnerID fields to the Query. getElementInfoVersionsByPageID - Added AuthorID and OwnerID fields to the return structure.
* Updated arrayOfCEDataSort to allow for proper time sorting.  
* Updated arrayOfCEDataSort to allow for proper time sorting.  
* Updated functions getCEData and getPageIDForFormID for new queryType for "searchInList". This query type finds any of the items in a list that match a list item in a CE field that stores a list of values. Updated function getPageIDForFormID to remove if statements for condition " contains in 'list' ".
* Updated functions getCEData and getPageIDForFormID for new queryType for "searchInList". This query type finds any of the items in a list that match a list item in a CE field that stores a list of values. Updated function getPageIDForFormID to remove if statements for condition " contains in 'list' ".
Line 190: Line 190:
=== CSAPI ===
=== CSAPI ===
* Enhancements = 1
* New library component in ADF v1.5.
* Added the CSAPI wrapper for the CommonSpot API command engine.
=== CSData ===
=== CSData ===
* Bug Fixes = 24
* Enhancements = 18
* Updated CSData library v1.1 components.
* Updates to CSData_1_0. getSubsiteID - Updated to correct bugs. getSubsiteIDByPageID - Updated to correct bugs. serializedFormStringToStruct - Added checks to prevent the field value returned to be the field FIC name.
* Added additional page data fields returned by the query in the getPagesBySubsiteID function in the csData_1_0 lib.
* Updated CSData formatSubsiteURL function to move the "replace" line to the start of the function.
* Updated the getSubsiteQueryByID function in csData_1_0 to return additional fields in the subsite query results
* Updated Lib component, CSData.makeCSSafe function. Implemented the makeLowerCase argument.
* Cleaned up debug code in CSdata.CSFile() and added code to allow CSdata.pagesContainingRH to see files in the Root RH folder
* Added the function getCustomMetadataFieldsByCSPageID to csData that returns a structure of custom metadata forms and fields from a CSPageID.
* Updated CSData_1_0.getStandardMetadata function to add PublicReleaseDate to return data.
* Added Confidentiality, IncludeInIndex and globalKeywords to return data for getStandardMetaData in csData_1_0
* Added global keyword compatibility for CS5.x and CS6.x by moving the global keyword retrieval to a helper method getGlobalKeywords which has CS version detection
* Fixing getPageMetadata and getCustomMetadata to only require pageID
* Added an option to the getCustomMetadata function in csData to convert Taxonomy terms to a termID list if a Custom Metadata form contains Taxonomy fields (helpful with the copyPage function in csPage)
* Added an optional argument to getCustomMetadata to accept docType - allows metadata forms to be returned that are bound to document types
* Modified getCustomMetadata to return metadata for non-pages.
* Added a findReplaceStandardMetadata method to the csData_1_1 lib component.
* CSData_1_0 - getCommonSpotSites function - Updated query to return 'DataSourceName' and 'RootURL' fields. Added parameter for the site ID.
* Updated CSData v1.1 getUploadedDocPageURL function. Updated the function to build the path to loader to pass through the security module.
* Bug fix for pagesContainingRH in csData_1_0 - Set the getModuleData query to return multiple module IDs instead of maxrow=1 from the CustomElementModule table. Then the returned Module IDs are converted to a List to be used in the WHERE statement using an IN to get all the PageIDs from the data_custom_render table. This will allow the correct pageData will be returned if multiple elements use the same render handler.
* Added imageID in return for DecipherCPIMAGE().
* Updated decipherCPImage function, removed the bulk of the logic to get the ID and replaced it with a single regular expression.
=== CSSecurity ===
=== CSSecurity ===
* Bug Fixes = 1
* Enhancements = 1
* Updated CSSecurity library v1.1 components.
* Reconfigured Proxy White List to store in application space to avoid conflicts with multiple sites.
=== Data ===
=== Data ===
* Bug Fixes = 9
* Enhancements = 7
* Updated Data library v1.1 components.
* Added a parameter to to the queryToArrayOfStructures method to force struct key to lower case.
* Added a new method from the CFLIB called activateURL. This function takes URLs in a text string and turns them into links.
* Added a countWordsInString function which was based on the code from trimStringByWordCount in data_1_0.
* Fixing issue with bad code getting in from cflib.
* Added Pete Freitag's EscapeExtendedChars method to the data_1_1 lib.
* Data_1_1 - Added function arrayOfStructsSortMultiKeys.
* Added success/failure to feetToQuery and improved error handling/reporting.
* Updated  data_1_0 method arrayOfStructuresToQuery. Added a flag to force all query columns to be varchar datatype.
* Updated  data_1_1 method arrayOfStructsSortMultiKeys.  Added a flag to force all query columns to be varchar datatype.
=== Date ===
=== Date ===
* Bug Fixes = 4
* Enhancements = 2
* Updated Date library v1.1 components.
* Added formatDateTimeISO8601 and getDateFields functions to Date_1_0.
* Added a Date_1_1 lib component. This new component includes methods for converting ISO 8601 date/time stamps to CF and CS date/time strings.
* Fixed issues with the formatDateTimeISO8601. Modified the timezone +/- operator to follow ISO8601 standards.
* Updated date_1_0 method lastDayOfWeek.  Passed the inDate parameter through to the firstDayOfWeek function so this can be used on dates other than Now().
=== Forms ===
=== Forms ===
* Bug Fixes = 22
* Enhancements = 10
* Updated Date library v1.1 components.
* Update to the Forms for callbacks and lightbox dialog headers and footers.
* Updated the RenderAddEditForm function for updates to the callback functionality to return a JSON object of the submitted custom element form.
* Added force params to loading scripts in the formResultHTML content block. Updated the form result to use the customizedFinalHtml argument or the default. Removed the renderResult param and IF blocks.
* Updated the form storage for the callback into the Document pageWindow space. Removed the form data storage in the cookie.
* Forms 1.1 - Updated renderAddEditForm function to comment out force JQuery, the loadADFLightbox with force will load JQuery. Removed the loadADFLightbox force argument when loading the form.
* Updated the forms_1_0 renderDeleteForm function to work with the ADFLightbox Framework.
* Updated renderDeleteForm function adding a "title" argument for the title of the lightbox window which supplies a string for CD_DIALOGNAME which is necessary for the standard CS delete element handler.
* Functions renderDeleteForm - Removed the JQuery version in the param.
* Updated the Forms_1_1 render delete form and delete element handler script for the lightbox header and footers.
* Update to Forms_1_1, renderDeleteForm function for CS6.1. Added 'realTargetModule' variable for when deleting in CS6.1 and Greater.
* Added simple buildAddEditLink function that handles all of the lightboxing.
* Added refreshParent and urlParams parameters to the buildAddEditLink in forms_1_0.
* Changed the buildAddEditLink to automatically include the ADFLighbox and Jquery.
