ADF Core

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Revision as of 13:45, 24 March 2010 by Mcarroll (talk | contribs) (Factory Object Configuration)
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Directory for the core components that implement the lightwire object factory.


  • Core.cfc - Initialization component for the ADF. This code creates the factory object into server space. The configuration of the object factory is controlled through the Core Bean Config.

<cfscript> // Check if the ADF variable does not exist in server scope if ( NOT StructKeyExists(server, "ADF") )

    server.ADF = StructNew();

server.ADF.beanConfig = StructNew(); // Stores the server bean configuration server.ADF.objectFactory = StructNew(); // Stores the server object factory server.ADF.dependencyStruct = StructNew(); // Stores the bean dependency list server.ADF.library = StructNew(); // Stores library components server.ADF.proxyWhiteList = StructNew(); // Stores Ajax Proxy White List server.ADF.dir = expandPath('/ADF');

// Build object factory server.ADF.beanConfig = createObject("component","ADF.core.lightwire.BeanConfig").init(); server.ADF.objectFactory = createObject("component","ADF.thirdParty.lightwire.LightWire").init(server.ADF.beanConfig);

// Load the Ajax white list proxy server.ADF.proxyWhiteList = createObject("component","ADF.core.Config").getConfigViaXML(expandPath("/ADF/lib/ajax/proxyWhiteList.xml")); </cfscript>

  • Base.cfc - Root base component for the ADF. Extended by the AppBase component (AppBase.cfc) to perform get operations for a factory object.
  • AppBase.cfc - Application base component. Extends the Base component and is extended by the custom application App components. Provides a layer between the ADF and the custom application.
