PT Photo Gallery Site Configuration 2.0

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If you are installing the PT Photo Gallery application, there is no need to do anything with this element at this time. This element will be configured in a later step.

The fields for the Photo Gallery Configuration custom element are defined below.

Configuration Fields

There are six major components to the configuration:

  1. UPLOAD_FORM_URL - Site relative URL for the Photo Upload page. (Example: /webadmin/photogalleryadmin/lightbox/Photo-Upload.cfm)
  2. DISPLAY_URL - Site relative URL for rendering a photo to the user.
  3. UPLOAD_URL - URL Path on the server to store the uploaded photos. (Example: /_cs_apps/pt_photo_gallery/uploads/)
  4. UPLOAD_DOC_TYPES - Photo file types that are allowed to be uploaded. (Example: jpg,gif,bmp,png)