=== Lightbox ===
=== Lightbox ===
* Enhancements = 1
* New library component in ADF v1.5
* Added a new lightbox lib which contains a lightboxProxy.cfm and a lightbox_1_0 component to handle lightbox calls and the processing of html that outputs inside of ADFlightbox windows.
* Added proxyFile check to see if the method is being called from inside the lightboxProxy file.
* Added check to return the CFCATCH error message.
=== Scheduler ===
=== Scheduler ===
* Enhancements = 1
* New library component in ADF v1.5.
=== Scripts ===
=== Scripts ===
* Bug Fixes = 31
* Enhancements = 20
* Updated Scripts library v1.1 components.
* Updated the ADF Lightbox framework to resolve issues with functionality in CS 6. Resolved issue with callback in CS 6 LView, updated the lightbox loading process in scripts, and general chooser for the ADF lightbox init for the add link.
* Updated Scripts v1.1 and v1.0 LoadJQuery function to force jQuery no conflict when in CS 6.2 or above.
* Adding new scripts code that loads scripts inline and via javascript.
* Added scripts finder for backwards compatibility. It searches both _cs_apps directory and ADF directory for scripts, even searches for .min's automatically. If it cannot find it trims off a version 1.3.2->1.3 until there is no more to trim. If it errors it logs the failure and continues on without disruption.
* Added caching to scripts service 1.1.
* Added function for loading jQuery Cookie plugin.
* Added loadJQueryBBQ function to load BBQ plugin for jQuery. jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full jQuery.deparam() method, along with both fragment and query string parse and merge utility methods.
* Added the jQuery Highlight plug-in to the thirdParty directory and the lib scripts files.
* Added the TimeAgo (automatically updating fuzzy timestamps) plugin for jQuery to the script_1_1 LIB component.
* Added jsTree and jQuery Hotkeys.
* Added the JQuery dump plugin to the thirdParty/jquery/ directory and added the loadJQueryDump function to the scripts/scripts_1_1.cfc component. The plugin functions similar to the "cfdump" and "writedump()" calls in ColdFusion -- looks very similar with a few modifications for various JS types and objects.
* Modified the comment block in the loadJQueryDump function to match the format of the other comment blocks.
* Added the jquery JS for version 1.4 to ThirdParty. Updated the Scripts_1_0, loadJQuery function to update to load 1.4 by default and loadJQueryUI function to update to load 1.8 by default.
* Updated Scripts_1_0 - Added loadJQueryDataTables function.
* Updated the Jquery QTip function to the 1.0 release version. Updated the scripts to load the 1.0 version.
* Updated loadCFJS to load latest version of jQuery plugin (1.1.12).
* Fixed the loadJQueryUI in scripts_1_0 by removing the .min from the JQueryUI script path.
* Added the "DoTimeout" and "TextLimit" plugins to the JQuery plugins library. Both plugins have corresponding load functions in the scripts_1_1.cfc as well.
* Updated Scripts 1.0 loadADFLightbox function to run check for if commonspot.lightbox is defined yet.
* Fixed the jQueryUI theme CSS file for the Redmond theme. It was the CSS file for pepper-grinder.
* Added dynatree library to scripts. Also fixed a few minor bugs with cfoutput tags missing from <cfsavecontent>
* Updated ScriptsService_1_1. Renamed cache variable to be under ADF struct, "application.ADF.cache".
* Updated ScriptsService 1.1 renderScriptOnce function to update REGEX expressions to kill rtns, newlines, and tabs.
=== Taxonomy ===
=== Taxonomy ===
* Bug Fixes = 6
* Enhancements = 4
* Updated Taxonomy library v1.1 components.
* Moved the "getTopTerms" query out of getTopTermIDArrayForFacet into a separate function. The new function getTopTermsQueryForFacet returns all the columns for top terms not just the IDs. An "order by" parameter (Name or ID) was added to the The original function getTopTermIDArrayForFacet.
* Rewrote getTopTermsQueryForFacet and getTermIDs to use the taxonomy DB views instead of taxonomy function calls
* Updated getTermIDs and changed the csTaxObj argument "required" parameter from true to false since it's not needed anymore.
* Updated Taxonomy lib to move getFacetTermNestingArray and getNarrowerTermArrayOfStructs functions into the taxonomy v1.1 component.
=== UI ===
=== UI ===
* Enhancements = 1
* New library component in ADF v1.5.
=== Utils ===
=== Utils ===
* Bug Fixes = 15
* Enhancements = 6
* Updated Utils library v1.1 components.
* Added runCommand function to utils.
* Added a buildRunCommandArgs method to handle converting parameters that are passed into AjaxProxy.cfm and LightboxProxy.cfm to a struct before passing them to the runCommand method
* Added IPInRange function which checks the current users IP to see if it is within the specified range
* Added URLENcodeStruct and xslTransform to utils.
== Third Party ==
== Third Party ==
* Bug Fixes = 5
* Enhancements = 23
* Adding in Uploadify jQuery plugin. Allows for fancy uploading of documents.
* Added jQuery Cookie plugin for basic handling (CRUD) of cookies using jQuery, also used by jQueryUI Tabs for storing current selected Tab.
* Added JQuery Data Tables plugin to the third party.
* Updated the Jquery QTip function to the 1.0 release version. Updated the scripts to load the 1.0 version.
* Added latest version of CFJS. The change log from Chris Jordan follows: 10/19/2009 - (1.1.12). Altered the DateFormat function so that the user can now pass in a string representation of a date and cfjs will attempt to convert it to a date object for processing. 10/15/2009 - (1.1.11) * Fixed minor bug in ListContains and ListContainsNoCase functions.
* Added BBQ jquery plugin files.
* Updated the Third Party JQuery UI to version 1.8.4.
* Added the jquery JS for version 1.4 to ThirdParty. Updated the Scripts_1_0, loadJQuery function to update to load 1.4 by default and loadJQueryUI function to update to load 1.8 by default.
* Updated JQuery UI third party code to version 1.8.5.
* Added BlockUI plugin to help with blocking UI components during and ajax call.
* Uploaded the thirdparty JQuery Full Calendar plugin.
* Removed older versions of jQueryUI from the 1.7 version and kept 1.7.2 renamed as 1.7. Renamed all 1.7.2 code to 1.7 and adjusted all the filenames to match.
* Added the jQuery Highlight plug-in to the thirdParty directory.
* Added the theme smoothness to the jqueryui 1.8 thirdparty folder.
* Uploaded the latest versions of JQuery 1.4 and 1.5. Updated the JQuery UI for 1.8.9.
* Adding the TimeAgo (automatically updating fuzzy timestamps) plugin for jQuery.
* Added jsTree and jQuery Hotkeys.
* Added in Jquery v1.5.2 and v1.6.1.
* Updated JQuery UI to v1.7.3 and v1.8.13.
* Updated the JQuery UI themes CSS for v1.8.13.
* Added the JQuery dump plugin to the thirdParty/jquery/ directory and added the loadJQueryDump function to the scripts/scripts_1_1.cfc component. The plugin functions similar to the "cfdump" and "writedump()" calls in ColdFusion -- looks very similar with a few modifications for various JS types and objects.
* Added the "DoTimeout" and "TextLimit" plugins to the JQuery plugins library. Both plugins have corresponding load functions in the scripts_1_1.cfc as well.

