PT Photo Gallery Photo Upload

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Revision as of 00:27, 21 December 2009 by Renee.mckechnie (talk | contribs)
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The Photo Upload Page will be used to upload new photos into the Photo Element. Follow these steps to configure.


  1. Create a new page called 'Photo Upload'. Recommend using the Blank Template because this page will be opened in a Lightbox. Recommend creating this page in the /photogalleryadmin/lightbox/ subsite.
  2. In the main content of the page, add a Custom Script element.
  3. From the Custom Script element interface, click the "Edit" icon.
  4. Enter the following text into the Explicit Module path:
    1. /ADF/apps/pt_photo_gallery/customcf/handle_photo_upload.cfm
    2. Select Finish and then Finish again.
  5. Publish the page.

Update Photo Gallery Site Config

This page will be used to add new profile records. Update the pt_profile.xml config file that we set up in Site Configuration. Get the URL for this page and update the <UPLOAD_FORM_URL> tag value with the page URL. Exclude the site name and leading slash from this value.

  • (i.e. <UPLOAD_FORM_URL>photogalleryadmin/lightbox/Photo-Upload.cfm</UPLOAD_FORM_URL>).
  • The ADF needs to be reset for the server and site for these CCAPI updates to take effect. Enter the following URL parameter string to any page call within the site:

Note: Resetting the ADF server might affect all sites implementing the ADF. If an error occurs, this could cause sites to go down. Needless to say, updates to the ADF Bean Configs and config files should be done in a controlled development environment (not on production servers!).