Latest revision as of 15:28, 18 November 2011


  • Bug Fixes = 257
  • Enhancements = 224
  • Added new library version 1.1 components for ceData, csData, data, date, forms, scripts, scriptsService, taxonomy, and utils.
  • Added new library version 1.0 components for csapi, lightbox, scheduler, and ui.
  • Enhanced ADF reset functionality for better debugging.
  • Compatibility with CommonSpot v6.2 for ADF custom field types.
  • Expanded the Forms capabilities with JavaScript callback functionality and form fields serialized into JSON.
  • Lightbox framework updates for CommonSpot 5 and 6.
  • Enhancements to the general chooser and custom element select field types.
  • Added new lightboxProxy to handle opening pages within a lightbox dialog.
  • Updated the AjaxProxy to support returning JSON and XML.
  • Added RunCommand function to handle calling functions within the ADF object factory.
  • Updated the JQuery and JQuery UI libraries to the versions.


  • Bug Fixes = 20
  • Enhancements = 25
  • Ability to reset the ADF through URL parameter "resetADF".
  • Added the ADF version to the ADF reset message.
  • Added variable to store build errors on ADF reset.
  • Added view log button for ADF reset error messages.
  • Updated the ADF reset error log to not append to the file and overwrite the file.
  • Updated ADF reset to not display the 'Application.ADF' cfdump in the debug log file.
  • Added validation checks to the reset for the server and application space.
  • Added ADF and CommonSpot version variables to the appliction.ADF variable.
  • Added support for passing an optional version number for loading library components directly into the ADF.
  • Reconfigured Proxy White List to store in application space to avoid conflicts with multiple sites.
  • Bug Fix: Uncommented the 'localLibKeys' variable to load for the site LIB component overrides.
  • Bug Fix: LightWireConfigExtendedBase, Feature refinement for custom element select and adding new data functionality (arrayOfStructToXML) and proxyWhiteList got updates to allow scheduler.
  • Bug Fix: Loading the site level ADF Component overrides.
  • Added LightboxProxy.cfm to the site sample files.
  • Added support to store the ADF in a folder name other than "ADF".
  • Replaced code references for "isDefined" function use.
  • Added a response header to indicate whether or not the ADF was reset. The response header is "CS_ADF_Reset" and will be true if the ADF was reset or false if the ADF was not reset.
  • Updated the Core files with the updated CopyRight year.
  • Updated the LightWireConfigExtendedBase.loadADFAppBeanConfig function to update AppConfig path building process.
  • Updated Base INIT function to remove call to "super.init".
  • Updated Base INIT function to remove call to "super.init".
  • Updated AppBase INIT function for no IF statement for call to "super.init".
  • Added a getADFminorVersion method to return only the first two version digits.
  • Replaced the getADFversion calls with getADFminorVersion so it will read the XML file even if extra version digits are added to the ADFversion variable.
  • Updated the core BASE and SITEBASE to change the function name to getDecimalADFVersion and updated load library processing to call this function. Added variable into application.ADF space for 'decimalVersion'.


Custom CF

  • Bug Fixes = 5
  • Enhancements = 9
  • Updates to the ADF debugging code.
  • Updated extensions customcf make_CFT_list script to change the AJAX method to "getFieldTypes".
  • Moving handleFileUpload to customfields directory.
  • Updated Extensions Datasheet_jquery_ui_style custom script. Updated to include the ADD button, removed JQuery "$", and added comments to customize
  • Updated Extensions datasheet_jquery_ui_style custom script. Updated to allow for adding this custom script directly to the page using attributes.
  • Updated instructions for the Import CE custom scripts.
  • Added genericElementManagement.cfm for rapid prototpying and creation of basic management pages.
  • Updated Extensions datasheet_jquery_ui_style custom script. Updated to allow for adding this custom script directly to the page using attributes.

Datasheet Modules

  • Bug Fixes = 12
  • Enhancements = 13
  • Renamed and updated datasheet modules to follow a naming standard.
  • Added new datasheet module for the JQuery UI edit/delete buttons in a datasheet.
  • Updating edit-delete to handle datasheet sorting better and fixing issues with view tables having lowercased values.
  • Datasheet Modules Edit/Delete files updated to add class "ADF-Edit-Delete" to TD for custom styling. Add align and valign to TD to make standard with the "edit-delete" DS-module.
  • Updated edit/delete datasheet modules for CS6.1.
  • Added datasheet-module to render an anchor tag with the page URL for the page ID.
  • Updated the subsiteURL datasheet-module with sorting for the display data
  • Added handling for deleted/missing SubsiteIDs
  • Fixed so that it wont throw an error if they try to translate a bad subsite.
  • Extensions delete_element_handler - Fixed the variable name in the callback JS.
  • Extensions datasheet-modules, Updated for CS Version checks for the anchor tag JavaScript.
  • Added a callback ID list param in the request.params that are being passed to the callback function to include IDs of records to be modified by the callback other than the one being deleted.
  • Added datasheet render module to have active row highlighting.

Custom Fields

  • Bug Fixes = 37
  • Enhancements = 22
  • Updating every custom field type export.
  • Updated custom_element_select_field_render to sort the CEDataArray at the start by the display field.
  • Updated the Custom Element Select field to have the Default Value field to add [] to the value to make it evaluate a CF expression.
  • Adding "Add" button to custom element select field
  • Updated AJAX calls for bean "ceData_1_1" in the Custom Element Select Field property file.
  • Adding #prefix# to functions to fix issues with 2 custom element select fields messing each other up.
  • Updated extensions custom element select field. Updated JQuery functions to work with older JQuery versions.
  • Updates to General Chooser custom field. Deprecated - Version "1.0" for new version "1.1". This supports v1.0 general chooser render files that were customized. Update the property CFC to extend the "general_chooser_1_0" component.
  • Added sample property component to the general chooser custom field type (sample_gc.cfc)
  • Resolved bug in the General Chooser custom field to update the jquery and jquery UI versions in the render file. Commented out a load jquery UI function call in the loadSelectBoxes function.
  • Updated the general chooser render file to update the Scripts loading methods to dynamically load the latest script versions from the Scripts Object.
  • Extension custom fields General Chooser updates. Updated component to simplify the customizations process and performance. Removed Ajax loading process.
  • General Chooser Updates for IE styling and updated for Add/Edit/Delete callback.
  • General Chooser update the sample_gc.cfc. Updated the variable flags.
  • Backward compatibility checks to allow the variables from General Chooser v1.0 site and app override GC files to honored
  • Modified general chooser to have max/min selections.
  • Updated the Page Layout CFT in extensions.
  • Updated the App Config Page CFT - Added conditional logic inside the select box loop to check the length of filename for the records generated by the pagesContainingRH or the pagesContainingScript
  • Fixed a bug with the Subsite Select CFT so the field can be added to a form more than once. Also added the code so the field label text with display properly.
  • Added the ResizeWindow() call to be triggered after the ajax call completes in the subsite select and template select CFTs.
  • Minor fixes to the Subsite Select CFT. Removed ptBlog2 references. Finished filling out the comment headers, etc.
  • Adding Form Protect props and render, updating forms 1.1 to account for form protection. Updated cfformprotect to new version.
  • Converting file uploader to work without uploadify. Adding in features to get CE field ID's by name. Added in feature to utils to get resource images (currently only works with PDF's) updated document uploader to display a thumbnail of uploaded file.

Added support for CCAPI config Custom Element (which will replace the CCAPI.xml file in config directory at site root)

  • Added a jQueryUI theme selector CFT to pick an a jQueryUI theme from the available list of ADF installed themes for a specific version of jQueryUI.
  • Added Custom Script Selector.
  • Updated the custom checkbox custom field to allow values to be set for checked and unchecked values.
  • Added file uploader v2, with the ability to configure most everything via a cfc. Custom validation and thumbnail support has also been added in this release. To maintain backwards support a v1 folder has been created and all existing file uploader field types need to be updated to point to this directory.


  • Bug Fixes = 11
  • Enhancements = 6
  • Updated ADF Lightbox Framework to create custom 'lbResizeWindow' function to resolve problems with the lightbox framework in CS 5. CS 5 also uses the 'ResizeWindow' function to resize the window dialogs. A new custom resize function needs to be implemented. If the user is runnin in CS 5, this function is overrided by loading the cs5-overrides.js to replace this function with the lightbox resize code.
  • Updated the ADF Lightbox framework to resolve issues with functionality in CS 6. Resolved issue with callback in CS 6 LView, updated the lightbox loading process in scripts, and general chooser for the ADF lightbox init for the add link.
  • Lightbox updates to fix the replaceLB function not working when in CS 6.0 LView.
  • Updated loadCallback function to loop over the level of lightbox windows to locate the callback function.
  • Added in a fix for Lightboxing on cs 6.1 with multiple scrollbars.
  • Updating code to use lightbox proxy instead of ajaxproxy.
  • Update to the ADF Lightbox 1.0 - Commented out some functions that conflict with CS 5.x styles.
  • Updated to have an optional MainTable wrapper for better lighbox support.



  • Bug Fixes = 13
  • Enhancements = 19
  • Updated proxyWhiteList.xml for library v1.1 components.
  • Updated the ajaxProxy.cfm by moving all of the parameter and data processing code from ajaxProxy.cfm into a method in a new ajax_1_0 component.
  • Removed ADFlightbox specific code from ajaxProxy.cfm and from the ajax_1_0 lib component.
  • Making ajaxproxy call the utils runCommand function instead of Evaluate.
  • Updated the buildAjaxProxyString method with logic to check if runCommand method call returns a query, if so the it converts the return query to an Array of Structs before converting to JSON or XML.
  • Updated AjaxProxy and LightboxProxy to add check for subsiteURL param, then load the APPLICATION.CFC to load the lightbox within the specific subsites application scope.
  • Added an optional appName parameter to request.params to allow you to execute components directly from an app using the ajaxProxy.cfm.
  • Added back the support for jsonpCallback and converted the call from createObject to use the server.ADF.objectFactory for the json object.
  • Updated the AjaxProxy.cfm file in the ajax LIB to allow calls to methods that return void.
  • Added a debug parameter and debug dumps to AjaxProxy.cfm. The dumps collect data before and after the reHTML processing also added a try/catch around runCommand call, if an error is caught then debugging is auto enabled.
  • Added the Return type of XML to the ajaxProxy.cfm file.
  • Updated to have an optional MainTable wrapper for better lighbox support.
  • Removed the args loop and replaced it with a method call to convert the request.params in to the args struct before calling the runCommand method.
  • Updated the serialize call to serializeBean to avoid future issues with Railo.


  • Bug Fixes = 16
  • Enhancements = 12
  • Updated the CCAPI to clear the SSID to logout. Added functions to the lib proxywhitelist.
  • Updated loggedin function to look for a number as the first character in the response from getSSID(). We were returning false positives when checking the logged in state.
  • Updates to CCAPI 1.0 and 1.1. Updated login verification logic for success or error.
  • Updating error handling for loggingEnabled function.
  • Updated csSubsite v1.0 createSubsite function. Added Parent SubsiteID to the success log.
  • Updated createSubsite function moving the definition of "ws" up a level so that it's always available when you try to create a subsite.
  • Updated the handleCreateSubsite function in the csSubsite LIB to have an access of public.
  • Updated arguments list in the createSubsite function of csSubsite_1_0 in the ccapi lib.
  • Adding forceSubsiteID and forcePageID to populate content.
  • Adding scheduler, copy page, fixing various bugs.
  • Removed CopyPage function from 1_0 function, this was moved to the 1_1 function.
  • Updated CSPage v1.0 createPage function. Added logout call at the end of the process.
  • In the copyPage method in the csPage_1_1 lib added a parameter for find/replace text and a call to a function that does a find and replace on StandardMetadata (ie. Name, Title, Caption, Description and FileName) the function replaces the source info with new destination info before creating the destination page.
  • Updated the csPage method copyPage with a parameter used to pass in a destination Standard Metadata struct to overwrite the Standard Metadata from the source page when creating the destination page.
  • Updated the copyPage function in csPage to use the flag in getCustomMetadata to convert Taxonomy Term Lists to TermID lists in taxonomy custom metadata fields.
  • Updated CSContent 1.0 populateContent function. Added LOCK to prevent multiple CCAPI calls from throwing the "security-exception -- conflict" error message.


  • Bug Fixes = 26
  • Enhancements = 23
  • Updated CEData library v1.1 components.
  • Updated cedata.getAllCustomElements function to update the where clause in the query to return all the custom elements for the site.
  • Changed the query in the ceData getAllCustomElements function to get the Custom Element names and ids from the AvailableControls table to get the Custom Element State.
  • Added a parameter to the ceData getAllCustomElements function to pass in a state value or a list of state values.
  • Updated ceData.compareCEDataArray function. Updated to set the large array in the outer loop. Validate if both arrays have lengths.
  • getDataFieldValueByPageID - Added AuthorID and OwnerID fields to the Query. getElementInfoVersionsByPageID - Added AuthorID and OwnerID fields to the return structure.
  • Updated arrayOfCEDataSort to allow for proper time sorting.
  • Updated functions getCEData and getPageIDForFormID for new queryType for "searchInList". This query type finds any of the items in a list that match a list item in a CE field that stores a list of values. Updated function getPageIDForFormID to remove if statements for condition " contains in 'list' ".
  • Updated getElementInfoByPageID function to getFormIDFromPageID function. Added comments.
  • Updated getFormIDByCEName function to Replace the dash to underscore.
  • Added the ability to search the memo field also for getPageIDForElement.
  • Updated CEData_1_0 for getPageIDForElement function to fix data_listItems query for the strItemValue field with the 'list' query type.
  • In the ceData_1_1 lib updated the importCEData method with a CCAPICEname parameter also updated the exportCEData method with a exportFolder parameter.
  • v1.0.1 - Added buildRealTypeView and buildCEDataArrayFromQuery functions.
  • Updated CEData_1_1 function buildRealTypeView. Updated the viewname variable to remove spaces.
  • CEData_1_1 - buildCEDataArrayFromQuery function - Updated function to load the Forms from the server object factory. Attempted to add dependency but ADF build throws error.
  • Updated CEData 1.1 buildRealTypeView function. Commented out the Oracle DB cast for "large_textarea,formatted_text_block".
  • Updated CEData v1.1 for buildRealTypeView function. Updated the SQL WHEN condition to only check for empty string. Updated the "large_textarea,formatted_text_block" CASE for the IF condition when 'SQLServer'.
  • Updated CEData v1.1 for buildRealTypeView function. Changed memoValue field size to "max".
  • Updated CEData v1.1 for buildRealTypeView function. Added an optional FIX for use with SQL2000. The FIX is commented out since SQL 2000 is not widely used.
  • Added arrayOfCEDataMerge.
  • Added a getCEData wrapper function that returns an array of element data based on an * Active Field and the Active Value.
  • Updated CEData v1.1 function getFieldDefaultValueFromID. Added check for CS 5 to decode the HTML escaped param WDDX.
  • Updated CEData_1_1 buildCEDataArrayFromQuery function. Modified function to set the fieldStruct variable outside of the cfloop.
  • Allowed get fieldsFromTabID to be more flexible by adding a list. Also, changed the function name from getFieldValuesByID to getFieldParamsByID - since it was really retrieving the parameters of the field not the values.
  • Added function getDataPageIDFromControlIDandPageID Returns the CE Data Page ID based on the Control ID and CommonSpot Page ID.
  • Modified the arrayOfCEDataToQuery function to return additional information (columns) in the query. The returned query now includes the following columns: dateadded, dateapproved, formid, formname, and pageid.
  • Updated CEData_1_0 getFormIDFromPageID function. Added new control ID for local custom elements.
  • Updated CEData_1_0 deleteCE function. Updated logic to return false if user is not validated.


  • Enhancements = 1
  • New library component in ADF v1.5.
  • Added the CSAPI wrapper for the CommonSpot API command engine.


  • Bug Fixes = 24
  • Enhancements = 18
  • Updated CSData library v1.1 components.
  • Updates to CSData_1_0. getSubsiteID - Updated to correct bugs. getSubsiteIDByPageID - Updated to correct bugs. serializedFormStringToStruct - Added checks to prevent the field value returned to be the field FIC name.
  • Added additional page data fields returned by the query in the getPagesBySubsiteID function in the csData_1_0 lib.
  • Updated CSData formatSubsiteURL function to move the "replace" line to the start of the function.
  • Updated the getSubsiteQueryByID function in csData_1_0 to return additional fields in the subsite query results
  • Updated Lib component, CSData.makeCSSafe function. Implemented the makeLowerCase argument.
  • Cleaned up debug code in CSdata.CSFile() and added code to allow CSdata.pagesContainingRH to see files in the Root RH folder
  • Added the function getCustomMetadataFieldsByCSPageID to csData that returns a structure of custom metadata forms and fields from a CSPageID.
  • Updated CSData_1_0.getStandardMetadata function to add PublicReleaseDate to return data.
  • Added Confidentiality, IncludeInIndex and globalKeywords to return data for getStandardMetaData in csData_1_0
  • Added global keyword compatibility for CS5.x and CS6.x by moving the global keyword retrieval to a helper method getGlobalKeywords which has CS version detection
  • Fixing getPageMetadata and getCustomMetadata to only require pageID
  • Added an option to the getCustomMetadata function in csData to convert Taxonomy terms to a termID list if a Custom Metadata form contains Taxonomy fields (helpful with the copyPage function in csPage)
  • Added an optional argument to getCustomMetadata to accept docType - allows metadata forms to be returned that are bound to document types
  • Modified getCustomMetadata to return metadata for non-pages.
  • Added a findReplaceStandardMetadata method to the csData_1_1 lib component.
  • CSData_1_0 - getCommonSpotSites function - Updated query to return 'DataSourceName' and 'RootURL' fields. Added parameter for the site ID.
  • Updated CSData v1.1 getUploadedDocPageURL function. Updated the function to build the path to loader to pass through the security module.
  • Bug fix for pagesContainingRH in csData_1_0 - Set the getModuleData query to return multiple module IDs instead of maxrow=1 from the CustomElementModule table. Then the returned Module IDs are converted to a List to be used in the WHERE statement using an IN to get all the PageIDs from the data_custom_render table. This will allow the correct pageData will be returned if multiple elements use the same render handler.
  • Added imageID in return for DecipherCPIMAGE().
  • Updated decipherCPImage function, removed the bulk of the logic to get the ID and replaced it with a single regular expression.


  • Bug Fixes = 1
  • Enhancements = 1
  • Updated CSSecurity library v1.1 components.
  • Reconfigured Proxy White List to store in application space to avoid conflicts with multiple sites.


  • Bug Fixes = 9
  • Enhancements = 7
  • Updated Data library v1.1 components.
  • Added a parameter to to the queryToArrayOfStructures method to force struct key to lower case.
  • Added a new method from the CFLIB called activateURL. This function takes URLs in a text string and turns them into links.
  • Added a countWordsInString function which was based on the code from trimStringByWordCount in data_1_0.
  • Fixing issue with bad code getting in from cflib.
  • Added Pete Freitag's EscapeExtendedChars method to the data_1_1 lib.
  • Data_1_1 - Added function arrayOfStructsSortMultiKeys.
  • Added success/failure to feetToQuery and improved error handling/reporting.
  • Updated data_1_0 method arrayOfStructuresToQuery. Added a flag to force all query columns to be varchar datatype.
  • Updated data_1_1 method arrayOfStructsSortMultiKeys. Added a flag to force all query columns to be varchar datatype.


  • Bug Fixes = 4
  • Enhancements = 2
  • Updated Date library v1.1 components.
  • Added formatDateTimeISO8601 and getDateFields functions to Date_1_0.
  • Added a Date_1_1 lib component. This new component includes methods for converting ISO 8601 date/time stamps to CF and CS date/time strings.
  • Fixed issues with the formatDateTimeISO8601. Modified the timezone +/- operator to follow ISO8601 standards.
  • Updated date_1_0 method lastDayOfWeek. Passed the inDate parameter through to the firstDayOfWeek function so this can be used on dates other than Now().


  • Bug Fixes = 22
  • Enhancements = 10
  • Updated Date library v1.1 components.
  • Update to the Forms for callbacks and lightbox dialog headers and footers.
  • Updated the RenderAddEditForm function for updates to the callback functionality to return a JSON object of the submitted custom element form.
  • Added force params to loading scripts in the formResultHTML content block. Updated the form result to use the customizedFinalHtml argument or the default. Removed the renderResult param and IF blocks.
  • Updated the form storage for the callback into the Document pageWindow space. Removed the form data storage in the cookie.
  • Forms 1.1 - Updated renderAddEditForm function to comment out force JQuery, the loadADFLightbox with force will load JQuery. Removed the loadADFLightbox force argument when loading the form.
  • Updated the forms_1_0 renderDeleteForm function to work with the ADFLightbox Framework.
  • Updated renderDeleteForm function adding a "title" argument for the title of the lightbox window which supplies a string for CD_DIALOGNAME which is necessary for the standard CS delete element handler.
  • Functions renderDeleteForm - Removed the JQuery version in the param.
  • Updated the Forms_1_1 render delete form and delete element handler script for the lightbox header and footers.
  • Update to Forms_1_1, renderDeleteForm function for CS6.1. Added 'realTargetModule' variable for when deleting in CS6.1 and Greater.
  • Added simple buildAddEditLink function that handles all of the lightboxing.
  • Added refreshParent and urlParams parameters to the buildAddEditLink in forms_1_0.
  • Changed the buildAddEditLink to automatically include the ADFLighbox and Jquery.


  • Enhancements = 1
  • New library component in ADF v1.5
  • Added a new lightbox lib which contains a lightboxProxy.cfm and a lightbox_1_0 component to handle lightbox calls and the processing of html that outputs inside of ADFlightbox windows.
  • Added proxyFile check to see if the method is being called from inside the lightboxProxy file.
  • Added check to return the CFCATCH error message.


  • Enhancements = 1
  • New library component in ADF v1.5.


  • Bug Fixes = 31
  • Enhancements = 20
  • Updated Scripts library v1.1 components.
  • Updated the ADF Lightbox framework to resolve issues with functionality in CS 6. Resolved issue with callback in CS 6 LView, updated the lightbox loading process in scripts, and general chooser for the ADF lightbox init for the add link.
  • Updated Scripts v1.1 and v1.0 LoadJQuery function to force jQuery no conflict when in CS 6.2 or above.
  • Adding new scripts code that loads scripts inline and via javascript.
  • Added scripts finder for backwards compatibility. It searches both _cs_apps directory and ADF directory for scripts, even searches for .min's automatically. If it cannot find it trims off a version 1.3.2->1.3 until there is no more to trim. If it errors it logs the failure and continues on without disruption.
  • Added caching to scripts service 1.1.
  • Added function for loading jQuery Cookie plugin.
  • Added loadJQueryBBQ function to load BBQ plugin for jQuery. jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full jQuery.deparam() method, along with both fragment and query string parse and merge utility methods.
  • Added the jQuery Highlight plug-in to the thirdParty directory and the lib scripts files.
  • Added the TimeAgo (automatically updating fuzzy timestamps) plugin for jQuery to the script_1_1 LIB component.
  • Added jsTree and jQuery Hotkeys.
  • Added the JQuery dump plugin to the thirdParty/jquery/ directory and added the loadJQueryDump function to the scripts/scripts_1_1.cfc component. The plugin functions similar to the "cfdump" and "writedump()" calls in ColdFusion -- looks very similar with a few modifications for various JS types and objects.
  • Modified the comment block in the loadJQueryDump function to match the format of the other comment blocks.
  • Added the jquery JS for version 1.4 to ThirdParty. Updated the Scripts_1_0, loadJQuery function to update to load 1.4 by default and loadJQueryUI function to update to load 1.8 by default.
  • Updated Scripts_1_0 - Added loadJQueryDataTables function.
  • Updated the Jquery QTip function to the 1.0 release version. Updated the scripts to load the 1.0 version.
  • Updated loadCFJS to load latest version of jQuery plugin (1.1.12).
  • Fixed the loadJQueryUI in scripts_1_0 by removing the .min from the JQueryUI script path.
  • Added the "DoTimeout" and "TextLimit" plugins to the JQuery plugins library. Both plugins have corresponding load functions in the scripts_1_1.cfc as well.
  • Updated Scripts 1.0 loadADFLightbox function to run check for if commonspot.lightbox is defined yet.
  • Fixed the jQueryUI theme CSS file for the Redmond theme. It was the CSS file for pepper-grinder.
  • Added dynatree library to scripts. Also fixed a few minor bugs with cfoutput tags missing from <cfsavecontent>
  • Updated ScriptsService_1_1. Renamed cache variable to be under ADF struct, "application.ADF.cache".
  • Updated ScriptsService 1.1 renderScriptOnce function to update REGEX expressions to kill rtns, newlines, and tabs.


  • Bug Fixes = 6
  • Enhancements = 4
  • Updated Taxonomy library v1.1 components.
  • Moved the "getTopTerms" query out of getTopTermIDArrayForFacet into a separate function. The new function getTopTermsQueryForFacet returns all the columns for top terms not just the IDs. An "order by" parameter (Name or ID) was added to the The original function getTopTermIDArrayForFacet.
  • Rewrote getTopTermsQueryForFacet and getTermIDs to use the taxonomy DB views instead of taxonomy function calls
  • Updated getTermIDs and changed the csTaxObj argument "required" parameter from true to false since it's not needed anymore.
  • Updated Taxonomy lib to move getFacetTermNestingArray and getNarrowerTermArrayOfStructs functions into the taxonomy v1.1 component.


  • Enhancements = 1
  • New library component in ADF v1.5.


  • Bug Fixes = 15
  • Enhancements = 6
  • Updated Utils library v1.1 components.
  • Added runCommand function to utils.
  • Added a buildRunCommandArgs method to handle converting parameters that are passed into AjaxProxy.cfm and LightboxProxy.cfm to a struct before passing them to the runCommand method
  • Added IPInRange function which checks the current users IP to see if it is within the specified range
  • Added URLENcodeStruct and xslTransform to utils.

Third Party

  • Bug Fixes = 5
  • Enhancements = 23
  • Adding in Uploadify jQuery plugin. Allows for fancy uploading of documents.
  • Added jQuery Cookie plugin for basic handling (CRUD) of cookies using jQuery, also used by jQueryUI Tabs for storing current selected Tab.
  • Added JQuery Data Tables plugin to the third party.
  • Updated the Jquery QTip function to the 1.0 release version. Updated the scripts to load the 1.0 version.
  • Added latest version of CFJS. The change log from Chris Jordan follows: 10/19/2009 - (1.1.12). Altered the DateFormat function so that the user can now pass in a string representation of a date and cfjs will attempt to convert it to a date object for processing. 10/15/2009 - (1.1.11) * Fixed minor bug in ListContains and ListContainsNoCase functions.
  • Added BBQ jquery plugin files.
  • Updated the Third Party JQuery UI to version 1.8.4.
  • Added the jquery JS for version 1.4 to ThirdParty. Updated the Scripts_1_0, loadJQuery function to update to load 1.4 by default and loadJQueryUI function to update to load 1.8 by default.
  • Updated JQuery UI third party code to version 1.8.5.
  • Added BlockUI plugin to help with blocking UI components during and ajax call.
  • Uploaded the thirdparty JQuery Full Calendar plugin.
  • Removed older versions of jQueryUI from the 1.7 version and kept 1.7.2 renamed as 1.7. Renamed all 1.7.2 code to 1.7 and adjusted all the filenames to match.
  • Added the jQuery Highlight plug-in to the thirdParty directory.
  • Added the theme smoothness to the jqueryui 1.8 thirdparty folder.
  • Uploaded the latest versions of JQuery 1.4 and 1.5. Updated the JQuery UI for 1.8.9.
  • Adding the TimeAgo (automatically updating fuzzy timestamps) plugin for jQuery.
  • Added jsTree and jQuery Hotkeys.
  • Added in Jquery v1.5.2 and v1.6.1.
  • Updated JQuery UI to v1.7.3 and v1.8.13.
  • Updated the JQuery UI themes CSS for v1.8.13.
  • Added the JQuery dump plugin to the thirdParty/jquery/ directory and added the loadJQueryDump function to the scripts/scripts_1_1.cfc component. The plugin functions similar to the "cfdump" and "writedump()" calls in ColdFusion -- looks very similar with a few modifications for various JS types and objects.
  • Added the "DoTimeout" and "TextLimit" plugins to the JQuery plugins library. Both plugins have corresponding load functions in the scripts_1_1.cfc as well.